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Suffered an early miscarriage. Feeling lost.


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Sorry your still suffering from sickness


I had hardly any with my son but loads of sickness and nausea early on with this one but it tailed off around 10 weeks.


Hydration is sooo important in pregnancy. I notice if I don't drink enough I get intense braxton hicks!


Hope you feel better soon. Your pregnancy will fly by

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It's only driving me mildly crazy. I feel like the nausea is so volatile. I had a decent, manageable week and then once this past weekend hit, I was so sick again.


I had a brief few moments yesterday where I felt ok, so I decided to take advantage of it and ask my hubby out to lunch. We had a really nice time. I ate a little calamari and a very light summer salad. Then we walked around town for about a half hour. It was pretty humid, but I didn't feel all that terrible.


Once we got home, every bit of my lunch came right. back. up.


I told my husband I feel like if I make one false move, I pay for it. I don't know if the baby is trying to say it doesn't want that particular food...or it's just my body/hormones acting erratically.


Whatever the case, if I'm going to battle this the rest of the pregnancy, just 25 and a half more weeks to go!

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If I didn't crave it I couldn't stomach it!

I remember finally having the energy/desire to make my usual big Sunday night dinner and went all out with a roast beef, potatoes etc and it all came back up. After that I didn't t bother making meals that I knew I should have been eating and just ate what I craved since I knew it would stay down! Thankfully it peaked at 10 weeks and was gone by 12 weeks.

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I remember that well! I literally craved McDonalds but if I ate it I was instantly sick. I went off EVERYTHING that i usually loved and every night was a battle to find something I wanted to eat. I lived off donuts for a while lol.


I had to go home from work a few times and I carried a plastic bag with me on the bus just incase!


I was sick so much compared to with my son I wonder if its a gender thing?


I hope it improves for you soon!!


Asti hows your little lady doing?

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She's doing good! Just passed 2 months yesterday! Not 100% sure of her weight but we did the whole me on the scale then men holding her on the scale and she's over 6lbs! She has her 2 mth appt in a few days so I'll be anxious to know her official weight.. She has changed so much physically and is starting to beef up and is out of her preemie clothes and starting into some of her newborn! Had her first smiles the other day which was amazing considering it was 3am and she was not interested in sleep so that totally made it worth it!!

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Thinking of you, Sapphire! How are you feeling now that you're in the final countdown? Here's hoping for a due date baby (or maybe even a few days early)


I've hit 4 months this week! Still battling the digestive monster but otherwise happy. I'm back up to 3 days of exercise a week and definitely taking more frequent water/breathing breaks between cardio moves, but feeling strong overall!


A few days ago, I started getting some intermittent lower back pain which worried me a bit, but it hasn't really progressed past annoying. It's just achy, and I'm assuming part of the stretching to accommodate a growing peanut. My belly hasn't really taken shape yet. I'm sporting what I call the "kangaroo pouch" (just my lower belly under my belly button protruding), but I feel ready to pop out any day now!!

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I hated that in between phase of the belly! I ended up going and buying loose fitting flowy tops (which I pretty much got use of till the end...) because it wasn't out in the open at work but it was one of those "is she gaining weight or pregnant.." Type situations. And then suddenly "bam" tight shirt back on and there's an obvious pregnant belly that made my coworkers double take and wonder where I was hiding it!


I just finished my little ones baby book and made a collage if my weekly belly photos and it's crazy to see the progression. Granted I really never got big because of the growth restriction she faced, but looking at the photo the morning before I gave birth I do not recall being that big at all!!

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Asti, that is definitely where I am now! I have a few tighter fitting shirts and a clingy skirt that I thought I'd like to wear to the beach this weekend, but when I tried them on....definitely not flattering. I just look like I have a fat pooch. Haha. I can't wait to show off a real bump.


It's so cool you made a collage! I have been taking belly pictures every couple weeks with my phone, but I don't see too much of a difference yet. My husband looked at 8 weeks compared to 12 weeks and said, "Uh, your stomach actually looks flatter in the 12-week picture." I did my measurements and my bust and hips haven't changed, but I've gained close to 2 inches around my waist so that's definitely where I'm growing.


How is your little lady doing? Getting bigger by the week?

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I skipped a few weeks since I saw no progress lol but when I put them together there's definite change!


She's good! Getting a fun personality and such a great smiley baby!! She is getting bigger, not as quick as imagined or hoped. Dr said she should still eat every 2 hrs aroubd the clock but it's just not possible. She herself doesn't want to eat every 2 hrs. Were considering maybe formula or asking about some high calorie forums or fortifying the breast milk for added calories to see if it helps

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Ya it's hard to say. She was 3lbs 13oz at birth. She had stopped growing around week 30 and I was induced at 35 weeks so not sure if she will be small like me in general (I'm only 5ft 100lbs) but my husband is 6'5"! But she is deftintly taking after my side in appearance. So many people have said she looks like my dad and grandmother (they are all small Italians!) Which is kind of neat because I am a clone of my mother and take after my Moms side.. To have her take after my dads side is pretty neat in terms of genes.

