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Everything posted by IAmFCA

  1. and now i am the one who needs to heed this advice. ... [facepalm]
  2. eivai polu oreiw.... (struggling with only american alphabet)
  3. Daughter. Wasp inside. I'm too scared to spray it so I've been watching it for an hour. I know it's just sitting there, thinking up ways to sting me.
  4. Low Spark... by Traffic [video=youtube_share;UUrtAGu_8GQ] ]
  5. Spring. Its like happy faces popping up everywhere, little sparklers. You will have Spring in no time!
  6. The weather is a melted marshmallow sky and streets of molten lava. Occasionally the breeze from some giant blow torch passes for "refreshing".
  7. Just watched Lion. Fantastic on many levels. And mind blowing.
  8. And you just know the person who wrote the "liked" post is all See, someone else agrees! Nooooooooo
  9. Arghhhh Just clicked like on a post I really really really did NOT like. Life will go on. Maybe.
  10. women are awesome. i want more of them.
  11. Ick. I understand you, 100%. This would make me back off, making the neighbor an acquaintance.
  12. After not talking for a time the dinner invite was a reach.
  13. My Day 4 and my bff is now struggling to stop texting a man. Its a skill, learning to leave it alone. I kinda miss that selfish feller of mine but I had to go. I caught the feels as they say, and I wasn't invited. That thing about being comfortable alone, and making room for someone: seem like contradictory energies. If I am comfy, I am complete. There is no empty drawer waiting to be filled. Reading, the thing I don't do is say "I need your help." I feel bad asking for help. But Slush showed rare enthusiasm when he thought I might need him to fix my printer. Probs i should have broken it. Ha. Oh well. It seems i have turned a corner and no longer attract casual sex seekers. That's helpful.
  14. I wish I had been more moderate in my exit. Or maybe I was. I really don't know how it was received. Anyway. I wish I could invite him over for a glass of wine. My home is more comfortable for me then it has been in years. I wish he could see the forward motion. (3)
  15. Not a break up. Not even a relationship. Just my brain traveling an uncertain path. A redirect in my brain. Need to make it go straight. So- tomorrow- 1.
  16. Mom, Please look after CapT. He's a boater obvi and a straight shooter and you would love his humanity. I guess you know that already. Hugs to his mom, too, from us here. Thanks, Mom. I have long prayers for you this weekend. Till then xox Me. PS making a plan to be hot and sweaty and using my arms a bit, on the water. Then, a marina bathroom shower and a cocktail party, walking in by myself, late. I can feel you smile at that.
  17. A bridge too far. Who isn't in that movie?
  18. It's been a long time since I've had times like that, and I remember wanting to cry, to express myself, to release some sort of overflow valve and get the mysterious weight inside of me out, get the darkness out, just get it all out. And I would cry and it would be such a half baked effort. One time, in a parking lot, it hit and I sobbed for like, an hour. Two hours late to work. Just sobbed, talked, sobbed. Another time, i was passing under this tree near home. It hit then. Two really great exorcisms of old baggage releasing itself from within me. Little releases before and after. Those two were biggies. It's all gone now. I am grateful I can say the good stuff remains. I didn't forget. ((()))
  19. I came home early and fell asleep before 5. Can't seem to do anything. Just recovering a smidgeon of energy now. Food choices, and I don't know what else.
  20. Maybe we can add that service to the eNA platform: "Hi, this is a confidential call to tell you that you need to date/propose/drop your side piece/break up/ stop stealing food (lol). We believe in you/you can do this/he/she is worth it/we are watching you. Please take action within before next Monday. Goodbye."
  21. Yes -- And in a way, that is always the case. People and relationships are dynamic. Your security is well rooted within you.
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