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Suffered an early miscarriage. Feeling lost.


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When did you girls start your "nesting" process? I'm at the tail end of my first trimester but I'm still feeling nauseous and slightly miserable so looking at cribs, room designs, chairs, etc has not been on my radar yet. Baby D does have a small collection of gender-neutral onesies hanging in the closet already though

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I never had a nesting process that involved getting things ready for the baby -I wanted nothing in my view that had to do with the baby until the baby arrived (basically superstitious reasons I guess) so I bought one take me home outfit and stuck it in back of the closet and ordered everything to be delivered either post-baby or if I had to have it earlier I kept it in the boxes. I did not want or have a baby shower. We did register but for things to be sent after the baby was born. I always thought of the nesting process as having an urge to clean your house from top to bottom, and get things in order, usually right before the onset of labor.

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I started collecting things right away. I believe I had my son's room done when I was about eight months pregnant. I didn't know whether he was a boy or girl so the colours were pretty neutral colours, yellow with a teddy bear border. And the teddy bear border was mostly cranberry and brown.


We had his baby shower after he was born . In our family it's always after the child was born and with most people I know that's the way it is. I had mine when my son was a month-old because I was too sick before that.

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I believe I was about 34 weeks pregnant or something. I went ballistic cleaning my house. I was on my hands and knees waxing the floor and washing down the walls multiple times.


I bought one package of fuzzy socks after my 20 week scan. Nothing again until I was about 28 weeks or so. My mom tried to buy early and I used to get very upset with her. I wasn't superstitious, but I did have this fear that I'd be surrounded with baby things and no baby to take home, and what would I do with all that stuff in my face like that.

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I believe I was about 34 weeks pregnant or something. I went ballistic cleaning my house. I was on my hands and knees waxing the floor and washing down the walls multiple times.


I bought one package of fuzzy socks after my 20 week scan. Nothing again until I was about 28 weeks or so. My mom tried to buy early and I used to get very upset with her. I wasn't superstitious, but I did have this fear that I'd be surrounded with baby things and no baby to take home, and what would I do with all that stuff in my face like that.


OMG , that happened to me with Liam. My mom had bought a buggy and car seat and had to return it.

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See, that's what I'm nervous about! My in-laws all bought the newborn clothing, and it felt sort of surreal in the moment. But I hung them in the closet of what will be the baby's room, right next to my work scrubs. Now, every morning when I feel completely horrid, I get a comforting reminder of why I'm going through it.


Even so, it does feel a little risky to have it there.

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See, that's what I'm nervous about! My in-laws all bought the newborn clothing, and it felt sort of surreal in the moment. But I hung them in the closet of what will be the baby's room, right next to my work scrubs. Now, every morning when I feel completely horrid, I get a comforting reminder of why I'm going through it.


Even so, it does feel a little risky to have it there.


If you are over your first trimester and they have seen a heartbeat the chance of miscarriage it reduces dramatically. You should be good to go. I only lost my other children because I have a particular problem.

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Ok well, putting it there is NOT going to jinx it. There is NO such thing. It's okay and normal to have those fears, but no amount of hanging baby clothes or buying cribs is going to change the outcome of your pregnancy! Just keep telling that to your rational side.

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And to lighten the mood a little bit(sorry, that was my fault) -


For the last few weeks of my pregnancy, I washed and rewashed my son's things to put away. It was one of the few times in my pregnancy that I felt happy. My eyes would roam every inch trying to imagine what he would look like in each little outfit. Sometimes I would just take the clothes out so I could fold them and put them back in the dresser again. One of my little happy pregnancy moments.

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Ok well, putting it there is NOT going to jinx it. There is NO such thing. It's okay and normal to have those fears, but no amount of hanging baby clothes or buying cribs is going to change the outcome of your pregnancy! Just keep telling that to your rational side.


Yes being rational helps a great deal.

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I agree with you girls 100 percent. I am normally not very superstitious at all. Our 10 week appointment yesterday recorded baby's heart rate at 160, which is par for the course!


Cheetarah, even this early on, I have been doing the same thing! My husband is convinced it's a girl, so I've been mentally accessorizing the gender neutral clothes with headbands, haha. Even a little crazier, I've held the onesies in a cradle position, thinking "Wow, I'm going to be holding a little cuddle monster about this size in a few months."

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I did not want baby things in my field of vision before my baby was born. In the hopefully remote chance that something went wrong I did not want to have to deal with having all those baby things around me in addition to the immense tragedy. Also I was over 40 so it was a high risk pregnancy.


