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Rose Mosse

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Everything posted by Rose Mosse

  1. So sorry to hear this. Let us know how it goes.
  2. That doesn't sound peaceful at all. Funny how everyone wants to have a say. Ok. Weds. I'll come back and see how it turns out. Fingers crossed and let's see.
  3. Sorry to hear this but glad you're feeling better. It'll be negative soon! Hang in there.
  4. Haven't seen any movies lately but I'm watching Tropic Thunder again now.
  5. Late..... I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. New Year's is coming soon and I'm sure there'll be a thread for that too! I had a fabulous time with loved ones and some unexpected (happy) surprises. Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays! 💗
  6. I hear you. That was where I fell in love with Mr. Pegg. 💗 lol
  7. Just stopping by to see how you are doing, Bolt. Thinking of all of you.
  8. Haha. I love Simon Pegg. Good one. In Secret Dark, twisted, emotional and tragic. 💗💔 ICEolation Be still, my heart. 💘 I need to drag out the kayak soon.
  9. Hope it all goes smoothly, reinvent. Sending you lots of good vibes.
  10. I hope and pray you continue on this healing towards full recovery. Do you have a fever or have trouble breathing?
  11. Back Roads (2018) Layers like an onion. Eye-opening and sad.
  12. I wasn't sure if a colleague said "I love you" or "How are you". I wasn't thinking and in the middle of something else so I replied "I love you too". This was hours ago and I'm laughing about it now realizing I said that. We know each other very well so it's not an issue but more comical than anything.
  13. Grandma (2015) I love Lily Tomlin. But why does the hysterical woman always have to make an appearance in order to garner more ratings. It was more or less lighthearted but it felt like I went in for a fast food cheeseburger when I was planning for something more nourishing.
  14. Cold Pursuit (2019) Interesting. Very Tarantino-esque. Liam Neeson is great. The others are a bit cheesy/boring. Retaliation (2020) I had no idea Orlando Bloom had it in him but this movie had me reeling. Trigger, warning: child abuse. Made my heart hurt. I was exhausted after watching this.
  15. At Middleton I admit I laughed a few times and seeing Andy Garcia, Vera Farmiga and her sister, Taissa Farmiga, on screen together was a delight until the plot devolved and seemed to go sideways in a winding cover perhaps of an older French film. That they were both married in loveless relationships and falling in love with each other seemed to disturb me. I wonder if this is a polite inquiry into loveless relationships. I watched to the end.
  16. Los Amores Cobardes Sweet movie. What a beautiful take on the passing of young loves gained and lost and all the lessons learned. Zombie Apocalypse As you would expect... predictable but fun. I get a kick out of the special effects. The Neighbour's Window (short film) It won the 2020 Academy Award for Best Live Action Short Film. I was blinking back tears at the end of all the 21 minutes.
  17. Good grief. Here's some fries with that ignorance... Sorry to hear that, Pippy.
  18. I bubble to myself. lol... I know what you mean though. I even order everything to my door(started to this week- I know not everyone has this option). Sad the way things are but it won't be forever. Stay cheery... as best you can, Pippy. You're a ray of light.
  19. The rain is so calming. It sounds like we're about to be swept away to the Bay of Bengal though.
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