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I see people on social media all the time doing things that are unsafe or against recommendations or guidelines. I don't say anything. I unfriend, unfollow, snooze or ignore. They're not going to change their behavior just because I say so.


My cousin's daughter is about to give birth. I'm worried anyway because she's 17 and having her second baby, but I'm praying for her and her child to have a safe birth due to current circumstances. I'm sure they'll take good care of them but I'm still praying.

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Early pandemic my youngest son and his wife decided to go ahead with a gender reveal party for their upcoming new baby. 6 adults, including the 80+ yr old grandparents sat on the patio,6 ft apart while the millineals were seperated on the front lawn. Someone tagged me in FB with a photo goodbye to the grandparents and a friend thought to scold me, veiled in a congratulatory text. I waited a day to thoughtfully respond and merely mentioned the photo didn't represent the entire picture. I didn't offer any other explanation. I didn't feel the need to defend myself. I didn't plan the party and it wasn't my family. Besides, I thought her text was rude.


I try to remain respectful on how one chooses to manage this.

You do you. I'll do me. We either meet in the middle or not.

And if you thought to ask me rather than assume you'd know I am living on the very conservative side of this whole thing. It gets lonely and isolating at times. But she didn't ask.

Fast fwd 2 months later, I golfed w a friend. We walked 9 holes and if you golf you'd know it's a perfect social distancing activity.


My friend tags us on FB Friday afternoon at the golf course. The same friend asks 'Did you wear a mask?' I deleted her post.

An hour later she reposts it.


I wrote back " Well, if you insist. I didn't wear a mask on a golf course when I'm 10 ft or more away from the next person. But if I was to have garage parties for my neighborhood, then I might consider it. (she does this) But if I'd be happy to discuss it with you if you ever want to call me and talk about it"


We have mutual friends that are doing all sorts things and I can't figure out why she wants to publically call me out.

Needless to say we won't be seeing each other any time soon.


I mean it's only her business if she's living with you or has to be right next to you all the time for some reason and needs to know her level of exposure (like my friend's sitter reported to her that he'd been exposed at a party). Yesterday a woman with a huge dog (no mask) wanted to come into the elevator bank with my son and me which wouldn't have allowed for enough space given the dog. I didn't tell her she should be wearing a mask -I simply explained through the cracked open door that my son and I weren't scared of the dog (she asked) but that we couldn't be that close to her so we'd walk out. Had she been wearing a mask maybe I'd have allowed it. But why lecture anyone -just tell the person your comfort level.


Also the public stuff is complete nonsense -because even if the person was innocently asking the public part means it's not innocent -it's shaming or attempting to shame.


One of my relatives is flouting the quarrantine orders as she left a certain state to go to another. She posted a photo of her kids in the state they traveled to. I simply clicked like because she's my family. But because I am upset at her behavior I didn't do a response detailing how adorable they are. I figured a like was sufficient and not supporting her carelessness.

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Sorry about that, reinvent. So frustrating.


My feeling is that people, right now, are just kind of batty, a state not everyone deals with gracefully. Personal example, observed by my girlfriend and I? In our neighborhood someone—maybe a few someones?—has taken to very aggressively writing on the sidewalk in chalk to pick up after your dog. It would be hard to overstate how far from a problem this is in our neighborhood, with its perfect LA lawns and movie-set homes, and certainly not something that has gotten worse during the pandemic, which is to say the big change to our tranquil little pocket of the city is that the sidewalks are now covered with "shouting" about dog poop.


Conclusion? Someone is looking for a purpose in life during uncertain times, and has found that in becoming a canine excrement protester. Think the social media stuff you've encountered is kind of the same thing, and think you've handled it well, frustrating as it must be to have to deal with something so crumby at this crumbling moment.

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Sorry about that, reinvent. So frustrating.


My feeling is that people, right now, are just kind of batty, a state not everyone deals with gracefully. Personal example, observed by my girlfriend and I? In our neighborhood someone—maybe a few someones?—has taken to very aggressively writing on the sidewalk in chalk to pick up after your dog. It would be hard to overstate how far from a problem this is in our neighborhood, with its perfect LA lawns and movie-set homes, and certainly not something that has gotten worse during the pandemic, which is to say the big change to our tranquil little pocket of the city is that the sidewalks are now covered with "shouting" about dog poop.


Conclusion? Someone is looking for a purpose in life during uncertain times, and has found that in becoming a canine excrement protester. Think the social media stuff you've encountered is kind of the same thing, and think you've handled it well, frustrating as it must be to have to deal with something so crumby at this crumbling moment.


Maybe you just haven't seen it. I need as much of the sidewalk as is available at those times I need to socially distance so if some jerk didn't clean up after her dog I'd be even more upset.

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My previous neighborhood, you were required to pick up after your dog. My new city? Not required at all. The strips of grass between the sidewalk and the street are absolutely covered in dog poo. I avoid stepping there because there is pretty much nowhere that's poo-free. The smell is awful.


