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30 And Never Had A Girlfriend, Too Ugly?

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11 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

Yes try that site since you already like cheap hook-up looks-based apps like tinder. You'll get exactly that. Opinions from people you've never met. Even ones that are consistent with your stance. A sort of confirmation bias heaven.

I'm really not looking to have any bias confirmed, but you must see that the opinion of 10 single women is more useful to me than the opinion of 100 straight men or married women.

7 hours ago, mylolita said:

Sorry @MysteriousTelephone, we were being polite, you’re too ugly - give up 🤓


I hope that helps! 

No, seriously, I think @Kwothe28is onto something, I really do. People have a lovey knack of picking up on negativity or desperation or whatever you want to name your feelings of “everyone out of my league” it just seems, defeatist, before you’ve ever begun. And I know 12 years is along time but people have to wait or look for much longer, it’s definitely not uncommon. Most men could probably write your post at some point in their life, if not for a majority of it.


I think I’m trying to say, it’s not as bleak or bad or hopeless as you might think. 

You’re probably great at other things - people can’t get an easy ride on everything in life. Maybe you are academic, practical, naturally athletic, funny, have a special talent or a loving and caring family. We all struggle with something. What comes easy to one is not going to be easy for another, and vice versa.

No, really, I've never asked someone out with a defeatist attitude; I may not be afraid of rejection, but I certainly don't invite it by asking people out when I'm sure they'll say no. 12 years is absolutely uncommon, I've yet to find anyone with a record that's even close. A few people on this thread have mentioned they've known people to take a little bit longer, who've had troubles talking to women etc, but none of that applies here, and even in their examples, they did not reach 30 in that same situation.

It's a really hard one to put my finger on, though I put it down to Occam's Razor, the logic that when presented with a problem, the most obvious solution is usually the correct one: when you hear hoofbeats you'd think "horses!" not "zebras!", is the example to explain this. So you have someone that's never had anyone attracted to them, that people reject based off a photo, that when friends try to set him up with their friends, their friends say "no way!". Do you go to A) Maybe.... this person isn't attractive? Or B) Obviously they just need to be more confident!

6 hours ago, Coily said:

Just a thought for the OP, maybe write a sample dating profile (leaving it very anonymous) on a separate thread. Sometimes it is the tone we unintentionally impart negatives.

I have to wonder if you have gone in to asking a woman out with the already defeated mindset? I know a lot are talking about seeming desperate etc, but self defeat may come across more strongly than expected.

Have you written down a list of characteristics you are looking for, and won't settle on? If so have you shared it with worthwhile friends who want to help?

It is dang annoying to be stuck in the rejection rut, it seems there is no way out. Hope you find your feet, and have a lot of luck.

I really wouldn't say I've come in with a defeated mindset, quite the reverse, I'm fairly optimistic. Like the speed dating, I honestly felt good about myself, enjoyed the conversations I had and felt I came off pretty well, everyone praised me, and I went away thinking I'd got somewhere. Cut to the following morning, when I found out that 12 out of 12 women ticked 'no' for me, and were just being polite. The magic power of self belief did nothing to help me.

I have tried to get my friends to set me up with their friends, to no success. The majority of the time the 'friend' says no once pictures are exchanged, others that have already met me said no immediately.

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49 minutes ago, MysteriousTelephone said:

I'm really not looking to have any bias confirmed, but you must see that the opinion of 10 single women is more useful to me than the opinion of 100 straight men or married women.

No, really, I've never asked someone out with a defeatist attitude; I may not be afraid of rejection, but I certainly don't invite it by asking people out when I'm sure they'll say no. 12 years is absolutely uncommon, I've yet to find anyone with a record that's even close. A few people on this thread have mentioned they've known people to take a little bit longer, who've had troubles talking to women etc, but none of that applies here, and even in their examples, they did not reach 30 in that same situation.

It's a really hard one to put my finger on, though I put it down to Occam's Razor, the logic that when presented with a problem, the most obvious solution is usually the correct one: when you hear hoofbeats you'd think "horses!" not "zebras!", is the example to explain this. So you have someone that's never had anyone attracted to them, that people reject based off a photo, that when friends try to set him up with their friends, their friends say "no way!". Do you go to A) Maybe.... this person isn't attractive? Or B) Obviously they just need to be more confident!

