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Why did Ex-GF block me on Facebook after 5 months?


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I am the dumpee of a 2.5 years relationship, and it has been 5 months since our break up. It has been around 2 months NC now, and she unfriended me a few days after NC. Today I just realised that she has blocked me on facebook, and I can't seem to see her profile anymore.


I am just wondering why she would suddenly block me out of no where? What possible explanations are there? I mean, I haven't spoken to her for so long so surely I couldn't have done something to make her want to block me.


I'm very curious as to why someone would do all of a sudden after 5 months. Of course, this wasn't as big as a shock as when she initially unfriended me, but I am still kind of surprised.

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Why are you trying to look at her Facebook?


I was looking at my pictures today, and all her comments on them are gone so it looks like i am talking to myself. Then I searched her name and I couldn't find her profile anymore.


Because she's doing what she has to do to completely heal and move on. Maybe she didn't block you, maybe she just deactivated her acct.


I asked a mutual friend if they could see her profile, and she told me she could, so I'm 100% she blocked me.

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try not to let it bother you this much darling .. even the dumper needs to move forward and cut all ties ...My pal split with her b/friend and he unfriended me straight away ..and i really got on well with him ...but I understood that's how he had to do it ...no ties to her what so ever ...


I am not really bothered by it in a negative way, I am just curious as to why she is doing this now after 5 months already. She should've done this like 5 months ago because at the beginning of the break up she said that she has moved on and wants me to move on as well. We already lost interaction 2 months ago when we started NC, just weird how she took that extra step to suddenly block me.

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I am not really bothered by it in a negative way, I am just curious as to why she is doing this now after 5 months already. She should've done this like 5 months ago because at the beginning of the break up she said that she has moved on and wants me to move on as well. We already lost interaction 2 months ago when we started NC, just weird how she took that extra step to suddenly block me.


oh good ..I am glad to know that you are ok .... It is odd to suddenly do it and not do it 5months ago ..I really think she has met someone ....and that is why .

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I am the dumpee of a 2.5 years relationship, and it has been 5 months since our break up. It has been around 2 months NC now, and she unfriended me a few days after NC. Today I just realised that she has blocked me on facebook, and I can't seem to see her profile anymore.


I am just wondering why she would suddenly block me out of no where? What possible explanations are there? I mean, I haven't spoken to her for so long so surely I couldn't have done something to make her want to block me.


I'm very curious as to why someone would do all of a sudden after 5 months. Of course, this wasn't as big as a shock as when she initially unfriended me, but I am still kind of surprised.


She probably needs NC to get over you and some of her friends tagged you in a photo bringing you back into her life. This reminded her of the good times you two had, then she got sad, and bam you're blocked so that never happens again. Or, she saw the block button and was like, "I wonder what happens when I click that". Then she clicked it.

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I am not really bothered by it in a negative way, I am just curious as to why she is doing this now after 5 months already. She should've done this like 5 months ago because at the beginning of the break up she said that she has moved on and wants me to move on as well. We already lost interaction 2 months ago when we started NC, just weird how she took that extra step to suddenly block me.


There is no time frame and method to handling the separation process following a breakup. Stop being curious. This is just another excuse your subconsious will find to keep you engaged in thinking about her. Social media can be insiduous that way.


If you are in NC, how would you know that she blocked you? Isn't part of NC blocking each other to create space and separation. It seems like she is moving on. Wish her well and do the same.

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I think you are in trouble when you start asking others to look at her profile on your behalf after you have been broken up for quite some time....Just to peep to see if she is still there. I would channel my energy elsewhere if I were you and stop obsessing.


Every time you feel like doing something like this, take the 5-10 minutes it takes to snoop on your ex and call your mom or your grandmother, or another loved one in your family and tell them how much you care for them. Time far better spent.

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I am not really bothered by it in a negative way, I am just curious as to why she is doing this now after 5 months already. She should've done this like 5 months ago because at the beginning of the break up she said that she has moved on and wants me to move on as well. We already lost interaction 2 months ago when we started NC, just weird how she took that extra step to suddenly block me.


You two were still in contact up until cpl months ago.. and you weren't un-friended then..

Hard to say why she's done it.

But- does it matter? You ended things, right? Why aren't you working on moving on?


What I find odd is when Ex's 'wander off' and months later try to get in contact with you again.. like What.. why??

I had that a cpl times now.

Both chose to push me away & move on. Why try to be my 'friend' or meet for coffee, again?


Most recent one.. was quiet for about 3 mos. Then, around NY Eve, he finds me, admits he does miss me etc.. and again a few weeks later.. asking if we could at least be 'friends', as he figures there's 'No making up'..

This behaviour is weird. I guess they aren't so happy anymore? Or, reality has hit and they realize we are done?


But, missing your Ex is normal. Doesn't mean you have to be friends.

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