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Hi A,


It's been three months of NC but it seems like yesterday when we had our last conversation. Painful conversation. Emotional conversation.


I don't think that a day has gone by that I haven't thought of you. What is interesting is that I think I've lost that desperate need to be with you again. I don't feel that ache like I used to. What I feel is a sadness that we can't just talk and be friends. I know you want that but I am still not secure about my own feelings. Will I go back to the old self? Urrrrghhh!! Never again!! That's why I will wait some more. I hope I can get there some day but I'm afraid that that day may never come.



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I love and miss you so much. the thought of never seeing you again kills me. hearing you cryin last night and reluctant to say goodbye was horrible and really confusing. I think you're confused about things, and I just wish you would give us another chance. I truly hope that after some space apart you will realise what we have and come back and work on us again, slowly. I think you're scared, you say you want to be friends and see me again once in a while and speak, which I cant do. but you say u cnt see me anytime soon because we'll hav too much fun, it will be too hard, we'd have sex and you'd end up tellin me you loved me. if you feel like you might say that then you much have some feelings!!! I'm so confused by you and there's no understanding you. I love you so much and just have to hope you come back whilst simultaneously giving up hope. this is so hard.

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I think things are going well.

I don't actually feel like running to tell you that I'm going out just incase you want to talk to me while I'm not in the house.

You know...if you did, then you can wait for me to get back home like everyone else has to!


I'm actually rather amused at your behaviour at the moment, you made me smile rather a lot when we were in counselling this morning and you said that you didn't think that we could change. The surprise on your face when I turned round and said, "Well, I certainly can" was great. It made me laugh unabashedly out loud in the middle of a session. I'm more flexible than you give me credit for, and if you'd ever turned round and told me how you felt about things instead of hoping that I'd guess what you were hiding then you'd know that!


Sometimes, my darling, it really is that simple.

You ask someone not to do something because it upsets you - they stop doing it. It works!


You've gone all this time...just thinking that I'd be able to read between all of your lines?

I'm so, so, so happy that somebody else other than myself told you that hiding really isn't that healthy, because I really care about you, and I want you to be able to actually face these things that you feel. I hope it helps you, because you're a lovely person who has been through a lot of pain and has been shouldering it all alone because you never let anybody else in to help.

I hope that you can let the counseller help you, and who knows - maybe the next person who loves you, if she isn't me.

Stop being afraid of not being okay. You don't have to keep a brave face on all the time, and nobody is going to know that you're falling apart inside if you keep smiling. It's not a bad thing not to smile when you don't feel like it, and your friends and loved ones want to be there for you.

Let them be.

Stop hiding.

Maybe some time in the future we can try again, and I will love you just as much again - because you're one of a kind. But for now, I will be here for you whenever you need me to be, don't be afraid to reach out for that help, because I know you want to sometimes.


I love you, and you've told me that you love me - and you know...I understood exactly what you meant, it didn't even bring a tear to my eye. Because I love you in the same way. We have a connection that isn't going to break any time soon, and I will always be here for you as a friend.

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How dare you, how dare you try to blame me for all the crap that happened, it was my moodiness that made you think things couldnt work between us. I am done playing your stupid games. I pour my heart out to you again like an idiot and all I get is I'm sorry. Well you can continue to miss me, you have made you decision now live with it. You dont have to deal with this anymore I am done. I dont care anymore.

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you called me yesterday i ignored it. Wat did the call mean, just a hi?

Should i call u back, i dont know. But if i do, will u be mad.

Wud u miss me.


I love u!!! and dont want to lose u, but am i going to if i stay strong and ignore the calls....


wish u wud just give it a try, i am miserable!!!!

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i miss you and i love you. i want to be with you and i bet that could be a little scary and your in college and all that. im sorry if anything i did made you want to break up with me even thought you swear that it isnt me and you love me with all your heart. i know i was a good girlfriend but its hard to believe those words. i would like to think if its meant to be it will be, but i keep thinking hopefully we'll find our way back, but i dont want to anymore, i want to forget, this is hurting me too much. just know i would have done everything and anything for you. i hope if you do have a different girl soon even thought you said thats not what you want, she'll love you just as much as i did...

