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Suffered an early miscarriage. Feeling lost.


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32 weeks here!! Gosh how did this go so fast?!?

So far so good! Baby still measuring behind by a few weeks but dr is hoping I'm just having a small baby as I'm a small person... Seeing my dr weekly to ensure she's still progressing and not having growth restriction due to my uterus. Hoping she cooks as long as possible!!

My baby shower is next week and it's pretty exciting!! Times going fast!

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I have been blessed with a fabulous pregnancy. In fact I am already talking about the next time I am pregnant, because I really do enjoy being pregnant! Some nausea in the first trimester with fatigue, but aside from that have been blessed with energy and a feeling of blossoming. Its hard to explain! I have nothing to complain about, things are getting a little uncomfortable towards the end which is expected, but I have really enjoyed being pregnant!


My friend is due a week after me and has been nothing but miserable. Sick, still vomiting at 30 weeks pregnant, ended up with gestational diabetes, chronic cough, colds and flus, admitted to hospital for gastro virus, etc Its so crazy to see the opposite side of things and hard not to feel bad!

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Asti not long to go at all!


If it's any reassurance my friends bump was measuring at the size of a 20 week bump right until the end of her pregnancy and she had several growth scans that said she'd have a very small baby. She was induced at 38 weeks due to some bleeding and had a 7 pounds 10 girl!! Have no idea where she was hiding her in there lol.


I am one of those that doesn't enjoy being pregnant that much lol. I love the movements but I seem to get heartburn, nausea...I'm on my fourth horrible UTI...and I worry FAR too much to relax and enjoy it.


This will most likely be our last so I'm trying to cherish it


Bet your excited for your baby shower I LOVED mine last time was such a lovely time.

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I have heard that sometimes the second pregnancy isn't as nice haha things hurt faster and ache more you have another child to deal with and can't just lay on the couch all night etc


I am really quite excited for the shower. Our families are so over the moon for us, as it's the first "baby" on all 4 sides of our family and despite the feelings of sadness of not having my mother and father in law around, that baby will be loved and spoiled by so many and will be one lucky little thing!

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Oh wow, lucky you to have such a smooth pregnancy! The first baby? He/she is going to be so loved and spoiled!


Am hoping that all of this healthy living is going to result in the same for me. It’s such a luck of the draw type situation though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having a total freak out moment.


Found out my placenta is failing and baby has essentially stopped growing. Have an ultrasound in a few hours and baby girl may be here by days end if the dr pulls the pin and wants her out!! Talk about panic.. Going to work one day, baby here the next!


Here's hoping she does better on the outside then inside! I'm almost 35 weeks but she's measuring 30-31 weeks so hopefully things won't be too bad.

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Thanks guys! He decided to try and keep the baby in there longer but it makes me terrified as it increases the chance of stillborn. I left there feeling good and relieved but as the day has progressed I feel so unsure about the idea of waiting it out a bit more. I know it's only a matter of days before she will be here (he thinks I'll go into labour naturally but if not probably early next week he may induce) but it leaves me feeling so uneasy my gf just lost her baby at 40 weeks and it was a silly decision of deciding to do a csection on Tuesday vs Monday and the baby died in utero Monday night

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Thanks guys!!


My little girl was born on Wednesday night after being induced and having a speedy (and awesome!) labour!

She's a little thing at 3lbs 13oz and had been in the nicu but doing awesome and only really needs to beef up to come home!!

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Congratulations, Asti!!


I'm sorry she is in the NICU, that is rough(my son was in but a pretty short stay, just a week - How long of a stay are they anticipating for her, your due date or around there?). How are her lungs, and breathing? Is she on a vent or cpap?

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Her name is Ava!


Everything is great with her just needs to gain some weight and hold it so it depends on that! She's holding her feeds down and stabilizing her blood sugars no issues with breathing etx so she's doing really great overall and hopefully this journey won't be too long! I just want to take her home!

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