I really wouldn't say I've come in with a defeated mindset, quite the reverse, I'm fairly optimistic. Like the speed dating, I honestly felt good about myself, enjoyed the conversations I had and felt I came off pretty well, everyone praised me, and I went away thinking I'd got somewhere. Cut to the following morning, when I found out that 12 out of 12 women ticked 'no' for me, and were just being polite. The magic power of self belief did nothing to help me.

I have tried to get my friends to set me up with their friends, to no success. The majority of the time the 'friend' says no once pictures are exchanged, others that have already met me said no immediately.

Actually I don't necessarily agree that the opinion of single women always tells you more about your romantic appeal than that of taken women, men, your friends, etc. The thing is that romantic attraction isn't just easy in the sense that everyone is always into everyone. It's actually not that common for most people to be into a lot of people.

For example let's say I work somewhere and I have 50 colleagues in my office and a fair number of them are male. I may only be attracted to maybe a couple of those men, or even none. That's not to say that something is wrong with them in any way but it's just that for some reason I'm personally not feeling anything romantic towards them. Their friends might say to them they look fine and are good people and everything, yet me, this single woman is not romantically interested in them.

I've actually done speed dating quite a few times. I was very generous with ticking most men there as a match because I just wanted to get to know them more, since they were strangers. Sometimes I got no matches at all and sometimes maybe between 1 - 4. But having said that, after I did get the matches, some of those men didn't actually contact me or respond if I contacted them. And as I mentioned before, I am not ugly by any means and I'm very friendly and bubbly.


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9 hours ago, Tinydance said:

But having said that, after I did get the matches, some of those men didn't actually contact me or respond if I contacted them. And as I mentioned before, I am not ugly by any means and I'm very friendly and bubbly.

I wouldn't assume that had anything to do with attraction or anything personal -could be a lot of reasons -the person realized he didn't feel like dating anyone, the person got back together with someone else, met someone else the next day, was doing speed dating as a dare or to be like a wingman for a friend who was too hesitant to go alone, etc. 

Also just like when I'm trying to make friends through facebook groups in my area some people just flake -it's too much effort to actually follow through (yes, if the person knocks their socks off with chemistry I guess but they're not going to put in the effort just to "give someone a chance").

I know of a woman who now 3 times over the past months has told me "I really want to meet" and each time I've replied with a suggestion as to good times/a good place.  Then -silence.  The first time this happened she tried to say basically we both got busy and I diplomatically pointed out that she'd said she'd contact me after her daughter left.

Now I'm leaving the ball in her court -I'd try again if she knocked my socks off but I find this a lot especially with online meeting -if you don't meet right away many people will not make it a priority to step up to the plate and make a specific time and place to meet -and stick to it barring an emergency.  I do.  I've been like that for over 40 years. 

It doesn't seem like much effort to make an actual plan instead of enthusiastically using words but not following up with actions but I actually do put effort into arranging my schedule, picking a good and convenient place and time, etc -sometimes it takes a lot of doing and I do it.  Some people realize that they're just not up for that level of effort.

So OP - some of the women who decline simply don't want to put in the effort it takes to go out on a date -and -true - they might not find you drop dead gorgeous or scintillating and if they don't their default is to say no -especially if unbeknownst to you they are single but waiting to hear from an ex, or someone they are crushing on, or a hook up they hope turns into more.  I had single friends who would do that -they might go on a date if I set them up but if they were crushing on some unavailable guy their heart  really wasn't in it.  

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I believe the fact that you can't even come up with any sort of answer to the question "Why do you think thousands of other so-called 'ugly' men are able to find girlfriends and wives but you haven't been able to?" is the key.

Perhaps those other men have discovered something you haven't been able to discover.

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16 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

I believe the fact that you can't even come up with any sort of answer to the question "Why do you think thousands of other so-called 'ugly' men are able to find girlfriends and wives but you haven't been able to?" is the key.

Perhaps those other men have discovered something you haven't been able to discover.