I got the results of my Covid test I did yesterday (fast, right?). The result is "negative". It's a relief, of course. I would have been furious if it was positive because I literally only go to the grocery store, the pharmacy, the gas station, the doctor's office and the laundromat. Masks are mandatory here so it's not like I'm around unmasked people. I have not gone to a bar, a club, a restaurant, a bowling alley, a gym...shoot, I even cancelled my haircut appointment because even masked I didn't want to be around another person for a full hour. So if I had it, that would mean despite all my precautions I got it anyway which would be very unsettling. But it was negative, so that's a big relief.


I'll continue to be borderline overcautious because I want to stay safe.

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I had another crying session today when I got out of work. So tired of being isolated and lonely at times. I miss my family. I am working hard at school which eats into my leisure time and makes me feel more alone.


I miss my family in Canada. I don't know when I'll see them again.


My city made national news recently for several people shot it in one night. We've had someone die, at least one, every single night. I'm glad I have a gun. Just having one loaded makes me feel better knowing I can use it if I must. I live alone still, in the city.


Yet I see friends.... Dating, out with people in gatherings without masks...


I'm growing weary.

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There are still way too many people who believe there is no virus and it's all a hoax. They say hospitals are lying when they say someone has Covid, either to "control" the population or to get mythical federal funding.


As long as there are tens of thousands of people who think this way things will not get better.


And I understand the fear and frustration of those who are out of work. That is a legitimate thing to be concerned, afraid and angry about. But those who are pushing back because they don't want to wear a mask or because they want to crowd into bars to get drunk? Nope, don't get that at all.


No one likes this. I shelter at home not because I want to be some kind of loner but because I'm trying to do my part to slow this thing down. And because those other people scare me. This is not fun and is not something anyone wants to do, but holy cow! Right now there is no other way.


I was proud of my country when we all pulled together after the tragedies of 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombing. Right now? Not so much.


We can support one another, though. I'm on here a lot because I don't have a lot of people I feel comfortable discussing my condition with and I also want to be supportive.

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Yes- I totally get why you're on here -it's safe, it's supportive. Social media -not so much. On the flip side a childhood friend who now lives in NYC regularly posts photos of herself in a mask doing her marathon training type run with all the detailed descriptions of how very hard it was to wear a mask in the rain, in the heat, while running but you know she is superwoman so she did it, see!! Enough. Please. At times it looks like she almost needed medical attention and if she did -then what benefit is it to the EMTs who would have to get close to her to help her (she recovered from covid but believes they can get reinfected at some point I guess). I'd much rather see bragging posts about making masks/giving out masks etc (if someone has that penchant to brag - as opposed to wanting support for a nonprofit that's donating masks)

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Is anybody else experiencing brand shortages at grocery stores? My son’s favourite peanut butter has been out of stock for five weeks. I haven’t been able to get my no sugar added pudding, the lowest sugar option cottage cheese and sometimes the lowest sugar and carbohydrate brand Greek yoghurt sometimes for weeks at a time.


Frustrated. 🤯

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Same said friend who thought to try to face mask shame me on FB suggested we meet out at an outside restaurant to celebrate a couple birthdays this week. . ?

This suggestion was passed on thru a mutual friend. I'm kinda speachlesss. I haven't been to a restaurant since February and don't have a good enough reason to risk doing so.

I suggested my patio, which we've done previously, so the messenger friend passed on the idea. She texts back hours later saying it was ok with my shaming friend because enough time had passed since the gender reveal party so feels safe being around me now. Did I mention she posted pictures of her w her family and her daughter graduation since then? wth?

I'm kinda spinning over this seeing the messenger friend just returned from a family vacation too and posted all sorts of pictures. I don't know why I'm being held to a different standard and singled out.

I came very close to saying I didn't want her over. Aside from feeling defensive I know I will tell her personally how I didn't approve with the way she's handled this w me.

I took the entire day to respond agreeing to having these women over. I have between now and then to settle down and figure out how I want to say it.

My bf on the other side had some choice colorful words about how I should handle this.

I just hate how between the pandemic and the politics it's dividing relationships that I still want to preserve when this is all over.

In the meantime some of my closest friends are out and about, in bars and groups acting as if it's just a normal day. It's my choice to not participate but it doesn't erase the disappointment of feeling left behind.

It makes the issue with my shaming friend even more sensitive and I should n't need to defend myself to anyone. The other part of me says, ' You feel uncomfortable with me? Stay home. Your loss'


Working on my attitude. .

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Is anybody else experiencing brand shortages at grocery stores? My son’s favourite peanut butter has been out of stock for five weeks. I haven’t been able to get my no sugar added pudding, the lowest sugar option cottage cheese and sometimes the lowest sugar and carbohydrate brand Greek yoghurt sometimes for weeks at a time.


Frustrated. 🤯


Yes- but more random shortages like steam in bag frozen corn, certain types of cookies, frozen food, cereal -and random depending on the week.

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Same said friend who thought to try to face mask shame me on FB suggested we meet out at an outside restaurant to celebrate a couple birthdays this week. . ?

This suggestion was passed on thru a mutual friend. I'm kinda speachlesss. I haven't been to a restaurant since February and don't have a good enough reason to risk doing so.

