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Everything posted by HeartGoesOn

  1. Unless you want to go back to square one, I'd work on leaving the past in the past, and start moving forward. Keep in mind that falling on your face is still moving forward.
  2. I think a better excuse would be, "he fell though the roof and landed in her bed." Also, why wasn't it discussed where he would spend the night before he made the visit? Having said that, I could be wrong, but I feel you're being taken for a ride. It's time to face the real facts, and do some honest thinking.
  3. People who have nothing to hide...hide nothing. Just some food for thought.
  4. My Vet once told us to base your choice in what's best for you, or what's best for the cat. Either way, been there, done that, far from a walk in the park, and I'm sorry you're in this position. Be kind to yourself.
  5. My thoughts are, rather than guess who's right or wrong I'd go by what I do know, which is something seems off. It doesn't make any sense to invest your time when you have doubts about his character, and/or a person whom you feel the need to analyze his every move. As the say, "trust, but cut the cards."
  6. She's beautiful, Wishing you and your wife the best, jman.
  7. I guess the "age difference" went out the window after he was offered free sex. I'm sure he's telling himself, "What a deal!" It's time to stand up and respect yourself. If he doesn't want your heart, he doesn't deserve your body. ETA: What do you find funny about this Bozo who's feeding you this BS?
  8. My question is, why would you choose to continue to be around him if he forced you to have sex? Why didn't you report this? Hmmm...This doesn't add up.
  9. Maybe it suddenly dawned on him that he has a wife and children, and rather than messing around with a side dish, he decided to stand by his marriage vows. If his wife ever catches wind of this, he'll deny ever knowing you. Knowing this, are you still confused as to what to do?
  10. I can't speak for others, but I've always believed you can never fully come back to where you were before the cheating occurred. Although it may look good on paper, the aftermath is having the need to be always looking over your shoulder, along with waiting for the next shoe to drop, (imo). In short, I hope you'll make the right choices.
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