Also he hasn't been able to come up with any particular reason why he would be/is considered ugly. He also said he's probably average...? In one comment he said he thinks his face maybe is not symmetrical? But yet said he's not disfigured. I mean, basically everyone's face is symmetrical. No offence but if it wasn't then I think the person could probably be considered somewhat disfigured. 

I mean, if someone is fit and slim, not disfigured, no acne, no scars, no disabilities. How ugly can they really be?

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After 8 pages of commentary (with possibly more coming), I will very interested in an update post a couple of months or a year down the line lol 

I just came across this video which might be helpful. Maybe you can do a similar experiment, because you would probably get some pretty good feedback. I really think this video helps show that the reasons for saying no are many and varied and may not even have anything to do with physical attraction. It also has a lot to do with your approach, especially your confidence and the way you carry yourself. 


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5 minutes ago, moodindigo91 said:

After 8 pages of commentary (with possibly more coming), I will very interested in an update post a couple of months or a year down the line lol 

I just came across this video which might be helpful. Maybe you can do a similar experiment, because you would probably get some pretty good feedback. I really think this video helps show that the reasons for saying no are many and varied and may not even have anything to do with physical attraction. It also has a lot to do with your approach, especially your confidence and the way you carry yourself. 


#36 What on earth?

I think some of this is missing the context of the lead in to him asking the "want a date," But still I think the OP can take some encouragement. it's a numbers game, and also a venue game as well.

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36 minutes ago, moodindigo91 said:

I really think this video helps show that the reasons for saying no are many and varied and may not even have anything to do with physical attraction.

This. Lots of times when I was rejected it wasnt because of me but because of other factors. People always assume its something about them whether its looks or something they say. While in lots of times it isnt.

Also, 19% is very impressive given that he doesnt know any of them at all. 

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2 hours ago, moodindigo91 said:

After 8 pages of commentary (with possibly more coming), I will very interested in an update post a couple of months or a year down the line lol 

I just came across this video which might be helpful. Maybe you can do a similar experiment, because you would probably get some pretty good feedback. I really think this video helps show that the reasons for saying no are many and varied and may not even have anything to do with physical attraction. It also has a lot to do with your approach, especially your confidence and the way you carry yourself. 


HA HA HA HA SPAM. I loved this!! The guy was so funny. Also basically all the girls he asked out were cute. He did really well!

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On 10/26/2022 at 1:57 AM, Tinydance said:

I've actually done speed dating quite a few times. I was very generous with ticking most men there as a match because I just wanted to get to know them more, since they were strangers. Sometimes I got no matches at all and sometimes maybe between 1 - 4. But having said that, after I did get the matches, some of those men didn't actually contact me or respond if I contacted them. And as I mentioned before, I am not ugly by any means and I'm very friendly and bubbly.


Sorry guys, been away for a few days!

I'm really surprised to hear your speed dating story! Such is the dynamics of dating, I would always expect men to be more generous with ticks than women, and that no woman would leave without a single tick. I really can't believe it! Like you say, that's not to say the matches that you did get were any good, of course.

On 10/26/2022 at 3:01 PM, Carnatic said:


So what would you do, do you think. If tomorrow you got some piece of evidence that was impossible to ignore that suggested you were actually in the top 10% or something of men, in terms of general physical attractiveness.

I mean, I don't think I'd "do" anything different: I'd still pursue my hobbies, still go out socially and meet people, just the end result might not be spending the rest of my year alone romantically.

On 10/26/2022 at 3:55 PM, boltnrun said:

I believe the fact that you can't even come up with any sort of answer to the question "Why do you think thousands of other so-called 'ugly' men are able to find girlfriends and wives but you haven't been able to?" is the key.

Perhaps those other men have discovered something you haven't been able to discover.

Seriously, for as many times as you ask the same question, I am still unable to answer it. All manner of men, all shapes and sizes, yet I'm the one nobody wants. I cannot answer it, and I look forward to you asking the same question again very soon.

On 10/26/2022 at 4:15 PM, Tinydance said:

Also he hasn't been able to come up with any particular reason why he would be/is considered ugly. He also said he's probably average...? In one comment he said he thinks his face maybe is not symmetrical? But yet said he's not disfigured. I mean, basically everyone's face is symmetrical. No offence but if it wasn't then I think the person could probably be considered somewhat disfigured. 

