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Everything posted by emmyspartan20

  1. my advice...i think you should go to a psychiatrist. You could have shizophrenia, or bi polar disease. I don't know...i think u really need to talk to a professional about this. They can give u better adivce then any of us on this forum. U have gotten through the hardest step: admitting u have a problem. NOw comes the easy part! If you are in college, you'll get some advice for free. OTherwise, contact your insurance company or talk to your parents. good luck.
  2. hey i really think that you should listen to your mother. She is your mother and thereforeeee you should respect her and take her word for it. Chances are she is protecting you, whether or not she is the one who commited a crime or if it was Nancy. The thing is, friends come and go, but family is forever. I had this family, a second family that lived next door to me. We were super close and I was best friends with their daughter, and here I am eight years later and the family turned their back on me. I guess the point i am trying to make is that friends aren't always going to be your friends. However, your mother will always be your mother. Ask her if you are allowed to xchange emails with just the children or whatever, and wait until this whole thing blows over. Don't go over to nancy's house if u want even if ur grounded. That advice is BAD. good luck.
  3. Hey, I am 20 years old and attend Michigan State University. I am blonde I'm 5'1 and moderately attractive. In high school I was "that girl" the one that all the boys wanted but didn't ask out cuz I was "too pretty". Now I am in college and I feel like I am an average face in a beautiful crowd. I dated this guy for a long while and we broke up, and are still talking and what not. But I feel like if I don't meet anyone in college then I will never meet a guy because I am going to be an elementary teacher. I feel like I will never get asked out on a date, even thought I am single. And i only have two more years in college and then its over! I am never going to get married and have the life i wanted. And i'm not ugly. This makes me depressed. I guess I just am not pretty enough to hack it in college. HELP!
  4. It sounds fishy, but you might be overly paranoid. You two have known eachother for a long time and have been dating for years. As unfortunate as it is, couples tend to have less and less sex the longer they are together. Just because he doesn't have sex as much as you'd like doesn't mean he's cheating on you. What i would do is ask him why he works so much and why he doens't tell you about his day anymore. Has there been a death in the family, or a loss of friendship between him and a buddy? Has either of you gained or lost weight? Have you been preoccupied with things in the past and now he is resenting you for it? Are you two financially stable? These are just a few reasons I can think of that he might be spending less time at home...and more time at work. Oh and you can't get a rash from sex...he might just need to change his underwear more often. Jock itch is just from sweating and wearing unbreathable undies. LOL...or he could be masterbating on his night shifts with lotion that he is allergic to lol but seriously, u may be jumping to conclusions. DOn't accuse, just talk and see where it goes. Let me know how it turns out!
  5. This is a very easy situation. God I wish my love life were that simple. I am happy to hear that you are active in your high school, so asking a girl out should not be a problem. You are at an age where you are akward, but you really need to overcome that. Grow some balls and ask her out. Walk up to her and tell it how it is. "hey ____ I have been meaning to ask you something for a long time now, and I am new at this, and don't walk away just yet, I am nervous so bare with me....blah blah blah....well I guess what I mean is, would you be willing to go with me to the dance?" Easy and simple as that. If she says no, then she isn't right for you. Pick your self up off the floor and try again. Enjoy being young and don't focus on being serious with girls. That part comes later when your in college. THen that is the time when you need to worry about serious girlfriends. Let me know what she says.
  6. Oh you should definitely go for it and I agree with telling your friend about your feelings for her. If he gets upset or whatever, that is his problem and he will get over it. Life is too short to pass up opportunities and you may find yourself thinking about her after she is long gone. Don't let her be "the one who got away"! Take chances, get your hands dirty and above all be true to yourself and your feelings! I hope everything works out and let me know how things turn out. take care
  7. your so very welcome girlie. Listen, If you ever need to talk, I am the type of person who will not juge you because of who you are attracted to. I understand that you are human and u have the same feelings towards annother human being....the same feelings I have towards my boyfriend. Send me a private message if you need to just vent. Remember, keep your head up!
  8. Hey hun, the first thing you need to do is take in a deep breath. I know your life seems to be in shambles right now, you need to focus on the good things in your life, however little they may seem. It is always hard for a parent to accept that their child is different, and your mother loves you. Of course she isn't going to let you just leave and shut her out of her life. You don't have to talk to your mother about being gay all the time, but trying to make her understand will never happen. Just tell her to accept who you are. YOu are still her daughter and the only thing that is different is who you are attracted to. BIG DEAL!!! As for your girlfriend, I am in a long distance relationship myself and it is hard being away from him. I am a girl, and being away from my boyfriend is very difficult. Maybe you should get a web camera. That way you can see eachother even though you are away. Talk on the phone as much as you can, or online. That is the only thing that you can do right now. Be patient sweetie...things will get better as you grow older.
