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Oh my lord... the emotions that bubble up when you're all fertile and your husband isn't in the mood. Good grief.

Can I just run away from myself for a day or so?? lol


Nah, it's not that bad. I've been busy at work all day, lots going on.


We better get it on tonight though lol. I feel like a dude, wanting it all the time!

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Wow, that was ugly. Didn't like the person I was just now. SIL called to announce her pregnancy and immediately started going on about how we need to have kids now too, and etc... and I didn't react well. She was trying to chat with me and I just didn't want to have any of it. I just sent her an email now apologizing for being a b.

Like Alex says, I just need to change my perspective...instead of fear, I should focus on the positive, that we have finally reached the point where we can start a family, and there's no reason it won't happen. Juuuust need to relax and take time for myself. I've been working too hard.


I met some new friends tonight and last night. I love meeting new people who I really click with and who I can have intelligent conversations with. I was saying to Alex how sad I've been that my maid of honour and bridesmaid aren't my friends anymore, but I'm not going to let it get me down anymore, I am going to move on and find friends who will stick around.

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Friday woot!! We're supposed to be getting our new furniture delivered today *fingers crossed*

Pub night with friends new and old at our favourite out of town pub too. Finally a Friday that isn't just coming home and crashing on the couch. Yay! I'm looking forward to finally meeting my friend's bf and baby daddy.

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Friday woot!! We're supposed to be getting our new furniture delivered today *fingers crossed*

Pub night with friends new and old at our favourite out of town pub too. Finally a Friday that isn't just coming home and crashing on the couch. Yay! I'm looking forward to finally meeting my friend's bf and baby daddy.


Is this the guy from Bolivia? Did he manage to get a visa? Just a tourist visa or a longer-term one? If it's him, that's great he was able to come be with her. She must be really happy.

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Is this the guy from Bolivia? Did he manage to get a visa? Just a tourist visa or a longer-term one? If it's him, that's great he was able to come be with her. She must be really happy.


Yes he did! He arrived near the end of November. I met him at the pub last night when a group of us met up. He seems like a really nice, down to earth guy They're just counting down the days until their little lady or man arrives and I think really enjoying being together. I know my friend is so tired of being in her parent's house, but it's for the best right now. They've got lots of space and lots of help.


The furniture came with a whole mess of packing materials and boxes and staples... I got home last night and Alex had already set up the tv stand and was just about done the bed and while he did the bed I unpacked the dressers and the night-stands. I misheard him when he asked me to put the bed in the wash and I was all "oh my gosh, you're my favourite husband ever! You built the bed AND washed the sheets?" Yeah no such luck hahaha.

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We went for lunch and now I am looking at the house wondering if I should clean before Mom in law gets here tomorrow or just leave it because she'll do it anyway... Maybe a little spot cleaning is in order.

The furniture is still off-gassing, so we've got the bedroom windows wide open and the vents open. It's slowly going away, but I am not looking forward to breathing that in again tonight! My husband is way too health conscious these days lol

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It must be! I have a lot of friend's getting pregnant!


MissK had a day of mentioning things casually throughout the day... "swimming is better for pregnant women for their joints" "I'd want my daughter to ice skate" etc


I had to sit her down and say DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'VE BEEN SAYING ALL DAY?!



I love kids, can't wait to have one...wait no, I can wait. I think it's an awesome time that you're in to be ready for one completely. Did you have some kind of checklist to get through before you wanted kids? I think for me it's career, then some very non-child friendly travel...then I'll be good.

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It is awesome in a way, but it's also tough, because we're completely at the mercy of nature. You don't know if you're going to have issues until you try, and every new oops pregnancy that's announced (esp. this time of year, tbh) is pretty bittersweet. We had a chemical pregnancy shortly after getting engaged, so I think that's a big part of why I am feeling the way I am.


Of course, it could also be because I feel sick nearly every day and have no clue why. I puked this morning and decided to stay home from work, try to de-stress. My MIL is over for the week and my SIL's Mom was just here visiting. It helped a little.

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I'm trying to relax, I really am. I really don't think I'm stressing myself sick though.... I don't know what's going on. Yesterday was the worst day though, probably due to no sleep the night before. I felt gross from 6 am to 8:30 pm. Life is no fun when you only feel good right before you have to go to sleep to get up for work the next morning.


I got out of bed today and told myself that I was going to feel fine today, no nausea because there's no good reason. But a couple of minutes into my shower, it started to settle in again and it's stayed all day so far. This just sucks. If I were pregnant and feeling crappy then that's one thing, but to be feeling the same way as people who do have a little one coming, it's tough and it's making me quite depressed.

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Okay enough woe is me. At least I am not puking 24/7 or anything like that. I can work--- not at 100%, but I can. And fitness can wait. The important thing is getting some yoga in, making sure to stay relaxed. Breathing really helps with the nausea...just taking deep breaths and focusing on that.

Work is going pretty well today. I've got a few things to do, a new proposal, and I have someone calling me back tomorrow who's interested in a contract. The business group meeting this morning was good. I told them that I will be joining in the new year and they applauded, so that felt nice. Since it's the last meeting of the year, some of the members wrote poems and christmas jingles to showcase their businesses. I was going to do one, but I totally forgot! It was all kinds of cheese, but very entertaining. I am looking forward to getting to know the group in the new year.

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Last night was nice. I was super hungry so I had some leftovers for dinner, and a slice of pecan pie. mmm food! I had a nice hot bath with peppermint scrub, lit some candles, and then read a magazine until Alex came to bed. So peaceful.

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