I mean, if someone is fit and slim, not disfigured, no acne, no scars, no disabilities. How ugly can they really be?

Yup, like I said, I can find no objective reason. What I have observed over the years is that every aspect of my appearance has changed: clothes (we all go through phases, and grow up), hair, body type (I've since gained muscle mass), the only thing that has not changed is my face. Sure, if I was skinny, I'd work on that, if I hadn't changed my hairstyle or updated my wardrobe, I'd start with those. But when all of those have been done, and the only constant in this 12 years is my face, and people say 'definitely not!' based on a photo of my face... I don't really know what other conclusions to draw here. I don't personally feel like I look like I should be living under a bridge, but I'm damn sure treated that way.

On 10/26/2022 at 10:58 PM, moodindigo91 said:

After 8 pages of commentary (with possibly more coming), I will very interested in an update post a couple of months or a year down the line lol 

I just came across this video which might be helpful. Maybe you can do a similar experiment, because you would probably get some pretty good feedback. I really think this video helps show that the reasons for saying no are many and varied and may not even have anything to do with physical attraction. It also has a lot to do with your approach, especially your confidence and the way you carry yourself. 


Again, I think you're not really reading my issue: this is not a fear of rejection, or being unable to ask people out. I'm a social person, and don't have any confidence issues asking people out. I get what you're going for with the video, but watching strangers with a camera pointed at them saying they 'would' go on a date with a YouTuber really doesn't seem to apply to me. Sure, I get it, people have personal stuff going on, not wanting to date anyone, not over their ex, there's a dozen reasons. What I am talking about is women who are actively seeking a man, that I get on with and can make laugh, but do not want to go out with me, and a week later appear with a handsome man on their arm.... I'm not putting 2 and 2 together and getting 10 here.

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Can I be cruel to be weirdly kind?


If I were single, I wouldn’t say yes, and I have never even seen your face! I’m sorry Mysterious, but I think as this thread goes on, the answer may be in your attitude? 

I say this in the nicest possible way. What vibe are you giving off? Maybe it’s not such a great confident and positive one like you may suspect? Maybe it’s a weary and hopeless and “seen it all before just know you’re going to say no” attitude? Strangers gather their first impression of someone within under a second. Forget your appearance maybe - what vibe do you  think you project? Is it a welcoming, friendly, easy going one? I don’t get that from your responses here.


I say this in the nicest possible way and of course I could be wrong because again, I don’t know you - just going by what you have put here and what I feel you have projected in your responses.



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2 hours ago, MysteriousTelephone said:

for as many times as you ask the same question, I am still unable to answer it. ... I don't really know what other conclusions to draw here. I think you're not really reading my issue

It seems you've draw the conclusion that women swipe left because you believe they aren't attracted to your face. Since according to you, you've ruled everything else out and tried everything you can think of so far.

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2 hours ago, MysteriousTelephone said:

I think you're not really reading my issue

I don't really think I am. I think YOU are missing my point, and the point of many others on this thread, which is the it seems like the main reason you can't get dates/a girlfriend has something to do with your attitude. The way you have resigned yourself to a foregone conclusion, and refuse to actually accept any advice on the matter. You just say, well I've been there and done that and it's never worked before. Plus, look at all this outside evidence I have that proves I have an ugly face. That guy in the video, for instance, not exactly traditionally handsome. Yet he got plenty of women to say "yes." The point is that you should think about what you're doing, that has nothing to do with your physical looks, that is causing women to turn you down. 

No matter how often we say, hey, ugly faces have not stopped plenty of men from finding romance. 

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One of my theories is that for some reason you think all the other men are handsome and you're not. I doubt that's the case. I mean yeah you might be an average guy but so are most other guys (and women). 

I somehow doubt that when women don't want to date you, then they appear with a "handsome" guy on their arm. How is it possible that every woman can get a handsome guy? Yes maybe they rejected you for all sorts of reasons. Probably not even to do with you. This happens to everyone. Then they met A GUY they liked. I find it difficult to believe that in every case it was a handsome guy.