I had very little interest in what my baby was going to wear other than getting information on how much to buy (from friends) and what types of fabrics were best (organic or otherwise). I had a lot of interest in safety and health in choosing what to buy as far as crib, playpen, car seat, etc. I don't think being into baby clothes has anything to do with nesting -it's just what you're into and enjoy planning for -nothing wrong with that!


My big accomplishment this summer (my son is 5) is that his socks now match most of the time. He wears tons of hand me downs which are great (and has since he was an infant) - they outgrow everything so fast!

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Oh yes, they do Batya! My son is almost 19 months and we are in 3Ts now. Aside from 2T, I don't think he was in any certain size for longer than 4 months or so.


I like to go to consignment shops and thrift stores for his clothes. I can't justify to myself buying brand new clothing(aside from a special dressy outfit) that he is just going to get watermelon stains and dirt all over. And what is nice about buying infant/toddler/young children's clothes at places like that, is they're obviously not worn all that long so they are typically in very good shape.

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It took a while for me to bite the bullet and start buying things. I just felt like it would jinx things. When the crib we wanted went 60% off my coworkers forced me into buying it but I just felt like it would jinx it.

I think it was towards 30 weeks that I got this terrible urge to make a 'home' for my baby. Cleaning rampage, organizing, doing the room, stocking the freezer etc and I had my baby a few weeks later!


But when it came to embracing having a baby, I was very removed emotionally from the beginning and didn't allow myself to embrace the pregnancy till we knew the gender [around 22 weeks]






So my little one finally cleared 5lbs!!! weight gain they look for is 6oz a week [an ounce day but sunday is the drs rule...] well she gained 10oz in a week tipping the scale at 5lbs 3oz this morning!!

We got 'newborn' photos done yesterday [despite being 5 weeks, shes still very newborn like] and I am anxious to see them!!

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>>I think it was towards 30 weeks that I got this terrible urge to make a 'home' for my baby. Cleaning rampage, organizing, doing the room, stocking the freezer etc and I had my baby a few weeks later!


Ah, the nesting instinct! This is really hormonally driven and a good sign of a healthy pregnancy!


I had a pregnant dog once and she went INSANE before the puppies were due... she was stealing my underwear and anything soft out of the laundry basket and trying to drag a particular fuzzy robe of mine off of me and into the closet where she wanted to build a nest. She would not leave that robe alone and kept trying to pull it off me, and I finally gave up and let her have it. She'd spend hours arranging and re-arranging the robe and her little pile of soft pilfered items to her liking, kind of like Cheetarah washing and re-washing her baby's clothes and women going on shopping, cleaning, and stocking up for the baby rampages... it is quite comical and very normal for all mothers to 'nest build' before the baby arrives.

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It's nice to hear different outlooks on the nesting period. Thanks, everyone!


I'm hoping in the next few weeks to move away from this nauseous misery so I can just have a couple months of pure excitement. Last night, I cried out of pure frustration for being on the brink of vomiting 90% of my waking day. I then discovered that I can't cry and feel nauseous at the same time. Unfortunately, I have to be legitimately upset. Forcing tears doesn't work. Haha.


It looks like I'll probably be in the majority of women who wait a little down the road to start really getting the room ready.



Asti, congratulations on your little one cruising past the 5-pound checkpoint!

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How exciting


When did you girls start your "nesting" process? I'm at the tail end of my first trimester but I'm still feeling nauseous and slightly miserable so looking at cribs, room designs, chairs, etc has not been on my radar yet. Baby D does have a small collection of gender-neutral onesies hanging in the closet already though


Last time I went mad and had everything done including the nursery by 24 weeks!


This time I've been properly nesting from 30 weeks and have just finished everything at nearly 33 weeks so more relaxed this time.


In the first trimester I did hardly any cleaning due to sickness and tiredness. So I totally understand how you feel.


Are you finding out what you are having?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ahh, so exciting, Sapphire! Have a blast at your shower


I'm roughly 13 weeks, 4 days today. My nausea/vomiting hit a very high point last Wednesday, so my OB shipped me off to the ER for some IV fluids. Since then, I've been able to manage better. I've been throwing back 3 Vitamin waters a day to keep up with the hydration. The last few days, it seems like the worst nausea wave comes around 7-8 PM. Hopefully that means it's working its way out.


My lower belly is just starting to pop too. I can't wait for the legitimate baby bump!

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Cheetarah, they did give me oral Zofran a week before my ER visit and then an IV dose during! It honestly didn't touch my nausea, only kept me from vomiting, which I'm sure was a positive. I just found that taking it wasn't worth the other side effects (wicked constipation and a headache), being that I still felt like throwing up.


I really think the dehydration just made the nausea much worse. Now that I'm being diligent with drinking, I feel like it's more just run-of-the-mill queasiness rather than "I'm gonna hurl any second now." Haha.

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