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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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Yep, agree. I don't know why it annoys me sooooo much. I think it's because I feel so bad for all the members who have spent so much of their time giving thoughtful, helpful and constructive advice - really genuinely trying to help someone, and all for nothing. Not even a common courtesy thank you. Nothing. Ugh.


This forum is WAY better than another one I used to frequent. That other forum only allowed people to respond with "Hugs to you! I'm so sorry you're hurting!!" If anyone gave actual advice they got an infraction. One time a guy posted asking for advice, we gave him advice, he chose to ignore it, then came back later to say we had been right and he should have followed our advice. I simply responded thanking him for coming back and saying that people usually sincerely tried to help and give good advice. I got an infraction for "flaming" and was told I had no right to chastise him for not taking my advice. Say what? HE said he should have taken our advice! And the mods did not allow you to respond to any infractions. I left that forum permanently.


At least here we are allowed to give actual advice. Even if we don't always succeed at telling some people what they wanted to hear lol.

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Heat wave. Been going over a week and still going. I'm not made for it. I'm red as a lobster, have heat rashes, and had some heat sickness. That's trying to stay inside except to do what I have to, and 10000+ SPF.


Ok, kinda dramatic, waah me. But yes it's annoying.

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Heat wave. Been going over a week and still going. I'm not made for it. I'm red as a lobster, have heat rashes, and had some heat sickness. That's trying to stay inside except to do what I have to, and 10000+ SPF.


Ok, kinda dramatic, waah me. But yes it's annoying.

We were 41 C today 🥵


I am super tanned already I don’t really burn but I am not fond of heat.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is so "first world problems", but why is it that new technology takes longer to load?

If you are of advanced age you will remember turning on a TV, and it took 5 seconds for the picture to warm up. New TV's take 7-10 seconds. Why?

Remember the VCR, pop in the tape and it played in 3-5 seconds.

DVD/Blu Ray players, they take 10 seconds to load, and you can't skip the Piracy warnings! I just want to watch the damn movie!


Don't get me started on cars!

Automatic rear lift gates. I actually timed it watching someone else in a grocery store parking lot. It takes 7 seconds to open PLUS the time it takes to wave your foot correctly (3+ seconds) under the bumper.

It takes me 5 seconds (no foot waving either) which includes setting the groceries down on the ground to open lift gate manually.

Power seats....slower than manual front and backwards.

The one new thing the car companies have right is the push button start. That saves a second or two rather than orienting the key properly and finding the slot to put in the key to turn it.


That's enough venting for today!

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