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Everything posted by IAmFCA

  1. Well done re family. Nice to read of this progress. You worked hard to get here, and to be sure that this is where you wanted to go given all the inputs. Well done.
  2. Artists' projects plainly lampooned educators.👩🎨 LAMBS 🐑
  3. Pack light and carry essentials. 😎👙✈🏖😁 SMART 👩🎓
  4. Indoor racetracks attract timed events. 🏃♀️⏱ SPOON 🥄
  5. Tarantulas rate among the scariest hitchhikers. TRAIL
  6. Mornings are the toughest, everyday. (is everyday one word or two? could also end with, endless. or, everyone.) FIGHT
  7. Breakfast and sunshine inspires naturalists. BIRDS
  8. Tiny apple seeds tumbled everywhere.🍎 BROOM 🧹
  9. key to succes: let my teens moods flow through me like electricity and happiness (lol)
  10. Well said. I believe we behave in a way that is consistent with what we want. not what we think we want. I want to look like x and eat like y. My wants are in conflict because I want the win without making the effort. Every now and again i forget my lesson - that I need and that I want to eat right - and I eat sugar in many forms. I feel it, remember my lesson, and return yo path. Acceptance is my friend: yes I DO have limits, and no I don't have superpowers. This is how my body works. Eat greens and proteins and carbs will end up in my body by osmosis. Exercise. Celebrate that habit and not the result. Stealing your friends' quote. "Every meal is a short-term investment in how you feel and perform, a mid-term investment in how you look, and a long-term investment in your freedom from disease." Fabulous.
  11. Amen. We are backwards. People used to say to me, You give your babyaitter your credit card? Um. I give my babysitter my baby!
  12. I n d e x I never doubt experienced xylophonists. OBOES
  13. Protozoans infected zoos' zebras, always. Soupy
  14. Loose objects cartwheeled, knife-sharp. 😱 Keels
  15. Fraternity initiations raised students' trepidations. YIKES
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