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Suffered an early miscarriage. Feeling lost.


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If it continues, they do have prescriptions for the nausea...it was the best thing I ever did. I was living off crackers and white bread and felt like total garbage because I couldn't stomach anything...once I started the prescription within a few days I was 95% back to normal, eating healthy, could get through my work day no issues, and just felt 100 times better. I am still on the prescription even though I am 18 weeks. I stopped to see if I could go without and spent 2 days on the couch gagging and being nauseated!

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I wanted a little girl with my first but I just KNEW it was a boy. We always said 'he' and called him by boys names from the moment I knew I was pregnant and it was indeed a boy.


This time I think it's a little girl because I've had quite bad sickness and had none with my son and just feel different. I really don't mind either way as long as baby is healthy but I am curious to see if I'm right! We are going to book in at 16+3 for a gender scan at a private place. They did ours with my son at 16 weeks and they have a 100% success rate.


I bet you are sooo excited. Let me know what they say You feeling any kicks yet? I didn't feel any till 19 weeks with my first.


Also with my son I kept dreaming about a boy with light brown hair and big blue eyes and my son looks exactly like he did in my dream. This time I keep dreaming about a little girl with loads of dark hair and big blue eyes so I wonder if it''ll come true.


I kinda trust dreams quite a lot. Everytime I've got a positive test I've always dreamed at least a week before vividly every night that I've been pregnant. Although I did dream it was twin boys and that didn't come true lol.

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You will feel kicks a lot sooner with your second. Simply because you will be much more in tune with your body and know what you're looking for. I felt kicks around 18 weeks with my first. But I felt kicks at 11 weeks with Liam. That could be where he was in the uterus too though. He implanted up near the very top.

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I have an at home doppler and found the babies heartbeat today was such a lovely and reassuring sound.


Oh my goodness 11 weeks? that's amazing! I'd love to feel the baby that early. Nothing beats the feeling of them wiggling around in there. It's the thing I'm looking forward to the most other than giving birth (well the having the baby maybe not the actual birth so much )

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Baby was so fast and non stop moving the ultrasound tech couldn't even see the area she needed to determine the gender!!! I was so excited to know!


Baby was measuring a week behind which leaves me nervous as with my type of uterus the baby can stop developing if it's attached poorly. So I left feeling sad/upset and not the excitement I was thinking I would have!


Have also been put on bed rest due to headaches and high blood pressure and trying to get it under control... Hopefully that ship has sailed!


So much for an uneventful pregnancy

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Baby was so fast and non stop moving the ultrasound tech couldn't even see the area she needed to determine the gender!!! I was so excited to know!


Baby was measuring a week behind which leaves me nervous as with my type of uterus the baby can stop developing if it's attached poorly. So I left feeling sad/upset and not the excitement I was thinking I would have!


Have also been put on bed rest due to headaches and high blood pressure and trying to get it under control... Hopefully that ship has sailed!


So much for an uneventful pregnancy


Sorry to hear you didn't get the experience you wanted Asti. Try not to worry too much about the baby measuring a week behind. (Easier said than done I know) Mine measured differently every time. I got sent for a lot of growth scans because my bump was so small but they kept telling me he'd be born HUGE and he was 7 pounds 11 oz in the end and perfectly healthy.


Also my friend had awful high blood pressure most of her pregnancy and she was induced at 37 weeks and her little boy is perfect.


Hope these stories give you some reassurance.


Thinking of you, bump and your husband and I have a good feeling everything will be just fine x


Are they going to repeat the scan soon to check if baby is growing ok?


I sometimes think scans can scare us. I had a 4D scan with my son when he was 28 weeks and I could see the cord tightly around his neck. I told my doctor/midwife and they kept saying it'd be fine. In labour his heartrate kept dropping and when he was born it took them time to get the cord off of him as it was wrapped around his neck twice and they later said to me the dropping heart rate had been cord compression. I kinda wish I'd never had the later scan because I never would have known and wouldn't have spent my entire pregnancy and labour so scared!

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I know I am trying to stay off the computer 'reading' stories about what others go through because it got me nowhere last time! Thanks for sharing. The tech did reassure me that sometimes growth spurts can happen over night and it can measure correctly within a few days...and I pray that's the situation, and not my uterus failing!


My OB has been away, so I don't know what will happen. I don't see him till mid month...but probably earlier due to the blood pressure issue, so hopefully he will order another one just to ensure proper growth. He's very ontop of the whole uterus situation with me, so he's sort of me voice of sanity when I get overworked and I guess I have been missing that aspect!


We did book a 3D scan for later this month that guarantees finding the gender, so we are looking forward to that.

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I've booked my gender scan for the 15th March when I'll be just over 16 weeks. I was thinking of waiting but I have no patience! I went there with my son and they have a 100% accuracy rate over the last 5 years.


I remember because I was measuring 4 days behind early on they said a week either way is considered ok. Also when they are tiny they are all relativley the same size whereas when you get to your stage i'm guessing they are all different depending on parents sizes etc.


I'm sure everything will be absoloutley fine. Sounds like you have a good OB


Keep us updated


I have a scan on Saturday when I'll be 11+3 and then we are going to announce

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  • 2 weeks later...

How is everyone doing?


I'm officially due on the 27th August after my 13 week scan today.


Baby looked great and measuring spot on and wriggling a lot again. Unfortunatley they couldn't do what they needed to do for the Nuchal test but I can just have a blood test at 16 weeks intead.


I've been feeling a lot better now too less sickness etc. Pretty sure I'm feeling the occasional wiggle too. And from a glimpse we got on the scan I'm fairlyyy sure this is boy number 2!

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Oooooo another boy!!! My friend found out her gender at 13 weeks. I have no clue what goes on when looking at ultrasounds Haha


I feel great, lots of energy! And almost overnight this baby is going nuts! Moving, kicking, pushing like crazy!


We have our 3D scan this coming Saturday so hopefully we will get the gender finally!

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