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Suffered an early miscarriage. Feeling lost.


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>>Oooooo another boy!!!


Ah, you never know though, especially at 13 weeks! A fellow I work with and his wife had several scans and were assured with great gusto that it was a boy so they went full on with blue clothes, blue nursery theme etc..


Then a little girl popped out to everyone's surprise! Her father had large hands and long fingers, and she had chubby long fingers just like her father, so they kept misreading those fingers!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can't believe I was wrong with my prediction!! I felt so strong about having a boy... And even today hanging out with my friend's 2 week old son I had this weird feeling of "I'm supposed to have a boy!"

I still don't think I've accepted it's a girl

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I'm pretty sure this is a boy. I've put it up on the baby forum I go on with the gender predictors and everyone has guessed boy by the skull shape and the scan looks identical to my son.


When I was first pregnant with my son I was desperate for a girl but knew he was a boy lol.


Awh Asti so happy for you. A little girl will be amazing.


My friend was the opposite of you. Every single person in her family had a girl first and she was convinced she was having a girl but it's a boy! She's still in shock as well lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good! Another week and I start the 3rd trimester which is mind blowing at how fast things are going! Gettin fun the nursery ready and having fun with that.

Starting to feel a little anxious at how the whole end of my pregnancy will play out... Preterm labor, breech, csection, etc due to my risks involving my uterus shape. Hopefully will start with more frequent dr visits to start monitoring but things have been great so far!!


How are you feeling?

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