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Everything posted by HeartGoesOn

  1. "Normal" is you choosing to ignore her. Time to move on...
  2. Because either directly or indirectly, he can sense you're a willing participant. Rather than keep him in your head space, ignore him.
  3. Sounds like the writing is on the wall, which I'm sure you're aware of. Having said that, why haven't you addressed this before it got to this point? As long as she avoids any consequences, her behavior will continue to escalate. Are you up for that? And yes, I would be inclined to believe she slept with this guy.
  4. I could be wrong, but I have a hunch that you're hoping he's following you because he is interested. If I'm wrong, I apologize. With that said, if he were interested he wouldn't hesitate to let you know before someone else caught your eye. Hopefully you'll give this more thought.
  5. Mod Note...This thread is 15 yrs old, and apparently the OP has left the building. Thread closed.
  6. I've never heard of a Housewarming party/event with a registry involved. No offense, but that seems tacky. Could that be what caused the misunderstanding?
  7. I think it's high time to remove yourself from this state of denial, beginning with raising your value. That in itself can do wonders for your self-esteem. Keep in mind that the more chances you give someone, the less respect they'll have for you. They're not afraid of losing you because no matter what, you won't walk away. In other words, never let a person get comfortable with disrespecting you. In short, it's time to send him packing, and move forward. You can do this.
  8. I guess I'm way out of the loop as I've never heard of sending nudes in a chat group, or whatever you care to label it. What is the reason for this, other than having the pics land in who knows where? Have you met in person? Either way, I'd walk away before she brings you down to her level.
  9. I landed here in 2007, 15 yrs ago, after a horrible breakup. What helped the most was reading stories from members who were in the same boat. From that I learned so much, and was no longer wet behind the ears. I'm now married, much smarter, happy and addicted to Wordle. Nice thread, Lo.
  10. If this were to happen, take a look of what you'll probably lose, before rolling the dice. You simply can't have the best of both worlds by shopping around, and leaving your boyfriend in the dark. Keep in mind that the grass is not always greener on the other side.
  11. I'll just say "be careful what you wish for" as this has the potential to backfire and leave you standing alone. As others have said, either leave or own up to what's happened, while giving your husband the courtesy of making a choice. At the very least, he deserves that.
  12. My guess is he's playing the victim in order to guilt you into sleeping with him. In other words there's a method to his madness, and you need to respect yourself and not buy into it. I'd move forward and take the lesson with me.
  13. After demoting you to second choice/sloppy seconds, this in itself is likely to give her a free ticket to continue sampling the goods. (imo). Since trust is the glue that holds a relationship together, very few are able to survive the long term. As the sayin goes, the best predictor of future behavior, is past behavior. Choose wisely.
  14. Sorry, but I couldn't keep up with who is who in this thread. Either way, I think you need to slow down before the **** hits the fan, and you come out of this empty handed.
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