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  1. I need some answers. I have some reasons to believe my B/F is cheating on me, but I would like to hear some others views before I broach him on this. Background, we have known each other for 6 years, and we have been a couple for 2+ years living together. Reasons 1/. He has absolutely no interest in sex, (well not with me anyway). What used to be 3-4times weekly is now every 7+weeks, and that's only after I say something about the lack of it! 2/. He is getting home from work 1/2 an hour to an hour later then he used to, with little or no explaination. 3/. He is leaving for work earlier and earlier every block of shifts that he does. 4/. He receives phone calls, from I don't know who and mentions nothing about them to me at all. 5/. He doesn't talk about his day at work any more where as he used to tell me everything that had gone on during his day. 6/. In his word, "I prefer to be at work on night shift!" (these are also the shifts he is leaving earlier and earlier for). 7/. He has suddenly developed a strange rash in his groin, after a block of night shifts! (Never had anything like it before in his life!) 8/. He has shaved off his moustache, which he has had the whole time that I have known him. 9/. He has accused me of having an affair! (Not likely) All of these things have happened in the past 1-2 months, please someone let me know what you think.
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