Also you said that all your friends are pretty people and that's why they don't believe your struggles. Really, ALL your friends? Did you somehow become friends with everyone in a modelling agency? Lol

I don't understand how you're saying everyone is handsome and pretty but you're the only one that isn't. Unless you somehow made your way amongst models or Hollywood celebrities, statistically that just can't be the case.

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19 hours ago, mylolita said:

Can I be cruel to be weirdly kind?


If I were single, I wouldn’t say yes, and I have never even seen your face! I’m sorry Mysterious, but I think as this thread goes on, the answer may be in your attitude? 

I say this in the nicest possible way. What vibe are you giving off? Maybe it’s not such a great confident and positive one like you may suspect? Maybe it’s a weary and hopeless and “seen it all before just know you’re going to say no” attitude? Strangers gather their first impression of someone within under a second. Forget your appearance maybe - what vibe do you  think you project? Is it a welcoming, friendly, easy going one? I don’t get that from your responses here.


I say this in the nicest possible way and of course I could be wrong because again, I don’t know you - just going by what you have put here and what I feel you have projected in your responses.



Right, but you must understand that these conversations we're having in this thread are, bizarrely unique, and are not indicative of the conversations I have with anyone else, particularly people I don't know.

I do honestly believe I give an outgoing, confident vibe. Wether it's dancing, fitness, photography, I'm usually doing something I'm good at and confident doing. I'm generally a happy-go-lucky individual, it is a recent phenomenon that I'm beginning to feel this way.

I would say that, if I did not give off a positive vibe, I would not find making friends so easy, which is not the case: I genuinely pick up friends very easily from every walk of life, such as dancing, my gym, social events etc. If I really struggled with friendships, then I would absolutely have to take up the idea that I was giving off a negative vibe.

19 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

It seems you've draw the conclusion that women swipe left because you believe they aren't attracted to your face. Since according to you, you've ruled everything else out and tried everything you can think of so far.

I mean... literally what else is there? If everything else that can be improved, has been, what's left? People are not seeing a profile photo, and turning me down based on my job, religion, class, or literally anything else. When all they know about you is "you look like this" and they say hell no, what other conclusion is there to make?

18 hours ago, moodindigo91 said:

I don't really think I am. I think YOU are missing my point, and the point of many others on this thread, which is the it seems like the main reason you can't get dates/a girlfriend has something to do with your attitude. The way you have resigned yourself to a foregone conclusion, and refuse to actually accept any advice on the matter. You just say, well I've been there and done that and it's never worked before. Plus, look at all this outside evidence I have that proves I have an ugly face. That guy in the video, for instance, not exactly traditionally handsome. Yet he got plenty of women to say "yes." The point is that you should think about what you're doing, that has nothing to do with your physical looks, that is causing women to turn you down. 

No matter how often we say, hey, ugly faces have not stopped plenty of men from finding romance. 

You're circling back to "must be your attitude", and totally ignoring the examples I give when I'm turned down just from a visual perspective, without even getting a chance for my attitude to get in my way. I really tried my best in my opening post to explain my situation clearly, that I meet plenty of people, that I'm confident in talking to people and make friends easily, yet the helpful responses just roll off the usual "sorry you're not that confident talking to women" and "well, have you tried meeting more people?", it's literally like they didn't read it.

Yes, this is a fairly negative conversation, largely because I'm having to explain all the various ways I've reached the conclusion that I'm not attractive, only to have strangers say "oh no, you're not ugly, there must be some other reason!" which isn't at all helpful when you've not lived this life, and generally ignore all the examples presented to you.

15 hours ago, Tinydance said:

One of my theories is that for some reason you think all the other men are handsome and you're not. I doubt that's the case. I mean yeah you might be an average guy but so are most other guys (and women). 

I somehow doubt that when women don't want to date you, then they appear with a "handsome" guy on their arm. How is it possible that every woman can get a handsome guy? Yes maybe they rejected you for all sorts of reasons. Probably not even to do with you. This happens to everyone. Then they met A GUY they liked. I find it difficult to believe that in every case it was a handsome guy.

