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Suffered an early miscarriage. Feeling lost.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Wishing you the very best, Sapphire! Your little lady will be just fine!! Some babies are just peanuts. I don't know what your doctor says, but the OB practice I see will actually let the new moms go 5-7 days past the due date before they decide to induce.


Can't wait to hear more updates! So excited for you!

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They let us go 10-14 days over in the UK on the NHS depending on which area we are. I went into labour naturally a week late with my little boy.


Got my scan today to check all is well with the little lady and then they will discuss what to do from here. I'm torn between letting her bake more or if they offer induction taking it and seeing if she grows a little better on the outside.


How are you feeling?

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I'm so glad to hear the little gal is looking healthy


Honestly, even though I'm a nurse and confident in my medical decision-making, I tend to yield to the doctors when it comes to my own situations. I'm no expert in obstetrics, so I trust that the specialists know what's best. I'm sure they will give you a more solid recommendation so you can better decide where to go from here.


I'm doing okay! Definitely no less nauseous, but I think this is just my fate at this point. We had a checkup this morning, and everything is looking well with Baby D. Heart rate is normal and our chromosomal testing showed very low risk. We find out this Tuesday if we're having a son or daughter....can't wait!!

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I'm meant to be going in for induction today. I was against being medically induced but they've said due to my cervix being favourable they will just break my waters. So it's not TOO bad. They'd rather her out and in as my fundal height measured 32cm when the doctor took it and it should be 40cm by now and the growth scan showed she is still small.


Wish me luck!

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I'm so glad to hear the little gal is looking healthy


Honestly, even though I'm a nurse and confident in my medical decision-making, I tend to yield to the doctors when it comes to my own situations. I'm no expert in obstetrics, so I trust that the specialists know what's best. I'm sure they will give you a more solid recommendation so you can better decide where to go from here.


I'm doing okay! Definitely no less nauseous, but I think this is just my fate at this point. We had a checkup this morning, and everything is looking well with Baby D. Heart rate is normal and our chromosomal testing showed very low risk. We find out this Tuesday if we're having a son or daughter....can't wait!!


Bet you can't wait to find out! It makes it even more real for me personally when I found out what I was having and could pick a name and start designing the nursery and buying little outfits.


So glad all testing has gone well!

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She is here! I went in to be induced and was told I could be waiting for 2 days as they were so busy. That night I went into natural labour and had her in 7 hours of contractions starting. So happy and blessed.



Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you and your family. PM me pics so I can oogle over her because I'm sure she's just adorable!!! lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whoa, baby! So, little lady had been pretty sporadic and light in the movement department for the last couple weeks. Honestly, the only time I definitely felt her is when I'd lay on my stomach for a couple minutes. I think I was just invading her space and annoying her, so she'd give me a few nudges to get me to flip.


Well, last night, she must have changed locations. She was kicking like crazy. I started my bowling league season last night and got to bed later than usual (10:30/11ish). I was just laying on back unwinding, with my hand on my stomach, and I actually felt her from the OUTSIDE. I yelled down to my husband, "Babe, I feel her!!!!" He came racing up and got to feel a couple kicks! It was so weird and amazing!


He was pretty stoked because I kept saying he would probably have to wait 2 or 3 more weeks to feel her, but I guess she was resting pretty close to the front last night.

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