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Hmm. How to capture your very positive influence without falling prey to your chaos?


Why is it so tempting to break contact, when I don't even want to sleep with you?


to Me: well, you ARE fabulous, so there will be what you desire, when the time is right.


Good for you Love! Center on YOU! YOU deserved your attention: not two whackers!


Positive thoughts and power to you and your friend who is trying to fight a good and noble fight right now!

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Today was a good day. I helped children with disabilities have a great day at a day camp and cooked for a shelter. I think being single had these benefits... To want to help others instead of being selfish and only worrying about my own life. It's nice to know that the 12 hours I devoted to others will make a huge impact. I miss him but I'm not sure if I wanna give up this opportunity of me becoming stronger and better.

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day 4/5. i feel like he is slipping away from me. my friends think that maybe he had been talking some other woman, that's why he was quick to dismiss me. i mean after 2 days of break up he doesnt love me anymore. and he is cruel and rude and callous to me. the way he talked to me, it's like he's deliberately hurting my feelings.


is it possible for a male dumper, who displays this kind of behavior, rude, uncaring, callous, to miss me eventually? i will give him space.


i really dont know what his problem is, it was a simple fight. i really need a male dumper perspective here. if a male dumper says he doesnt love his gf anymore after 2 days and is very rude when the gf is begging him, will he eventually come around?

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Yesterday i was okay, today, im panicking again. I feel lost without him. Yesterday i was able to convince myself that im better of without him. Today, i cant stop thinking of him. Of all the regrets. If i didnt do that, if i didnt do this. I feel like im in a bad dream. I hope i wakeup soon so that i can talk to him again.


Ive been praying a lot, reading on law of attraction, thinking positive thoughts. But my miracle is not happening.

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Yesterday i was okay, today, im panicking again. I feel lost without him. Yesterday i was able to convince myself that im better of without him. Today, i cant stop thinking of him. Of all the regrets. If i didnt do that, if i didnt do this. I feel like im in a bad dream. I hope i wakeup soon so that i can talk to him again.


Ive been praying a lot, reading on law of attraction, thinking positive thoughts. But my miracle is not happening.


Keep up the good work! My running coach recently said something to an injured runner, and I think applies to us too. She has healed but was afraid to run, for fear of re-injuring herself. He advised her to focus on the recovery, instead of the injury. And that advice got her back out on the road with us and a big smile on her face. She says, suddenly she saw possibility, where before she saw limits.


If I keep focusing on how the exes are unworthy, how will I see anything else? To implement this idea, I am trying to think about what was good in the person, and then find ways to replicate that in my other relationships - meaning friendships, work relationships, etc. Its a new challenge; I don't know if it works.

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I am succeeding and the distance from you is making you worse, not better. I want to believe in you. I wonder now, who are you? Which makes me think you are wondering the same about me, and this I find annoying. And then I remember, I owe you nothing. If you really want to learn more, then you will find out more. If I could figure out a way to accidentally impress you, I admit I would. Still I imagine one day you will simply show up in the park, or at the corner deli, unannounced, and discover me in my perfect glory.


My next new date will test my skills. He is my type, tall, bald, athletic, globetrotter, thrill-seeker of sorts. Says he is serious about trying to find her, I don't know. My experience with him will test my ability to walk in the woods without an escort, something I have failed at miserably in recent years.


In contrast to several years ago, I have clarified: I am looking for a character-driven man, a purpose-driven man, and a respectful renegade. This means he will be a bit of a shape-shifter. I have found character without risk, I have found risk without character. I have found renegade without respect. All were attractive and so so so very wrong. He will tell me anything, so my rule maybe is just to keep my cards close.

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Well it's been 34 days.


I feel a little more distant from her everyday, but I still sometimes miss my best friend. I can actually find myself attracted to other girls and I have one I am currently pursuing. As for my ex, well she hasn't tried to reach out, but I have noticed in passing her doing odd things like wearing her prom dress as a Halloween outfit or suddenly befriending another girl she knew I was previously attracted to.


But I don't worry too much about what she's thinking. It's really about me and my life.

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25/14 Update


I really want to contact him, I miss his friendship.


Wingman says, then call him. Tell him, you have been thinking of his mom, the various transitions he is sorting out, and wondering how he is doing?


Well, that was an altogether positive and adult experience. Five minutes, maybe, he took the call within three rings and while he was at the gym. "What's Up?" Told me a story about having a return of a skin issue on his face, something I didn't know about and he has had since he was a baby and could not in any way have been calculated to make himself distant, sexy or some other game thing. I gave him a quick update re new job etc. He needed to get back to the weight rotation, and he closed with glad you called, nice to hear your voice. Tell the girls I say Hi.


Happy, normal. Yay.

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Day 6 NC.

Ive been praying a lot for God to help me get you back. For us to be together again.

My friend told me i was praying the wrong thing.


I should thank God and pray that His will be done. He has better plans for me. It's much better than what i was praying for. I will just accept everything and wait for my miracle. In God's time, i will receive my miracle.

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I'm really enjoying getting to know the new guy. E wanted to tell me he loved me a little before a month of dating and I stopped him. I told him he didn't even know me. R and I are taking things slow. And I really like it. He seems like a good guy, but I'm not jumping the gun. I'm going with the flow and enjoying a normal paced relationship.

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Been in no contact for almost 2 months. I don't understand why it's hard to do it though. I mean I get the detachment is hard but I would rather leave with my dignity. I would rather him wonder why I didn't run after him. I'd rather him live with the consiquence of leaving me then to run after him and show him I'm worth nothing. at the end of the day we are all hurt and feel betrayed to a certain extent. If we run after them, we show them they can treat us horribly and we will gladly run after them. Last time I checked he was jumping hoops to be with me. So no as much as I love him I won't text him and ask for another chance. I won't let him see me that way. Having the roles reversed. I'd rather have him wonder what I'm doing and why I so easily stopped. I believe if someone loves you, that the universe will bring you back together. One way or another whether he texts or you bump into each other. I need to focus on me. I need to remover to be confident and know my worth. Don't let them take that from you. Show them the consiquence of life without you.

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