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Phoenix Down

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Everything posted by Phoenix Down

  1. My ex broke contact, but I'm not sure of her intentions. She asked if I wanted to go out sometime and hang with some old friends. Things kept commin up on my end. She stoped asking but keeps emailing. What signs can you look for to see what she might be after? I can post our emails if needed. I didnt want to bore any body.[/url]
  2. No, I'll check it out right quick.
  3. Same thing here. I just hope she gives me the chance to show her. Do you think she may be thinking the same as your ex at this point, just not making it too clear?
  4. I wont, until we go out one on one or get back together we're going dutch. I paid for things when we'd go out after the brake up. Her friend said it made her feel uneasy. I was just blinded by fear . I am glad we had this time apartin a way, Tho I do miss her it's made me find myself again. I'm much happier now. You've gotta be happy with yourself before your happy with any one. Very important lesson I should have learned long ago.
  5. I dont know if shes thinking about me, but she does work and go to school full time. I'm sure she goes out and has some kind of fun tho. But thats not my business. She has said she hates being so busy. I hope she atleast does something. Thats gitta suck. Thats another reason why I hope we try things again. I've got a much better job now so we can go out and do a lot more on my expence. Thats one thing I've always wanted, but couldent because after rent and other BS. Theres so much I have to show her, but may not get the chance. If not it will be some one else, but she deserves it more than any one I can think of. I'm not saying she deserves me (I've done plenty wrong), she just deserves to be spoiled for all the things she goes out of her way to do for other people. I know that sounds retarded but she is truly unlike any other I've ever met.
  6. Yes to both, mostly with friends. I have some close Vietnamese friends I hang out with. We always find a way to have a good time. Even tho I'm a me'chong (sp?) white guy. They dont really open up to many prople, so I feel lucky to have a close honest family of friends I know I can depend on. I keep my friends few and close. But when we go out, we go out big. Like 15-20 people so it's always a good time.
  7. Sorry man, works stressful and sense I'm single it's become habbit. I do need to back down tho. It is just about every night I messed up now. After waok it's time to play, those 9 hour days really take it out on you.
  8. So that means call her at night. Late at that. Ok, good idea. I'll keep you posted. PD
  9. You lost me on that one...("call when she calls you") I'm not sure she'll call again, N-less I dont call her back, she might call, but that seems unwise sense I called her in the first place. What where you trying to tell me?
  10. I'm at work, I have to wait till lunch or 8 o'clock when I get off. I want to try and get a hold of her this time. I dont want to start a match of phone tag If she's at school or working should I leave her a message again?
  11. Hey, check out my web page. (college site) I'm the 4th one down. Shaunacy, I'm goung to be moving back overseas here shortly and Always looking for new projects. Take a listen to those 3 tracks and see if it's of intrest. About your girl tho, I dont know what to tell you except theres not much you can do. Respect her and her wishes. Maybe over time she'll change her mind, but dont live off of that. Go out and have fun. Good luck PD
  12. It's so strange how we dont notice things about our selves n-till we see it in someone else. I know what your doing. (I think ) In your mind it seems like any and every bad thing that could happen can and will happen. She doesn't like the other guy. Something must have gone very wrong. If you keep building walls and walls of of negitive thoughts you both will never reach each other. That invisable field of anti trust and endless qustions about the dude who slept with her will be the very thing that keeps you two from finding one another. If you want to start things over with your ex, then do just that. Start over, new everything, let the past be the past and look ahead to what will and could be. But you have to rid these thoughts from your sub conscious. All it will do is drain you. I know it's hard, but atleast try. Good luck PD
  13. She called me back last night but I was too riped to answer. I didn't want to be all messed up and try sound sober. I waited till late to party, I didn't think she'd call past 11. but almost like clock work she did. I left her a message yesterday, but she didn't leave me one. When we where together she'd leave messages left and right. I know we're broken up now, but she could have atleast returned the faver.
  14. Just be you. And try not to bring up the sex thing. I know it hurts man but it something that cant be changed. Look at what can.
  15. Trust me guy, you're in a much better way than most of us here. Sex is almost like shaking hands with someone. It's just two bodies making contact. The moment was there but you now have the chance to make all new momemts. The past is just that , the past. She seems like she's learned from this. We all make mistakes. If we didn't life would be boring and we wouldent learn anything. At least anything that experence can teach us. The quiet lesson that yells in our minds. Give her a chance.
  16. My parents worked for the government so I lived all over europe and asia. I'm american, I came back here to go to school. The whole time I was over seas all I wanted was to come back to the us and live but now that I'm here I wanna go back so badly. I like it here and everything, but the people are strange. It's hard to find original people here. Every ones chasing an image or trying to be like every one else. I cant say that for every one I've met, but somethings just a miss here, not sure what it is.
  17. Thats cool man, You should go sometime and check it out. I was born in frankfurt. But we are from italy.
  18. Well good luck man, you'll love it. It's strange tho. I dont hear a lot of people say the "love" germany with out being there. What got you so intrested?
  19. Hey, where in germany are you? I lived in baumholder for about 4 years then moved to italy. I'm die'n to go back. I miss europe so much. I've been in the US for about 7 years, I like it. But my home is overseas.
  20. Ok. I dont think I'll panic, maybe loose a little faith, but I'm not going to freak out At this point I've come to realize what ever happens happens it's out of my hands. Time has the answer to this one, so lets just hope time is on my side.
  21. Ok, I called and left a message. Just like you said strong and confident. I told her a bunch of us are going out this weekend to maybe catch dinner and a movie and maybe to a club or two and she was welcome to come if she wanted. Now we play the waiting game. Only problem is our cell phones arnt allowed while on the clock so It's in the car. We'll see if she leaves a message. Wish me luck. Deja
  22. Be the man she fell in love with. Do something way off the wall, but also very very thoughtful. What does she like to do?
  23. I'll call her and leave a message n-less she picks up. I'm going to call on my lunch brake. I'll let ya'll know how it went. PD
  24. Dont let that get you down. But we all mkake mistakes. If you have feelings for her still, give it a shot. It's better to regret something you have done, than something you havent done. I hoped I helped. PD
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