I suggested my patio, which we've done previously, so the messenger friend passed on the idea. She texts back hours later saying it was ok with my shaming friend because enough time had passed since the gender reveal party so feels safe being around me now. Did I mention she posted pictures of her w her family and her daughter graduation since then? wth?

I'm kinda spinning over this seeing the messenger friend just returned from a family vacation too and posted all sorts of pictures. I don't know why I'm being held to a different standard and singled out.

I came very close to saying I didn't want her over. Aside from feeling defensive I know I will tell her personally how I didn't approve with the way she's handled this w me.

I took the entire day to respond agreeing to having these women over. I have between now and then to settle down and figure out how I want to say it.

My bf on the other side had some choice colorful words about how I should handle this.

I just hate how between the pandemic and the politics it's dividing relationships that I still want to preserve when this is all over.

In the meantime some of my closest friends are out and about, in bars and groups acting as if it's just a normal day. It's my choice to not participate but it doesn't erase the disappointment of feeling left behind.

It makes the issue with my shaming friend even more sensitive and I should n't need to defend myself to anyone. The other part of me says, ' You feel uncomfortable with me? Stay home. Your loss'


Working on my attitude. .


So I have a friend who is definitely more casual about this - she asked us over for a playdate end of March - I said no, explained we weren't comfortable. Two weeks ago asked if we could meet her at the playground in the afternoon "when it isn't crowded" -and offered to take my son without me -to give me a break. I think that's completely lovely/thoughtful but i couldn't fathom letting him go to a playground let alone with her two boys and trust that she'd do "social distancing" -so I said no and explained we weren't ready to go to that playground but perhaps we could meet her in the field that was nearby one day for frisbee (I was going to relent on that because then we could do social distancing and I'm not as concerned about the surface of a frisbee). Surprisingly, she texted me a week or so later to see if we could do that and honestly I was really anxious but felt I had to say yes. Five minutes before we left to walk the few blocks to meet her the skies opened up so we cancelled -and she's taking her family cross country by plane this weekend for a month so it will be a long while before we reschedule. I felt relieved but it made me question my standards/boundaries. I am not judging her for taking more "risks " -she solo parents a lot, has two young children and is probably quietly going insane being cooped up lol. It just presented stresses I didn't need. I am thankful she is as thoughtful as she is.

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Why not stop following these people and overdosing on bad news media? Who are "they"?


I know of no one who believes that. Keep in mind your risk of covid is largely based on your activities and some general demographics.


You can't get covid from idiots on social media or news media several states away.


Stick to the facts and mute the morons. Everyone is dealing with this and it's been hard on everyone.


Even reading posts like this is propagating bad fake news nobody needs to hear. Try to be more positive.

There are still way too many people who believe there is no virus and it's all a hoax. They say hospitals are lying when they say someone has Covid, either to "control" the population or to get mythical federal funding.
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Some time ago, I created a second facebook profile that is only for close friends and family members and "liked" pages with more lighthearted content, nature photos etc so my facebook feed wasn't endless politics and negative events. I was really strategic with who I had on this profile. It allows me to shut down my general account if the social media negativity gets too much and still remain in contact with the important people in my life. I recommend it.


Why not stop following these people and overdosing on bad news media? Who are "they"?


I know of no one who believes that. Keep in mind your risk of covid is largely based on your activities and some general demographics.


You can't get covid from idiots on social media or news media several states away.


Stick to the facts and mute the morons. Everyone is dealing with this and it's been hard on everyone.


Even reading posts like this is propagating bad fake news nobody needs to hear. Try to be more positive.

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I feel badly for the youngins and college students. I can complete my Masters easily online, whatever. But young kids need to be in school of some sort in order to properly develop, need that social interaction outside of family. College students are missing out big time.

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I cancelled having the ladies over on the patio tomorrow night. I found myself reciting in my head over and over what I would need to say to one of my friends in order to clear the air and then caught myself . .'why?'

It's just not how I wanted to spend my evening and figure if she's not comfortable being around me, (based on assumptions) then it's best to just pass on the whole thing.

I am pretty good at letting things go, but how she handled this, trying to shame me on FB after I deleted her question, for her to just repost it is pretty aggressive. I refuse to defend myself.

Our state has just rolled back openings and strongly suggest not socializing with non family members at this point. We are one step away with being asked to shelter in place. With that, I am going with it.

And yet, she's the covid police and wanted to go to a restaurant?

Half the year is over and feel like there isn't much to show for it. It makes me really sad.

My daughter in law is having a drive by baby shower. Try to imagine that? I guess a couple of her friends have resorted to this. People drive by and drop gifts at the door. It's like a bad science fiction movie. . .that or a bad dream.

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These people simply generate more stress. Avoid them and simply follow the CDC recommendations and recommendations for your area. This thing is stressful for everyone, not just a select few who can't understand the nature of this thing..


People have lost lives, loved ones, businesses, jobs, homes, health insurance, freedoms, relationships and these people are belly-aching about lysol and finger pointing because of their own angst but are far from being supportive..

the covid police
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