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Suffered an early miscarriage. Feeling lost.


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Well just a little update from me. Had a 28 week 4D scan and thought I'd share my two favourites. One of her smiling and one of her tryign to eat her foot!


She was measuring spot on and they estimated her weight at around 2 pounds 6oz. She's head down already and my placenta is where it should be so all good.


I'm 29 weeks this week and finishing work at 31 weeks and excited to be taking a full year off.

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Thank you everyone! So far so good!


We recently got released from the NICU into the pediatrics dept where I am staying 24/7 with her to provide Her care to test out things and so far so good that we may actually go home tomorrow! So anxious to bring her home it's been a long 2 weeks!

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Well just a little update from me. Had a 28 week 4D scan and thought I'd share my two favourites. One of her smiling and one of her tryign to eat her foot!


She was measuring spot on and they estimated her weight at around 2 pounds 6oz. She's head down already and my placenta is where it should be so all good.


I'm 29 weeks this week and finishing work at 31 weeks and excited to be taking a full year off.


I laughed so much at the one of her eating her foot. TOO CUTE! LOL

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The countdown is on Wishing you a lovely last 10 weeks!


I just treated myself to some Sea Bands for my morning sickness yesterday. I don't know if it's a placebo or there is something to this acupressure thing, but I really think they are taking the edge off my nausea. I feel relatively human today

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The countdown is on Wishing you a lovely last 10 weeks!


I just treated myself to some Sea Bands for my morning sickness yesterday. I don't know if it's a placebo or there is something to this acupressure thing, but I really think they are taking the edge off my nausea. I feel relatively human today


I wore those early on and found they helped as well.



All is well here! Adjusting just fine at home with our little nugget. Have struggled with breastfeeding with the poor thing (still hasn't developed good suck n swallow and is a terrible latcher!) but have decided to bottle feed breast milk and its made a world of difference (both in baby and mom!) can finally feel like I can relax and enjoy my little one vs being ruled by the pressure of breast feeding and having *breast is best* shoved in my face!

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I went to a scientific talk on this topic, namely about the benefits of the bacteria passed along in a mother's breast milk. It seems that breast is best, but more importantly, your child needs to eat and grow so bottle feeding is good.


I've also been hearing more about better outcomes of children and mothers who have a vaginal delivery vs. a scheduled cesarian. It's really interesting stuff, but it appears that a vaginal delivery is best when the circumstances are right for that.

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Oh wow, she's home already! Yay!


I gave my son breast milk in a bottle for most of the first 2 months(and formula, too). Because of the birth injuries and a very high arch palate, he had a hard time latching. I was just stubborn, I think most people would have given up after that long but like I said, stubborn. I had some really nice lactation nurses and consultants but one of them in the hospital was very annoying. I had the fever and hadn't slept in 2 days and she would come barreling in like a moose every 2 hours telling me it's time to pump in an awful, nauseating cheery voice. I told her to leave me alone, I just wanted to sleep for an hour and the world won't end if I miss one pumping session, and the formula won't poison my son. I know what you mean!

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Asti, so glad to hear your little sweetie pie is home! I think pumping and bottle-feeding the breast milk is just perfect. She's getting all the nutrients and antibodies from your milk either way. I hope to try some breastfeeding, but just due to my work schedule, I think I'm going to be pumping a majority of the time. No mom can anticipate what method will fit the baby until it's go time.

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Ya you never know what to expect! Its just been a huge stress relief to not have to worry about trying to figure out breastfeeding at this point! My dr backed me 100% and said we cant afford to be experimenting with techniques at this point because shes way too small and we would have to top up with a bottle anyway at the end!

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