  9. Ashley doens't like me, I think, because mark wrote in an IM to me that I was better than ashley in bed.
  10. Ok when I was 16 (I am now 20) I got my first job as a lifeguard and there was a very cute boy who worked at the front dest, Mark. We started talking and dated for a while and of course we had mind blowing sex. When I was 17 I met another lifeguard whose name is Erin. I confided in her with problems that Mark and I were having, or just to talk. When I was 18, Erin told me that Mark had started dating another girl who was a friend of her's named Ashley. Mark had not mentioned this to me and I was mad at him that he was having sex with me, but taking Ashley out to dinners. After that I drop kicked him, but continued to work at the job that all FOUR of us worked at. The problem is, Mark started IMing me a few months ago saying that he wanted to hook up and screw around. I said no, because I was amid a new, better relationship. I saved the convos and later sent them to Erin because she knew Mark. Erin and Ashley are roomates and Ash stumbled accross the IM's which gave proof that he had cheated on her (remember he was with me when he started dating her) along with the fact that he wanted to have sex with me again...despite me saying no, I won't do this to ashley and what not and now she hates me. NOT HIM. I didn't even do anything. When I went back to work over thanksgiving, Ashley told my boss a lie about me and I got fired. Erin at first sided with me, but now she ignores me and gets mad at me whenever I try to talk to her about Mark and Ashley. I am 20 and I have known both Erin and Mark longer than this B*tch ashley has, and I'm upset because I didn't do anything. I need advice because this is ruining Erin and my friendship! Help!!
  11. this is what I think you should do: tell him its over. Scare the guy. He needs to be put in his place right now. Your relationship with him is very unstable and I would suggest leaving him right now. THis is happening to my sister except he cheated on her three times. She gave him three chances and now they're getting a divorce. THey have a 8 year old together, and I think she should have left him a while ago. I know you love him, but why love someone when you aren't the only thing on their mind and they don't love you with the same feelings back? Don't make someone a priority when you are only their option. Go to marriage consuling together if he doesn't think a seperation is in order. If he really loves you and he is just "stuck in a rut" then you can work it out. OTherwise, leave him. Save yourself and your children the heart ache.
  12. If I could sum up my relationship with my x in one word it would be DISTANCE. We are away more than we are together. I know how you feel. Six years is a long time to commit to one person and I know you spent many a lonely nights waiting for him to call you, or waiting for him to get back from the bar when u were just sitting in your room. Or you thought about him every second you were out with your friends. These are the things I imagine you did, because I did them. There isn't a magical word or phrase that can make us feel better because first and foremost we loved our men. Despite the fights and the lonliness and the distance we loved them and imagined we'd end up with them in a large chapel donning a beautiful white dress. While I can only imagine how six years down the drain feels, I do know that healing takes time. The problem I have is that Brian and I still talk all the time. At least you have the benifit that he feels akward around you. This will make it easier to get over him in your case. My suggestion to you is to go out with your girlfriends and try desperately to foget about him. Just don't grab ahold of some random guy because you want a replacement. Then you'll just feel guilty. Allow yourself plenty of time to heal. Invest in vibrators and girlfriend talks with your best friends. Avoid romantic movies and books, music and TV. Read murder stories and go to action movies. That's what I'm doing and it makes me feel better to forget about everthing for a while. I don't know if I helped any, but I hope that everything works out for you.
  13. I am 20 and dated a 27 year old for two years. We had a great relationship, or so I thought, and we were seriously talking about marriage. He told me I was the one and bought me a diamond ring. I go to college and over the summer we spent every moment together. In the fall when it was time to go back to school, he was sad he visited me every opportunity he had, and then things started to fall apart. He broke up with me in October. He said it took him a long time to realize that he didn't want a girlfriend. We still talk everyday and saw eachother over christmas break every day. He gets jelous if I talk to other men, and sends me messages saying "muah" and and then the second I start talking serious he reminds me that he doesn't want a girlfriend. I am too young blah blah. SOmetimes we even still have sex. I went home last weekend, and we had sex and everything seemed fine. But I know deep in my heart that he doens't want to marry me anymore. I don't know what to do and I need some advice.
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