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Everything posted by IAmFCA

  1. Warning, its vulgar! I couldn't help myself. Bisexual lovers are double ended. SORRY
  2. Your emails distracted me from sleep. I knew it was you, I knew I needn't look, I knew I had nothing to say. I don't know if you're unaware, unstable, or maybe even getting better. Like I wrote before in this thread, i don't think you are sober and I don't think you get it. I am not opening myself up to the chaos that your indulgences invite. I am not. The man I want? Whoever he is? He can have anyone. He can go anywhere. He does not need me and he can not afford to be destabilized by my externalities. My brand is important. His brand is important. Salacious gossip and backstabbing such as would be within the scope of your gfs potential behavior? No. No way. Not going there. You still don't get that your choices open you up to the stuff that happens to you. I understand. Its a desire of yours that is taboo to some. You are with someone for years now. And you can't tell her? Really? Well, whatever. I am not here for you. I am ever farther away on a path you can't see. It will all sort itself in time. By then, when I see your health, i wont know if it is a facade. Pity, because I will want it to be true. But I will not ever know. Therefore you can be no more than a slip of a man, for there are no roots beneath you.
  3. Moonlight, last weekend but i think i forgot to post. An impressive work, intimate, human. Beautifully filmed though often not beautiful images. Loved it.
  4. Hahahahaha Pity. If the world is your game, which game I am not playing but if you are, you just lost. This post is vulgar and beneath me, granted. My money guy exceeds your money gal by a universe and back. So if that's your game, i was prepared to win by not caring and not playing. Then you might think you win and who cares. If this goes anywhere, it will be a lesson you process privately. I know it will. Sorry for your pain inside. You're a mess. Your recent words to me contradicted themselves. You said you were better even as you said you needn't hide then said Here is how I hide. You didn't see the conflict in your own writing. I think you may be deep in the bottle in fact. So there is no winning, only sadness. But ya. Character wins big guy. Every time. I hope you get the lesson.
  5. Lol Councilors lambast opponents when negotiating. DRAMA
  6. Moonlight Five stars. Hits on all fronts and would have failed in lesser skilled hands of all kinds. Writing, directing, editing, acting all required subtlety and confidence to succeed. They created an excellent film. One i would use in a film making class as well as in a study of cultural influences. Brilliant piece of work.
  7. I came here to post, to force myself to say something. I've nothing to say. You've become an empty vessel. Full of value but no wine left for me. We aren't dating. We are engaged in some sort of dance. Its become expensive and purposeless. I've left you. That's not true but I'm close. I stated my wants, I gave you an opportunity to take action. And, oddly, you will. I just feel it coming, but only after I'm gone. Probably neither of us has left the other. Time is hurtling us slowly forward. Yes hurtling. Yes slowly. The conflict is intentional. In 4.5 years, we fall off a cliff or we leap into the clouds. Our service to others changes. 4.5 less 2 = 2.5. How about you take me on a date in June '19. Or October '17. Maybe June '17 will give you a bit of a shock. So, to myself: prepare for a year of disengagement. Huh. Actually, maybe that's the deal. Maybe it does loom on the horizon for you. I guess I could ask. Anyway, your issue. I will use the model of never saying no. Its been a good tool. While in my head to myself as needed, No.
  8. Mom, Do we like this guy or no? Can you do this for me and just tell me when you've found the right one? Thanks!
  9. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Wow. Didnt see the gender divide before. Still love its cheesy dorky way.
  10. Me. Awake when im half asleep. Lost momentum and clarity when daughter lost her temper. Now look at me, wiped.
  11. Brilliant leaders offer compelling knowledge. TENOR
  12. This group is too great in an interview. No pretenses.
  13. [video=youtube_share;2VOLkpRXKg4] ] A little Salt N Pepa to spice things up, with Sugar Bear in da house.
  14. You've behaved selfishly and respond only when faced with loss of me. You won't let me go when i give you a choice but i don't need your permission. Your behavior is a destructive technique and quite effective at protecting you from investing in others. I deserve someone who will invest in me and nurture the "us" we create. I felt urgency. Maybe it doesn't exist. Maybe I brought that to the table unfairly. No matter. I know I'm not gone. You forget nothing and will not let me go. The qusstion is how far will i travel before turning around to see if you are looking. And no you're not an ex. I just to need to vent bc you hurt my feelings, and you don't do that very often, and you didn't do it on purpose. You did what you always do at that hour on a Sunday. More investment was required. More motivation. You had nothing left i suppose. Maybe i am making it symbolize more than it should. Tired. Take some responsibility. I've done all I intend to do.
  15. Interesting. I had a very negative response to this movie when it came out. Felt like it was exploiting Forrest, people like Forrest. That it made him an object. I wanted to walk out.
  16. Jumanji Never saw it before. I don't know, kind of uncomfortable. Not sure why. Like RW played his character almost sinister, dark. Something didn't fit.
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