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Everything posted by HeartGoesOn

  1. Knowing what you knew before sleeping with him, I'm assuming you were both tested for STDs before doing the deed? Time to raise your value, don't ya think?
  2. I would see this as immature and inconsiderate. Have you talked to him about this? If he's unable to understand how if affects you, it may be time to make an exit.
  3. You will, as they all slip up and hang themselves eventually. Other than that, I hope you find your way.
  4. I'd tell him you were born at night, but it wasn't last night. I'm sorry you're in this situation. Trust your intuition...
  5. Glad to hear thing are looking up, Vic. Take care and be safe.
  6. Keep in mind that if you go back to that violence, you may not be so lucky the next time. If he hit you once, he'll hit you again. Don't feel that you're the exception to the rule...you're not.
  7. What are the authorities advising you to do? Have you tried for an order of protection? Try calling a woman's shelter, as you're far from being safe.
  8. If this were a different situation, I'd equal it to he's only sorry because he got caught. Maybe it's time to re-evaluate this relationship?
  9. So he would have met her if she wasn't away on holiday. In addition to that, this went down while you were away. On the other hand, this may not be the first time this has happened since you've been together, therefore your health, well being etc, is certainly not at the top of his list. I can't tell you what to do, but you won't go far without trust.
  10. Since past behaviour is the strongest indicator of future behaviour, I'd wouldn't stick around for the next round. That said, he'll likely go on to finding better ways to cover his tracks. Quit while you're ahead, you'll thank yourself later... ETA, I missed seeing your last reply.
  11. No. She's an adult, she knows right from wrong, and it's not your job to raise her. She apparently loves the attention, while having little regard towards your feelings. Why participate in her immature little game? I'd start by asking yourself where's the attraction, and where do you see this going.
  12. Take this bully off his high horse by telling him to leave now, while watching him squirm because he's no longer the head honcho. Although it appears that you're not ready to let go yet, it may be helpful to raise your self-respect either on your own or with the help of a professional. With that said, he enjoys brain washing you to make it look like you're the enemy...you're not. Hopefully you'll give this more thought. and make the right choices.
  13. Since cheating and lying go hand and hand, do you honestly think anything that comes out of their mouth can make sense? Also, you can either put him on a leash and be miserable, or you can kick him to the curb and find someone who is worth your time. Rather than trying to pick apart his BS, I'd focus on moving forward.
  14. What more do you need to hear? Not only has he made it clear what he's all about, he chose to turn the tables on you in order to convince you he did nothing wrong. If he had an ounce of respect for you, he wouldn't think of doing this. In short, I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him It's time to raise your value, and send this slime back to his sandbox. Hopefully you'll make the right choices.
  15. Is she your SO, or are you married? Either way, I agree with the majority of others.
  16. I wouldn't waste another minute on this scoundrel. You're better than this. Send him packing...
  17. None of the above. When a relationship gets to this point, it's already gone south, along with the lack of respect for their partner, the chances of going forward are slim to none, (imo). That dark cloud will always be hanging over your head while waiting for the next shoe to drop. She seems to be quite comfortable while disrespecting you. She's not telling you, she's showing you what you mean to her.
  18. "Stay friends", no "Worth it", no. You're better off stepping away from this circus. Cyber relationships are not real...JMO. I'm assuming you've never met in person?
  19. I'm so sorry, Pippy. I hope you find some peace and comfort in your memories. Miss you!
  20. Your ability to write is amazing, Lo!
  21. I'm getting my first shot on Tuesday, 5-4 Bout time! 😤
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