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  1. Great news, I have a bladder infection, just came back form the doctors. Got some pills, told to drink lots of fluids and it should be gone in the next 5 days. I knew i could trust my boy. no STDs for me.
  2. yeh but im pretty sure its not an std cos i have a sore throat and im coughing alot and i dont have a cold.
  3. No he didn't use a condom but i know that he doesn't have any STD's.
  4. Okay so i just lost my virginity this past weekend, and i know this might sounds weird but when i pee it burns and after i pee and get up and everything it feels like i have to pee again but i dont have to....i know this sounds weird but is that normal or do i have like a bladder infection? And when i say it burns it's not my pee hole (lol) that burns but its my...ugggggg whats the word, vaginal opening that burns....should i be conserned?
  5. Any advice on how I could talk to him about this.
  6. you did nothing wrong. The situation I dont think could have been helped. You were drunk and he was (you think) drunk and there it's good communication when you are. I know. I have said some pretty stupid thing when i was drunk. And you really dont mean to say then but it happens. I dont kow what you should do with this guy but I would try getting in touch with him again and talk about what happened.
  7. I dont think you should cut off ties with her. I just think That you should focus on other things right now. cos if you just focus on her and what shes doing your just going to become more upset and frustarted. If you dont think your going to become frustrated and all that maye you should tell her how you feel. You say you are best friends, she should understand then. I also think that shes not really inlove with this guy. Maybe shes just confused about everything and is just taking the familiar path out of things. I've done that a few times. But i really dont think that cutting off ties with her is the answer, cos you love her and no matter what your gonna keep feeling that way. And it just hurts you more in the end when you separate yourself from love. and you gotta remember, shes been going out with this guy for like 3 years..its hard to get over some one no matter how they treat you when you've gone out for such a long time. Just give her some time for her to think things through better.
  8. Hmmm....if your worried, I suggest going to a doctor. Even if it might be your period, the changes in the blood colour is questoinable. Besides every year a woman should go see a doctor after becoming sexually active, you might as well get everything checked out.
  9. I know that breaking if off wit him would be the best thing to do but I don't know how to go about it. I really dont want to hurt him any way but I know that no matter how i go about this some one will get hurt. I just dont know how to comunicate this to him.
  10. I have a boyfriend now. we have been going out for almost a month and I'm not too sure how it will all work out. He is such a nice guy and he could do so much better. I don't feel for him the same way he feels for me. And I feel guilty because I really really like some one else. I feel like a total jerk for it. But I feel that I can't break up with him because I'm getting closer with his family. But this other guy, he makes me feel so wonderful. My boyfriend feels only like a friend to me. But hes liked me for a long time. I just dont know what to do and think about this whole thing. I feel so messed up. I just don't wanna hurt anyone. I need advice.
  11. Please...whatever you do...dont do that. I know life might seem pointless and that your loosing your perpose but if you just hold on thing can and will get better. I know what its like to feel rejected by those around you.. Life can seem hard and it is sometimes, but you have to be strong...I dont see you as being weak. you have to be a very strong person to have gone as far as you did...I know I never could and i like to think of myself as a strong person...I never abused myself but my sister has and she just recently told everyone..I was so proud of her for telling us all. and i'm proud that you found the strengh in yourself to tell other people. I also seeing yourslef as being strong..you told your friend that you love her..Something I could never admit to my friend. Life is indeed very unfair but if you work at it, it can become a great thing. I know what its like to have moved from a place that you were comfortable in to a place that is forgein to you...for the first 7 years that I have lived where i do now...I only had myself. Nobody there would be my friend..I was an outcast, tormented by my peers. I was the kid who played in the back field by myself hoping someone would feel sorry for me and come and talk to me...but that never happened...I had to work hard to become who i am today. Not saying that its much but It is a start to a life i hope to be full and have a perpose. If you just look around you, you might beable to find your perpose..Your life doesn't have to end this way.
  12. Well...i am attracted to the nipple..i have a fedish for it...but the size of a nipple doesn't really matter, everyones bodys are different
  13. My mom has a new bf who is around 20 years older then her...i dont have a problem with it as long as shes happy im happy...but when i'm about to go somewhere....shes like 'if anyone asks about me and jim dont say anything'....see...if i were in a relationship and was happy, i would tell anyone and not care what other people think....see..im not the one with the problem but i think it's my mom who has the problem with her bf being 20 years older then her...do you think by the way she doesn't want anyone to know, that she has a problem with going out with an older man?
  14. when i was younger I always thought i liked girls and now that i think back i releize that there were suttle hints that i was bi,...when i said girls i really ment guys lol
  15. well for me i didn't know my whole life, i came to the conclusion i was bi when....accually i dont really know when. But one day it just hit me that i also like girls as well as guys. when i was younger I always thought i liked girls and now that i think back i releize that there were suttle hints that i was bi, like checking girls out and stuff. But i had always thought that i liked strickly guys cos i was raised to believe that was the only gender girls could like. So for me one day i reliezed i was bi and i didn't know my whole life and as i said before there are suttle hints along the way that can tell you if your gay, bi or lesbian.
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