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Having second thoughts about a FWB relationship. He's married


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I meant this guy in a online chat room 1 year ago. We became good friends. But now we've decided to be FWB. I found out that he's married 3 months ago. But still the sexual attraction was still so strong. So that's when we decided to have this kind of hook up thing. I'm worried because he seems jealous of other guys,tells me I can own his winky,that he's thinking of me and needs to hear from me a million times a day or seems like it. All this and we haven't even hooked up yet. I know what the limits are in this situation and he says that he does too. But I'm not so sure. I'm not a home wrecker. Do you think he's interested in more than sex? I'm not at all. Can this workout? I know I'm setting myself up to be judged. I appreciate any feedback. Thanks!

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It sounds like he's emotionally abusive. He's already trying to control and dominate you. Just Google emotional abuse and you'll read about the signs. He basically wants you to be exclusive to him while he's cheating on his wife. You should stay away from this guy. He doesn't just want to sleep with you, he wants to manipulate you.

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OP, come on, now. Where the heck are your standards?


No, he's not interested in more than sex. Yes, you are venturing into home-wrecker territory here. Don't be that woman; demand more for yourself and don't go after someone else's husband.


No, this most definitely won't work out.

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He got really upset that I couldn't meet up with him one night. Leaving me a really nasty voice mail. Telling me later on that as long as I do what he asked everything will be ok. And that je jist really wants me. Ugh I know this sounds so stupid. My eyes are starting to finally open up to how it really is with him.

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Here is some serious advice.


He is controlling

He is a cheater

He is abusive

He is creepy

He is needy


Run as fast away from this guy as you can. Block him, delete him and never speak to him again no matter what he says or does.


Your statement that you are not a home wrecker will no longer be true once you have sex with him. You are already guilty of an emotional affair with a married man, don't make it a physical one.




PS If you want to just hook up with a guy there are millions of single guys that will gladly take you up on it.

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He got really upset that I couldn't meet up with him one night. Leaving me a really nasty voice mail. Telling me later on that as long as I do what he asked everything will be ok. And that je jist really wants me. Ugh I know this sounds so stupid. My eyes are starting to finally open up to how it really is with him.


No offense intended, but he sees you as a convenient and disposable side dish. In any event, he's a prize to no one, and the real victim here is his wife.


Why not set your standards higher, and ramp up your self worth?

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It would be best to get a nice profile and some pics up on a some paid and free dating apps and begin talking to and meeting local available men for dating. This dude sounds like pond scum. Block and delete him.

he's married. So that's when we decided to have this kind of hook up thing and we haven't even hooked up yet.
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You have little self esteem if you have agreed to this arrangement. If you settle for hookups with married men vs a real relationship - why do that to yourself? Honestly, the second that you found out he was married, you should have ran the other way. So look yourself in the mirror and shake yourself into your senses here. We can go on and on about how he is this or that or a creep, but honestly, who is worse - the married man who looks for a FWB/no strings sex or the woman who agrees to do that with him knowing he is married and a creep?

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Just to note: He's the homewrecker.


Just to note: She is the enabler. If she stopped talking to him, blocked and deleted him, she would stop enabling him to disrespect her and betray his wife.


Op: Really? Why haven't you blocked and deleted him so he can't contact you anymore?

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He got really upset that I couldn't meet up with him one night. Leaving me a really nasty voice mail. Telling me later on that as long as I do what he asked everything will be ok. And that je jist really wants me. Ugh I know this sounds so stupid. My eyes are starting to finally open up to how it really is with him.


He does not like or respect you. He wants sex.


Why would you do this to yourself, or another woman. Terrible. Is there are kids, it's even more destructive. Address your low self worth.

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Mm gets upset if a whole day goes by without hearing from me. Yes he told me that he doesn't want anyone else to be FWB with only me. He also told me that he wants to have fun in and out of bed with me. Ugh. I've been seeing lots of red flags of course 1 of the biggest reasons is he's married . That's why I've been making excuses not to hook up yet. . I had no clue until my relationship of 10yrs ended. That he was even interested in me at all in a sexual way. He always talked about his failed attempts with other women . Of course until 3 most ago I had no idea he was married.

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Mmm tdld me straight up that he doesn't get what he wants in bed from his wife. And he's looking for sex. In my defense I asked him if he's tried to tell her. His response back was that he did try a few times but that she wasn't into doing the things he needs like different positions and oral.

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I can't just block and delete him. He has my home and cell numbers. Before he told me he was interested in becoming FWB and knew he was married he came over to my house to help out one morning because I had just fractured my hand and was in alot of pain. All his idea. Which I thought was innocent enough. Not proud of the emotional affair at all that's why I've been holding off on it getting physical.

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