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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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Meetings. At the beginning of this year, my team was on split into 3. But my position was not - so while my workload wasn't technically increased, the boring planning and check-in meetings have multiplied by 3. If I don't go to them, I will be out of the loop and it hampers my ability to do my job well. But if I go to all of them, I don't have enough time to complete my job.


This is my life now.

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Do you think some of them are trolling? Or is this a new trend like posting on Askreddit, Quora, etc., then just scrolling through the collective answers?


Definitely some are trolls (which we've sorted) but we can't always prove all of them, in which case we have to leave them for the time being.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Posters who tell new posters (who do not have enough posts to PM) PM me!! As if their secret, private advice is so special. Is it to trash other posters without getting an infraction? What advice/discussion can't be given in the thread? Then the new poster comes back questioning why the PM function isn't working.

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You build new facilities with new bathrooms. Great!

It looks beautiful and new.

But why build the bathroom stalls so the toilet is jammed up against the toilet paper rolls and garbage?! I'm not a big woman, smaller than most in fact. Not pleasant sitting down and being squished with half your butt in the air just to pee!

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  • 1 month later...

Whenever I go to the shops I always park in an empty part of the car park. Mostly because I don't like my car getting dented by other people's car doors, I like adding a bit more walking into my day whenever I can and I hate driving around for 15 minutes trying to get the most convenient space.


Today I parked in an empty part of the car park with what must have been 30 or so empty spaces around me. I went in and got what I needed. On my return to my car, I found that someone had actually parked so close to me that I couldn't even get back in my car. I looked around the part of the car park I was in was still empty. I stood there waiting for someone to return to their vehicle for a while. However, I was in somewhat of a rush and ended up very awkwardly having to climb into the driver's seat from the front passenger's side. Being a 6 foot 3 man, this was no easy feat.


Who does that? Who parks so close to the only other car in an empty car park leaving no room for the other person to get into their vehicle?


People's stupidity/lack of consideration really does my head in sometimes.

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There was a funny commercial from years ago that illustrated this situation. Nice car pulls into empty part of lot with no other cars nearby. Ample parking is available all around. Nice car's driver gets out and exits the scene. Then an old and busted jalopy pulls in right next to the car and the jalopy-driver opens their door right into the nice car.


I think it was a car insurance commercial. I wish I could find it. I'd post it for you.

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Using nouns as verbs. Gifted means having a special ability. Gift is a noun. Give is a verb. Recently heard "regifted". Now that combines cheap and trendy bad grammar? What does that mean, exactly? Pass off whatever stuff you didn't want for Christmas on the next poor soul as a gift under the guise of recycling or whatever that is supposed to be?😝👎🙊😱

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Recently heard "regifted". Now that combines cheap and trendy bad grammar? What does that mean, exactly? Pass off whatever stuff you didn't want for Christmas on the next poor soul as a gift under the guise of recycling or whatever that is supposed to be?😝👎🙊😱


What? You have to brush up on your Seinfeld:


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