Also you said that all your friends are pretty people and that's why they don't believe your struggles. Really, ALL your friends? Did you somehow become friends with everyone in a modelling agency? Lol

I don't understand how you're saying everyone is handsome and pretty but you're the only one that isn't. Unless you somehow made your way amongst models or Hollywood celebrities, statistically that just can't be the case.

It's not that I think 'all' other men are handsome, I realise that the average guy has never had this issue. If so, can I really call myself 'average'? If you can get to 30 without anybody wanting to date you or find you attractive, can you really with a serious face call yourself 'average'? By definition, that's "below average". Even then, the Elephant Man got married in his 20s, my love life is verifiably worse than the Elephant Man.

Yes, that's happened quite a few times. I've often had the "I'm just happy being single, I don't want to be with anyone" brush off, only to have that person appear within a couple of weeks with an attractive person. Maybe in some cases they were already interested in that person and were waiting, maybe in other cases they met them afterwards? Who's to say? I can honestly say I've never been turned down by someone, only for them to go for an unattractive person.

Pretty much. I mean it's a comical exaggeration on your part to jump to "oh so you must be friends with models!" but really, the majority of my friends are very conventionally attractive people: happily married but still get hit on regularly (both sexes), always get photographed at events, a couple did some model work in their 20s. I'm sure they have had many obstacles to overcome over the years that I know nothing about and could not comprehend, but likewise when I tell them it's a hard world out there when you're treated as ugly, they just don't understand it.

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So you've been specifically told you're ugly, and are universally rejected both online and in person.

Assuming your appearance is the sole problem, what sort of responses or solutions can anyone here give?  We have no control over your facial features.

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On 10/31/2022 at 7:14 PM, MysteriousTelephone said:

I'm really surprised to hear your speed dating story! Such is the dynamics of dating, I would always expect men to be more generous with ticks than women, and that no woman would leave without a single tick. I really can't believe it! Like you say, that's not to say the matches that you did get were any good, of course.

I think many would expect that, but it's one of the misconceptions that exist in dating. You do see a lot of guys who are struggling to meet women and if they just assume that these are only problems that men have and that women, no matter their apperance or personality are always guaranteed attention, then there's a risk they become bitter, and start hanging round 'certain subreddits'.

In reality these guys are often only looking at the women that they are attracted to, and other women, who may also be struggling to find dates, are invisible to them.

Also, while it is true to an extent that women get more attention from men than the other way around, it's not always as self-affirming as people would assume. You might think that even if you're still struggling to get past the first date or two, to at least have women approach you, or swipe right on your tinder profile would make you feel better about yourself. I have female friends though who have met guys who have then told them 'I don't find you attractive, but we can still f**k'. It's pretty common, not all of them are as open about their intentions but they often can't hide that they're not attracted to her. Tturns out a lot of the extra attention women get is from these types of guy.

Us guys don't really have that issue, at least when a woman matches us on tinder it's because she might potentially be attracted to us (even if meeting in person confirms that she's not). Not sure I'd particularly want to get more matches but only from women who then tell me I'm ugly but they're desperate for sex so I'll have to do.

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26 minutes ago, Carnatic said:

I think many would expect that, but it's one of the misconceptions that exist in dating.


There is a funny clip in SATC about speed dating 

There's no guarantee when going to only one speed dating event that you'll get picked. Here Miranda lied and mentioned she's a stewardess to get a guy... Of course, it didn't last long.

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16 minutes ago, DarkCh0c0 said:


There is a funny clip in SATC about speed dating 

There's no guarantee when going to only one speed dating event that you'll get picked. Here Miranda lied and mentioned she's a stewardess to get a guy... Of course, it didn't last long.

So what was the moral of this? That men are scared of a successful smart woman? Lol

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30 minutes ago, Tinydance said:

So what was the moral of this? That men are scared of a successful smart woman? Lol

Ikr?! The first dude dishes out all his finance, career and relationship info. But as soon as Miranda says she's a lawyer, he has the audacity to give her that face 😂

What I meant initially was that someone could be attractive and successful like Miranda and yet find no one at the event. There are no guarantees.

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