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Phoenix Down

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Everything posted by Phoenix Down

  1. When ever she calls she's always bubbly with other girls in the backround laughing and having a good time. (Which is great, I want nothing more than for anyone to be happy and have fun.) It all just seems so fake. Not like her at all.
  2. She called at aroung 11:30 pm. Yeah I sent that messabe last friday tho. About the friday text, that was last friday about the final. But she called this friday with the BS call. I'm starting to qustion things now as to what I feel. Do I want some one who dosn't have the will to brake this pointless call reel.
  3. So the next time she calls just brake the cycle? Ok, all these nonsense calls are starting to push me away. (not too much) but enough to wonder if I'm wasting my time.
  4. Firday she calls me up, (I was thinking it was because I never called her back to go out this weekend. ) But all she wanted was the name of our teacher for this class we took, and to let me know she was moving into her new place next week. She knew the name of our teacher. It was even her who remembered it on the phone. Any way, I offered to help move if she needed. I guess she wanted to make contact with me. I just wish she'd come out and talk like a normal person insted of this random "whose my teacher" stuff. What's you input?
  5. Good. Always look out for you first. It took me a while to listen to that one. Well I hope things go well, if you need to talk, if I have a chance, I'm here. Works been nuts here lately. Heres a little snip from a new track I'm do'n for every one here on the site. It sounds corny but you have to hear it with the music. "everything happens for a reason, thats what I told my self the day you went away, and some things happen for no reason, thats what I tell my self to this day." Theres more but I dont want to bore you. I should get to go home soon.
  6. I feel your pain on that note. I hope we both come out of this positively. Tho there is no way of telling. He should feel lucky that you want to be in his arms. Why 5 times? If you wan to tell.
  7. So you dont care for you ex?
  8. My ex's best friend drilled me about the new girl. I guess that means the ex put her up to it. I dont think her friend likes me very much tho. The day before our friends wedding my ex changed places with her friend to walk down the isle with me instead. She seemed to enjoy the fact she got to tell me a little too much. I didn't let it phase me. The guy she switched with was an old friend of mine. It didn't bother me at all. I used to be jealous of the dude cause I thought he liked her while we where together still. But it all seemed childish to me after we broke up. (one of the things that changed about me, I'd some times get jealous over stupid stuff but hardly let it show, but she some how always knew.) I think it kind of made her mad after the wedding, she thought I'd be jealous but dude and I ended up hooking up with some more people and went clubbing. Had a lot of fun. We tried to get her to come, when we asked all she had to say was "you both are going?" She thought i'd be jealous but why would she try to make me mad? Thats part of what make this so hard to judge. I think it made her angry tho, thats why she was so short every time I'd just try to be friendly.
  9. Nope, she'z the first one who's made it seem worth while to get back together. It's just this new girl. Do you think she may see her as a thret, and should I put that to an end to calm her? For some reason I think not, but I was wondering if any girls had a responce to that one.
  10. I wish you luck man. As for me, I feel I have a chance, it's just out of my hands for now.
  11. No responce to the text. All it said was "good luck on UR final". Not sure why she respond to that. I think youe ex is a little more sure of what she wants over mine.
  12. Just the text. And this is off topic, I saw Korn last night and they still kick @#$#%.
  13. I'm sure shes seen it. Everyone else has. I had no idea how different I was acting till my friends and family started to say..." it's good to have you back again" I'm joking around, smiling, always wanting to go out and do something vers staying in. I dont know if she's seen it, but the only way she will is if she wants to. I cant do too much to insure that how ever.
  14. We were together for 3 years and have been apart for 5 months. She left me because i didn't show enough love. I had just ended a long bad relationship when my current ex and I (who I had been friends with prior) Got together. She wanted to lick my wounds and I wasn't quite ready so she took her time. I took her for granted for the most part. I was afraid to let her know how much of me she had. My feelings for her grew strong after only a year of being together. At times my fear would fade and we'd have such wonderful moments. I didnt want to hurt her, and at the same time I didn't know what I wanted. In the end she was what I was looking for but by the time i came to my senses my fears had pushed her off. I wasnt even sure who I was anymore. (important lesson #1, be happy with youself before trying to be happy with some one else) After the ex,ex and I broke up, it made me qustion my values. But in the end it was her who's values should have been in qustion. I'd like to give her all of me. I think we could be very happy, but showing her takes time. It's not something you can just tell someone. I dont want want to be remembered as that confused person. But you must learn from your mistakes. A lesson I wish didnt cost me loosing her. But life presses on. Maybe with luck we'll get this mess behind us. But I agree, the best thing to do now is let things be. She knows how I feel. I dont want to pressure things.