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So, I've asked some mommy friends and coworkers, and I think I've been experiencing baby kicks these past few days. It's unlike the occasional stretching/cramping feelings I have. The way I describe it is little tugs. It feels like someone is tugging on the tiniest part of my stomach from the inside. Not uncomfortable at all, just bizarre! Haha.


The catch is that I only have been feeling it on my left side. I think that's why I've been hesitant to confirm that it's baby movements. How did you girls know when baby was moving?

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Thinking of you, Sapphire! How are you feeling now that you're in the final countdown? Here's hoping for a due date baby (or maybe even a few days early)


I've hit 4 months this week! Still battling the digestive monster but otherwise happy. I'm back up to 3 days of exercise a week and definitely taking more frequent water/breathing breaks between cardio moves, but feeling strong overall!


A few days ago, I started getting some intermittent lower back pain which worried me a bit, but it hasn't really progressed past annoying. It's just achy, and I'm assuming part of the stretching to accommodate a growing peanut. My belly hasn't really taken shape yet. I'm sporting what I call the "kangaroo pouch" (just my lower belly under my belly button protruding), but I feel ready to pop out any day now!!


38 weeks today!


Being in the final countdown is annoying. Knowing it could be ANY day but it could also be another 4 weeks is torture. I'm really organised and like knowing exactly when things are happening so having it out of my control is so weird and also time is dragging more now.


I didn't get a proper bump both times until 20 weeks. Everyone says your bigger with the second but my bump is actually smaller now. Not sure if it is because she is a girl?


Did you say you were getting a gender scan? I know you can have them from around 16 weeks I think. I get a LOT of back pain and it was one of my first signs of being pregnant. Everything softens and stretches due to hormones so that kinda pain is completely normal. I'm always achey!


Glad you are feeling a little better.

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Ya it's hard to say. She was 3lbs 13oz at birth. She had stopped growing around week 30 and I was induced at 35 weeks so not sure if she will be small like me in general (I'm only 5ft 100lbs) but my husband is 6'5"! But she is deftintly taking after my side in appearance. So many people have said she looks like my dad and grandmother (they are all small Italians!) Which is kind of neat because I am a clone of my mother and take after my Moms side.. To have her take after my dads side is pretty neat in terms of genes.


My son is the image of me and I'm a female version of my dad. I seriously thought I'd given birth to my dad!! He looks JUST like him as a baby and toddler it's weird.


Hope she starts to put a little more weight on soon for you but like others have said she may just be built small

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Sapphire, I can't imagine how agonizing the wait must be! I feel like time can't go fast enough, and I'm not even halfway there yet! I hope you're doing some relaxing things in the meantime! One of my friends is due any day now, she just went on maternity leave, and she's been getting manicures, doing lots of napping and reading gossip magazines


We're doing the gender/anatomy scan on September 2nd... 20 more days until the big reveal!


I'm doing pretty poorly with nausea and fatigue this week, and I feel like I'm being a whiny brat because of it. I have just tried everything. I drink a lot, I snack even throughout the night, and I still wake up and heave first thing in the morning and battle nausea through the day. I just feel like I can't do anything to quiet the wrath. Haha. I think I'm just one of the ladies who will be getting this until delivery.

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Did we already talk about medication? I took meds for nausea almost right till the end. One every night at bedtime (to keep a steady stream) it was b6 + unisom (called dicletin here in Canada) it was my saving grace and swore by it and was a total game changer within a few days of starting it.

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It's ok to moan when you feel sick all the time! I only had it badly from about 6-10 weeks but it was completely debilitating, I hated not being able to eat or never feeling hungry etc.


Hope it eases off for you! My sickness has come back a little now I'm at the end but I think thats more not having any room for anything but a baby in there.


How exciting I bet you can't wait to find out!!

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Asti, I was given Zofran about 6 weeks ago and took it all of 3 times. The only thing it did was keep me from throwing up, but I still felt like I was going to, which was frustrating. It also constipated me reaaaallly bad. Haha.


I take a Vitamin B complex regularly, but I'm trying to stay away from anything that will make me drowsy since I have to get through work. There's of course a little hope that the nausea might ease off, but I'm not banking on it.


I really do live for the moments I get to hear the baby's heart beat and see him/her on ultrasound. The excitement always temporarily overrides the sickness! Can't wait to find out the gender!

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I don't normally venture over this way (not pregnant, never been pregnant, don't plan on being pregnant!) but I'm feeling a little maternal today and I've just read your whole story Sapphire.


It was such a heart-breaking but then lovely story to read and now I'm excited for you! And also for littleL


And congratulations to Asti!

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