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last night i awoke whimpering , the sound woke me and I was unaware at first that it was coming from me. It was an awful sound. I fell back asleep and awoke later with a headache. I thought by speaking to your stepdad sat night that they would have had you at least call me about your things. but NO, NOTHING. You are a piece of s++t. Your sofa and love seat went out Sunday as I told him it was going to. It was hard and I cried to the point of not being able to stand. My friend had to hold me up. It was dreadful. But after awhile I felt somewhat empowered, and felt alittle like I gained some control back. I also got an estimate for the door frame repair. And come next thursday on payday it will be filed in small claims. If you do not pay, I will place a lean on your truck. You think I had issues before, ?? The emotional damage being with you again has left me with now will show you how bad the issues are lol. I wish you nothing but heartache and misery for the rest of your life. I wish ten years of not stop suffering, I hope you loose your loved ones to any and everything that hurts you and pray for you to die alone.

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You're a jerk. There's another word I want to use but I don't think ENA will allow it. I can't believe you had the NERVE to send me that e-mail.


I hope you get an STD. I hope you fail miserably at what you're trying to do and go home crying to your parents. I hope your good time girl gets pregnant and keeps the baby. I hope you never find a real job. I hope you're always a little less happy than I am.


There, I said it. It's not pretty, and I'm ashamed of it. I hate feeling this way about you, but that's how I feel. And YOU made me like this, up until even a month ago I loved you to the moon and back. Never has someone behaved so atrociously towards me. And now, I can hardly even respect you. Sad.

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I just want to forget you. I want to make my mind clean of you. The whole time we were together you were lying to me, cheating, stealing from me, saying bad things about me. The worse of it is that you would them accuse me of being crazy or paranoid or say that my angry reactions to your behaviors (like when you'd disappear over night or longer and not reply to my calls or texts) were what kept you away.


You left me in a cruel, dishonest way, then you came back 3 months later and convinced me your love was real and you'd seen the error of your ways. A month later you cheated again. And another year of craziness followed.


And now you are back with the woman you lied to me about last year, the one you said was crazy and you wanted nothing to do with her ever again and were ashamed you'd ever gotten involved with her at all.


You looked in my eyes, August of 2008, when you'd come up after moving out of state - to help me with the house you claimed, and you told me you wanted to have sex with her. You said that and I felt such pain I wanted to die. Then you tricked me and pretended to go back home but instead of the airport, you went to her house for a few days of fun. That trip cost me over 900 bucks. And you didn;t even get much done on the house.


I thought, after that, that I was done with you. That pain was so terrible. The betrayal so intense. BUt I took you back. ANd now, a year later, you are back with her. You have called me names and hurt me and ignored me and come over to get money from me or ask favors. You didn't respond when I was in the ER all day. I begged you for a ride home but you ignored me. when you finally called to say you'd pick me up, my phone died. I tried to call you from a payphone but you wouldn;t answer. i took a taxi home, waiting in the cold, outside, no coat with me, sick and in pain and doped up by the doctors.


And later, I get a bunch of texts telling me that I am so terrible for playing games with you.


Since then, I've gotten sicker and sicker, and I am so alone and isolated. You do not offer help. You do not do anything but sometimes send a mean text to me about how I am such a bad person.


I am deeply in debt. I supported you for over 2 years, you used me, cheated, shamed and humiliated me.


Why do I even ask for help still?


Go away. I wish you did not exist in my mind.

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your a beautiful person and one day i hope you find all the happiness that you really do deserve! You've got so much going for you, and i just hope you can find someone in the future that you can trust enough to let into your life without trying to constantly push them away. Obviously it was not me, but there is someone out there! Goodluck and take care xox

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Oh I dont know what to feel anymore, tha fact that there are kids involved and you being a spoilt cruel brat yourself does not help matters. I meant two years this has been carrying on, you have cheated, abused, shamed and humiliated us over and over and hurt us beyond repair. But I still never took your chldren away even though you have not treated them properly either! And now even now I offer you to sort out days tp see your kids so its done with and you wll ahve peace and you still wont do that. What kind of a father does that. Your no good to my kdis but the law says I have to. But you give fathers a bad name. Why would you not sort days and be over with. Do you not think my kids deserve that much. Your sick.

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