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Everything posted by evolution

  1. if he keeps sneding u txts and stuff he is >.> i always get a need to send my gf a sms when i think bout her heaps.
  2. sounds like a very mature 14 yr old some of my friends have had sex and i dont agree with it
  3. thx providentielle. thx for the help
  4. ok. my group. that i ahve been with for 2-3 years has broken up. me and another guy in the group are neutral and are trying to get it back together. there are 2 others who hate this one guy who the group really loves. those 2 people are really close to me and the other guy they hate is also very close to me. wat do i do. sorry if this is a really messy writup but i am really cut atm and i dunno what im going to do. cause i really want the group back. any help would be great. evo
  5. omg...the secret is a great idea.. good luck
  6. i know im to young to be here but...whao! it does exist by the sound of things.
  7. it all really deppends on the story about this other guy.....tell us more.
  8. ok...me and my gf have went on our first date. through the movie we were holding hands and talking. but when it got to the suitable kissing time. i didnt know how to kiss her. i just simply looked at her and she looked back. i didnt know what to do. i just felt like a dumbass. should i have just moved in...or should i have just said something eg . ur beautiful or something and then kissed her.. i need help plz evolution
  9. I'll answer your second question. No, boys dont really like their girl friends talking about their ex-boyfriends, especially if they know them. You can talk about it, but dont go into much detail with it. Just for example say: I had a boyfriend but i didnt really like him. Something like that will make the person you are with feel special more than making them dislike you.... gl
  10. ok. i have asked this girl out. we r going to the movies in 2 weeks cause she cant go anytime soon.. wat do i say till then do i just talk to her.......i afraid that she wth get bored and move on.. help!
  11. OMG IS THAT FALLEN ANGEL FROM V IN COD!!!! u legend... on ur new girlfriend....maybe she isnt your type. with the first gf i had i couldnt keep a convo going. cause she just simply didnt say anything that would link us onto a new topic it ended up getting boring and yeh. she was very attractive but, i think personality is more important (too a degree). anyways..if your conversation doesnt pick up then meh..tell her it isnt going to work...i think that if you can make a convo last with a girl then she is meant for you. if you REALLY want her then ask her about where she works...and stuff...and simply get a job there...or something like that....do somethign with her outside of school so you have something to talk about... trust me...it works..
  12. ok....there is this girl that i really like....i think she likes me.....and then there is this other girl.....who really likes me.....and i like her 2........but i am going to the movies with a group of friends and the first girl will be there i like them both but.... dont wanna hurt their feelings in anyway..... wat should i do? tell one that i like someone else? just say to one? this wont work out? i dunno....HELP plz...the help will help me cheers...evo
  13. dude....seriously....u have so much to live for...u got a desent job! save up and move away.. commiting suicide is just the easy way out of things....if you got out of trouble once....you can most definently get out of trouble again! live your life to the limit....you have lived what...over 20 years and if you commit suicide, those 20 yrs would have been wasted....it is beter off you move to a more non-drug related area....not saying that the rich dont use drugs.... in conclusion to my confusing write up.... Live life as long as you can....just because it gets hard along the way doesnt mean you should take the easy way out....
  14. like dn said...try to get her talkin more..not just you saying everything ...if you keep talking on about yourself it gets boring and yeh....ask her how her day was?, how was her sport on the weekend?..were did she go on the weekend? etc. gl
  15. Im new too!!!!!!! hi5!!! happens a lot to me.......but then they end up inviting me somewhere later. just talk to them more..do they like hate u or something? cause if they do...that wont work. i dunno....im lost.
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