  15. Well it all depends on the story. If it seems like something that wont be seen as stupid through the ex's eye's then do it! If not, hold back. I think in your case, it couldent hurt.
  16. i'd like to see if she contacts me. I'm not really stressing over this any more. It seems like everyone else is tho. (friends) Thats because they saw the pain I went through. They see something I dont tho. How can they think so strongly that she wants me back in her life again, I just dont see it? I agree we're both not ready. So what now S&D? Just sit back and let her do her thing, almost like n/c again? Thats cool with me. I think if she dosn't call this week or maybe the next I'll try one more time. But over all, we've never had closure so I'm thinking I'll just meet up with her to do that. That way it's finnally over and I can get these thoughts out of my head. I have a biased view of things. I'd still like to see where this could go. But at the same time it's not the end of the world. So she's confused, but about what? I guess I am too. What do you think needs to be done? I'm not living off of your answer, I just want to see if it matches with what I see. Thanks Deja
  17. The pain can come as quickly as it can go. I know right now that seems impossable but it's true. Take this time for you. Do things for you. I know it's hard not to, but try not to worry about her and what her friends might do. You've got enough stress to deal with of your own Just let go and know that every thing happens for a reason. Maybe you'll find someone new or better yet, she'll realize what she had and come back with even more love and trust to give. The point is, if you stand there watching and waiting to see what happens and the world passes by, over time in your mind set everythnig around you has changed and now you have to catch up which can cause even more stress. And living the past in the present can drive even the most strong minded people to brake down. Be careful where you place your heart. Only the present and the future can be changed. Good luck and sorry if I lost you. I at work so i dont have time to write straight through.
  18. all my frends seem to think i'm crazy for not callingmy ex to come with us this weekend. (read older post to understand) They think she wants me again and is afraid that because i'm "lightly" seeing this other girl, she wants to see how much i care before she says anything. They dont understand I cant just take a risk and guess what she feels. It has to come out over time. Thats why i want to hang out with her. Though she said she was free this weekend, I dont want to come accross as needy. I know now i can be happy with what ever happens for now i have found my place once again. Tho i want to share this with my ex, there just seems to be too many open options as to what she may want. am i at fault here?
  19. Got cha that time S&D. I sent her a text message last night. All it said was "good luck on UR final." I'm also going out of town this weekend so we couldent do anything any way. I also have those speakers that belong to her friend. She'll have to call me sometime to let me know when to drop them off. So as for now. It's back to me. Making my self happy, and doing things to insure my smile stays in place. If she really wants to get a hold of me, she knows my number. If she needs to talk, she knows my number. I can see I'v done plenty to show her I still care. It's up to her now where to go with it. Like you said, She has to come into this with out that guilt that may be keeping her from making up her mind. I feel so much better today. Better than I've felt in a long long time. I'll still keep posts in the mean while. Thanks again for your time.
  20. After listening to everyones replies, I'm starting to think I should just give up and go on thinking "no" till she comes out and says she does want to try again. There is no way of knowing. I'm not "too" sad or anything, this is not the result of depression, just a thought. All this does is add extra stress to my life right now I dont need. The only one with any answer is her and I over time. I find myself running here day by day hoping to find proof we may still have a chance. But I've been confusing advice with chance. I need to step back for a little bit and refocus for the weekend. I'll be back on monday. With a better frame of mind. Have a good weekend and be safe Deja, wish me luck
  21. #1.) The message would read..."Good luck on the exam" And thats it. #2.) I'd only get a house warming gift if she invites me over. and #3.) I wasn't going to invite her out again. We all we're going out, thought I let her know she was welcome to come, she's busy, so no big deal. If she really wants to she'll call and let me know. "PPS: Just to understand that whole needy/desparate thing. It's not that you are trying to be "the man" or any rediculous thing like that... but put yourself in her position. She knows she hurt you. She feels terrible about it. If she thinks you are still in an exposed/sensitive position, any small doubts she has become magnified in her mind, as she avoids her biggest fear regarding this failed relationship: guilt. You must avoid feeding this fear." I'm not sure I understand. I'm sorry man. Could you run it past me again. Thanks Deja
  22. What did you do that made you ex change her mind? I dont want or have control, but if I can be myself and still make things go in the right direction thats cool to.
  23. Good, cause it just sounds like theres no hope. If the ex is the one who left you why after time and after I said I dont want to do the friend ship thing would she contact me? I'm not saying she wants me, I have no idea. but she wants something. And at this point a friendship wouldent be a bad thing either. Not That I would want to hang out with her all the time, but if we see each other out and about, it wouldent be so strange. Almost like closure which we never had.
  24. So the answer to all our qustions here is , if you love your ex. Walk away? And any time an ex calls it's just to be friends?
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