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Everything posted by Leonhart

  1. You know what's strange... I used to be able to hear the voice of God. No, not in an audible, literal voice, but from within my spirit. I ask Him, "Why haven't you brought me anyone yet?" He goes, "..." I go, "..." So it doesn't go very far, sadly. Oh well.
  2. The info I gave you came from an academic study on flirting and men's behaviours. Take it or leave it (no offense.) PM me if you want the source.
  3. Oh friend, how many times have I...? I imagine He is the only one who has not yet lost count. Figured someone else maybe be able to hear from Him better than I. After all, years of praying has gotten me nowhere.
  4. Hey, the next time you guys hear from God, tell Him the soul mate He sent me got lost in the mail and to send another!! I'm serious.
  5. Maybe you're not giving yourself enough credit? Maybe you're better looking than you think?
  6. I suggest reading up on body language then.
  7. Touching one's face is often associated with dishonesty, nervousness, lack of interest. I meant more like, repeatedly touch one's nose or scratching their face, etc. Hard to say, I wasn't there, so I can't judge for sure. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. It may not mean anything, but it might have. I don't know.
  8. I only meant in reference to Sunday service. You go to 'church' (that is, Sunday Mass, service, worship, etc.) to worship God, not to get tail. Seriously. There's nothing worse than a guy who infiltrates the church with only one thing on his mind - and it ain't the Lord! lol You know the type I'm talking about. If you're serious about meeting someone with like precious faith (as am I), then going to things like bible study, prayer, social events, etc. is a good way to interact with people. Age has nothing to do with it. My church has all sorts of young people at our bible studies... it's about 50/50. There's always college and career groups as well. Does your church have these functions? If not, and there's demand, consider asking your leader to implement them. And if all else fails, you could try going to another church. Not with the sole intent of finding a mate, that's silly. But maybe in hopes of deepening your social network and making some new friends. You could even go to mass/worship/whatever at one church and go to another for social interaction. I've done it and seen it done numerous times. Basically, just go where the action is! lol And people with faith are all around you, not necessarily just at church. Many people with faith don't even go to church! Oh yeah, if you're a believer, then just trust God and He'll bring you the right person. Sure, you've got to do your part too - trust me, I'm guilty of pawning it all off on God myself - but if you trust Him to do His part, while doing yours, things will work out.
  9. Returning eye contact, not touching his face, if he touches you, palm-open gestures with his hands, open body language (i.e. takes up a lot of space and doesn't cross his arms, etc.) and teasing all are good signs. How's that?
  10. Oh. I guess so, yeah. I guess that's where my people reading skills and intuition come into play. Yeah, you're mostly right. Based on what I've read, women are pretty obvious when they like someone.
  11. Come to think of it, I've had a few girls chase after me, too. This one, in particular, good Lord... she wouldn't leave me alone. And ironically, it was at church too. I didn't even know the girl liked me (I was very dense at the time, plus I had absolutely no interest in her at all), so I never caught on. Finally her dad goes, "So , when are you gonna ask out my daughter?" And I'm like, what? And I start laughing... of course, this is right in front of her. I felt bad, and tried to let her down easy, but it was hard. I had no interest whatsoever in her, and didn't figure it out until that moment that she really liked me. I thought she was just... well, being herself. (She had a very bold personality to begin with.) Oh well.
  12. Then, it doesn't work, unlike what you previously said. If you can't tell, then it is of no benefit for anyone to flirt, since sensible people aren't going to bother chasing after someone who may just being using another person as an ego-boost. If a girl touches a guy, it is a definite indication of interest. Even I know that much. But how often do we see this, unless the girl is really interested? Rarely. A girl smiling at me only makes me think she's happy and/or a smiley person. Means nothing. Standing close just means she either has no respect for my personal space/pushy or that she has no choice to stand close to me (i.e. a crowded room/elevator, etc.) Some men may find shyness attractive. Some may find it annoying. It depends on the individual. If he's out-going, he may have no trouble dealing with your shyness. If not, you may be in trouble. lol
  13. But women can use those things you listed as a way of manipulating a guy that she 'likes' him, with absolutely no interest in reality. How do you discern between the genuine flirts and the ones who only do it to get attention, without any interest?
  14. Nah. Women are supposed to make the first move. More so with me, since I'm reluctant. Then, if I like her and feel like it, maybe I'll respond. I used to be engaged, so I know what it is to love someone and reciprocate romance, affection and love. I was talking purely about before you even converse with a person, not once you've already begun dating. Obviously dating someone who couldn't give a damn about you, is not a wise strategy. But if you're aware of something, it is no longer unconscious. It becomes 'conscious.' I know that body language is controllable, not just through my own experience, but I've seen women flirt with guys purely to boost their own egos, then once the guy starts talking to the girl, she totally blows him off. See it happen more than a few times; kind of felt sorry for the poor sap. lol Oh well, live and learn. Do you honestly believe that? Honestly...? I have a hard time accepting that really works. Do you find that actually works for you, or no? I have my doubts.
  15. Just for the heck of it, I threw in some numbers I thought were appealing (just a guess, not an absolute), for a woman's height and weight. Turns out - and this could be entirely wrong - my ideal BMI for a girl is between 21.5 and 22.3. Interesting, considering how much lower mine is.
  16. Lousy. lol Everywhere I go, I am reminded of others being happy, while I am not. Sure, I'm mildly content with my life in other regards, educationally (so-so), socially (meh), and otherwise, but I still feel miserable, having no one in particular to love romantically. It sucks. But I want to believe things will improve. I really do. Hopefully it would improve for the both of us.
  17. You're not terrible. At least, I am not saying that. You're unconventional and maybe not 'typically' feminine, but is that in itself a bad thing? I don't necessarily think so.
  18. Right. And? Why be so defensive about it?
  19. It's not a theory, just a general tendency. Clearly, you have rejected the idea, so it doesn't apply to you. Is it a public school or private? I imagine some of the teens can be pretty vexing. *shudders* I know I'd never want to teach kids; not a whole class of them which are not my own. NO thanks! lol I don't think I'd have the patience to deal with them.
  20. I'm just playing devil's advocate, seeing as how people try to use that as a reason for not having kids.
  21. What if it's the life of one of the 'bad' people who have ruined the world?
  22. Sure do, in answer to your first question. With all my heart. And leave me out of this 'we' business. I haven't been around long enough to ruin earth. lol Common sense has nothing to do with it. It's all about a negative, and fearful view of the future. Okay, I can see where you're coming from. But many more list much more self-centered reasons for not having kids than you. If you could overcome your doubt, you may think differently. It's not uncommon for men to not want kids, especially when they're young. As they get older, that view usually changes. I'm just glad more women want kids than men (otherwise, it would severly limit potential mates for me). The world is not such a bad place. For every negative thing, you can see a positive thing otherwise. To wallow in such negativity can't be good for anyone. I should know. Children are a blessing. Also, a huge responsibility, but few roles in life are more important than being a good parent. Very few. And life is a gift. When you come at things from that perspective, things seem much brighter and not so... oh, I don't know... utterly miserable and fetid. As I already said, it all depends on your perspective: half full or half empty, as the cliche says. BTW, what grade do you teach?
  23. I was referring to those who can have children and use excuses such as "I'm too busy" or "My career would suffer" or "I don't want the responsibility." Not people who cannot have children due to lack of a partner, etc.
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