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Tried to find new work pants after work. Fail. I did get my hair cut though. Feels a bit better now. The lady who cut it was like “who on earth did this to your hair!?”


I’m feeling pretty frumpy as a whole lately lol. I have put on some weight and hate all my clothes


Oh I got mad at Alex because not only did he eat all the strudel (again!) he ate ALL the pizza. Out of two pizzas and 12 strudels this week, I got 2 strudels and 2 slices of pizza. Super lame. At least I missed out on the fat and calories I guess... He’s feeling pretty sick now (dur)

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I am going to a "baking with booze" class tonight (last minute drop-outs) and my sweet husband is setting up my brand new computer he got me for Christmas Life is good.


Is it a class to teach you how to incorporate some rum or Kahlua into your cupcakes or do you just get loaded and make deliciousness?

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So last night I learned how to make the best rum balls ever, toffee chocolate salted shortbread, bourbon butter tarts, mulled wine, and homemade baileys. My Mom in law is definitely getting some of her own homemade baileys and I think we shall have to bake some shortbread while she is here. The mulled wine was so good. I can't wait to make it.


I'm using my new computer. It's a very nice fancy-pants computer that Alex configured and chose just for me (8 GB ram for pics and multimedia woot!) I am just having a little bit of a tough time with the Windows 8 and with this uber sensitive touchpad. He thinks we should get a mouse for it because if you look at it the wrong way, it closes your window lol.

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It's really nice to know that Alex wants a child as much as I do. Deep down I was scared he was going to back out, but he told me yesterday he's been waiting for ME to be ready. I guess he's been reading too much into things I say.. wanting to make sure our finances can handle mat leave, knowing how hard my job is going to be if I am sick a lot, etc... We also agreed that we don't want to know the sex when I'm pregnant.

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Are you wanting to torture me???? Oh man I'm gonna have to know!



Spay and neuter your pets! Don't breed or buy while shelter animals die!



LOL... somehow I think you'll survive. I've pretty much always been of the mind that you don't need to name/assign a personality to an unborn child. I see so much of that and I don't really like it. It's hard to explain. I want the surprise, to push a baby out and have that precious moment of "it's a ....!"

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I'm not patient, so we'll see how it goes. I could always find out and then try to torment Alex with my knowledge. Somehow I don't think it would work though.


I can't sit anymore. I've been sitting all day...gonna lose my mind!

I've crunched the same #'s a dozen times. Things have stopped computing lol

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I'm getting back into running. My legs feel amazing right now!


It just hit me how blessed I am. Not so long ago, my Mom and I weren't even speaking and now we can spend days together just gabbing away and enjoying ourselves. I went over to my sister's place for the weekend with her and we had such a nice time all together. Years ago, I was so sad for my future kids because I thought that she wasn't really going to a grandma to them, but our relationship is so good now and she is so excited that we're working on having a baby. I am sitting here remembering being this idiotic 18 year old with this psycho boyfriend who was bent on destroying my life. He succeeded, but I took it back and I built it up. Alex and I have achieved so much together, everything we've dreamed of up to this point and it feels darn good.

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And I completely forgot to tell you all (whoever is reading) about the amazing dolphin show Mom and I got on the ferry today! A giant pod of pacific white sided dolphins playing in the waves. We'd never seen dolphins that close to the boat before. You know that scene in Titanic with the dolphins jumping alongside the boat? That was about it. Just amazing

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...I wasn't aware there were multiple breeds haha. I'm florida but not too florida! They all look the same to me!


(I'm sure I'm an embarrassment to my town though. I'm also that terrible girl who calls our body of water "the ocean" when it most definitely is not. A person can get hanged for that around here)

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Think I figured out why I've been feeling queasy for the last three weeks or so. The only thing I've been doing differently is that I started taking folic acid. Probably combined with Niacin and the vitamins I get from my diet, it's too much for my system. I'm going to stop taking the folic acid for a week or so and see what happens.

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And I completely forgot to tell you all (whoever is reading) about the amazing dolphin show Mom and I got on the ferry today! A giant pod of pacific white sided dolphins playing in the waves. We'd never seen dolphins that close to the boat before. You know that scene in Titanic with the dolphins jumping alongside the boat? That was about it. Just amazing


"I'll never let go Jack"


I love Dolphins, we only have "common" bottle nose dolphins here...they'll sometimes catch a wave with you when you're surfing...or you can see them during the sunset just at the edge of the waves swimming North. I once was caught in a massive pod in the ocean on my kayak, one of the coolest moments of my life!

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That would be amazing


I put my macbook up for sale and half a dozen people are all over me for it. Did not expect that. Now I need to clean out the hard drive and take pictures of it, because apparently knowing that it's a 2010 unibody white mac isn't good enough. Not sure what a photo is going to do but oh well.

I'm starting to enjoy the new computer. I was able to jump into a webinar as easily as typing in the url. That was really nice. I felt bad because Alex asked how I liked the new computer and I wasn't very enthusiastic about it. I'm going to have to get a mouse because the trackpad is way too sensitive.

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Seems as though folic acid was the cuplrit. It was so nice to come home from work last night and not feel disgusting and actually want to eat. I even did a round of 30 day shred while dinner cooked.


Secret of the day-- re-roast a chicken to get super yummy crunchy skin. mmmmm

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Doctor recommended for pre-baby and first 3 months of pregnancy. It helps prevent neural tube defects-- serious stuff.

Alex said maybe we should just make sure he and I each get a glass of really dark green juice each day. That ought to do it.


The luncheon I went to today was horribly awkward. I did win a silent auction item though-- pretty glass and pewter trees and a fancy christmas pillow lol.

See what happens when you get bored? You wind up spending money.


Tonight I am wrapping pressies at the mall to raise money for a children's development centre here in town. Long day...5 am to 9 pm.

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