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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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People who regularly ask for advice on a certain Facebook group -meaning referral to a specific kind of doctor or professional and never respond with a thanks even if the person posting (no, not just me) has also expressed sympathy for the person's condition or shared well-wishes. Since it takes two seconds to type thank you then it must be the person doesn't write or say thank you out of habit, and that's annoying and sad (yes I will still give the referral because it might help someone else in this huge local group).

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How incredibly complicated it is even with employer provided back up care (that we've never used but that's another story) to juggle my child's cold that could get worse (meaning no school), my root canal appointment that was not easy to get, and my husband's work commitment all involving an approximate 3-hour window. "Annoying" because yes I feel grateful that we only have one child, that my root canal isn't yet an emergency and that we have this child care benefit resource. Still, wow.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Oof how did your root canal go, Batya? Never fun, but I hope you're ok!


Thanks!! Seemed to go ok - like I wrote the prep with childcare was probably more stressful. I'm not afraid of the dentist but mouth/teeth issues frustrate me because often they're hard to pinpoint and hard to know whether you can wait (where I live so hard to get a normal appointment with a good dentist -meaning not on a waiting list, not at a ridiculous time of day, etc)


Annoying -reading about a preschool that is requiring all parents to make homemade valentines cards for all the students who are ages 3-6 (Montessori mixed age class). Even more annoying some of the many comments on the thread "oh it's easy just melt leftover crayons into heart shapes -you can borrow my mold!" or "well either way the teachers get blamed -if they do nothing for valentines day they get blame too". Really tired of parents being burdened with nonsensical craft projects the parents have to do. (Happy to be burdened with paypaling $ to help defray the costs of the numerous holiday parties).

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I'm so sorry. I'm tired and had about 6 (son isn't feeling well). Hope you get more tonight or nap!!


Thanks. I had to pick up hubby at the airport 200 km away last night in a snowstorm and it took until 3 AM to get home then into bed and I got up at 6 for work.


I hope your son feels better!

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