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Everything posted by jmantra

  1. Can you elaborate on this a little bit? Seems a bit ambigious. Do you mean he seemed meek and wouldn't stand for you or was it he wasn't putting effort into the relationship anymore? Lets say that person had a neurological disorder that sometimes made social graces hard which makes having a relationship more challenging (but not impossible) or has problems with intimacy or empathy. Or the man had depression or a disability that was hard to deal with at times? Would a woman rather work through the issues or leave the relationship and find someone "better"? I know this comes off a bit generalizing, but I just want to get a consensus here. *sigh* love is such an amibgious concept. How do you know if you truly love someone?
  2. It is to my understanding women fall in love with men because they admire/respect/trust them. But what is it that makes them fall out of love with them. Is it because they cheat, are abusive, do drugs/criminal activities, are controlling, OR do they lose respect for them after really getting to know them and perceiving them as weak for whatever reason?
  3. Dude, Hate to break the news to you but based on the conversations you had with her she doesn't seem that interested. Besides fishing the coporate pond is never a good idea, best to move on and let this one go. And as far as what women want, no one can say what women really want because women are individuals that want different things, have different beliefs, and were each raised in a different environment. In other words they're human beings too and shouldn't be objectified.
  4. was that nescescary?? The only I responded the way I did was because I felt patronized by your post, but I am sorry if I read that wrong.
  5. First off let me start off by saying I don't like the tone of your posts, very condescending... and I don't appreciate it Secondly who are you to judge, make assumptions and jump to conclusions? You don't even know the situation, besides if she didn't dig me then why then why the hell would she travel all the way from England to see me?
  6. She was a wonderful person, but it was LD relationship. I live in the US and she flew here all the way to England to see me. I had a really great time with her. But after she moved back I started to have doubts about things and we noticed we were starting to become distant. Well thats when I decided to break it off. But I can't help but wonder, what if I stuck it out and put a little more effort into it? Would have things worked out or does everything really happen for a reason? I really miss her now, but what's done is done and I (unfortunately) have to live with that now.
  7. I broke up with my girlfriend about a couple months ago, but soon afterwards I started to regret it. I found out soon after we broke she met someone new. Well I just found out the other day that she is engaged. I feel like an idiot, why did I have to do that?? I could have been the one engaged to her, but no things got all messed up. Why can't things just work out for me? I lost my job last week, and now this. When are things going to start looking up for me? Do I have anything to look forward to at all? Such a sad, cruel, unfair world we live in. end of emo rant
  8. thanks all for your support njron sorry for getting defensive I am just in a very vulnerable position right now. I think I am going to count my losses and walk away however I atleast want to know the truth before I do, so I know what I need to work on.
  9. The reason why I hid it because I never thought I'd have to use the ADA card. High functioning autism (what I have) is a complex condition and intrinicties, people have alot of pre conceived notions regarding disorder and like I said earlier revealing could have done me more harm than good. This is not just about me losing job, It's about a (possible) violation of my civil rights and many others. And I want to make difference in this trend even it's a small one. They could have lied to them about me falling to cover their * * * for the real reason the got rid of me (i.e self stimulatory behavior that I wasn't aware of, innapropriate social behavior that wasn't made aware of) Also I need to see something in writing and see when I allegedly fell asleep cause it didn't happen! I don't know why you're playing devil's adovocate and trying to undermine me njron, but I will not go down without a fight!
  10. I was planning on moving after my meeting with them, however once they lied to the agency about me falling asleep then justice needs to prevail. People should not get away with this * * * *. Somebody needs to blow the whistle on this crap. I've been targetted all throughout my life cause of my disability and I've had enough. Like I said I am entitled to attorney's via ADA so that could prompt a formal investigation and could reveal the real reason I was fired which could be due to a specific attribute of my disabilty. In the meantime I will be looking for another job and doing some social networking, but someone needs to put their foot down.
  11. I don't think I am entitled to unemployment considering I was only their a week. Or am I?
  12. Ya but here's the thing, considering the nature of my disabiltity I would think disclosing would do more harm than good. People have alot of pre concieved notions regarding the type of disabilty I have. However if I have the disabilty in writing (which I do) then I might have some recourse. The fact that they told me one thing and the temp agency another tells me their lieing about something to cover their asses, and I have feeling that it may have had something to with certain attributes of my disability so I will be contacting the ADA and see what can be done because I feel the termination was unjustified. According to the ADA I may have the right to attorney's fees.
  13. I'd love to talk to a lawyer but I don't think I can afford it, they really screwed me over.
  14. well I am not sure if I have much of a legal recourse but I think it's to lie to my face like that. How insulting!! How do these people sleep at night!!??
  15. Ya but if that's true then they tainted my reputation with the agency just save money. This is a messed up world, it's things like this that make me wish I would succeeded in my suicide attempt when I was younger.
  16. I posted about a job I had received here a week ago, well I today I lost it and i felt it was unjustifiable and here's why... 15 minutes after I had arrived, I was working dilligently when my supervisor and the manager called me into the office. They sat me down and told me I was terminated. They said the reason why they came to this decision was because they felt that I was "overqualified" for the job and I would eventually get bored and lose focus and end making a critical error. They said that they picked from my deameanor that I found the job mundane and below my skill level. Which is kind of true however I always do the best at everything. I decided even though i found the reason kind of dodgy and just decided to let it go. But then I get home and about an hour so later I get a phone call from the temp agency that placed me there. According to the temp agency, the company that I working for said I had fallen asleep on the job!!! WHICH IS NOT TRUE What the hell happened?? I put everthing I had in that in that job, did everthing they told me do,and they still give me the sack as if I totally screwed them over. I am beyond furious right now, how can people justify doing something like this! What do you guys suggest should I pursue legal action or just let it go. I think I should also mention I have disability that I never disclosed and I feel I may have been fired due the attributes that go with the disability. So as right now I am at a loss,frustrated and back to square one with job search.
  17. I am in a similar situation I see my ex quite alot since my sister has moved back home. Before my sister moved out I was having a hard time coping and things got a little out of control to say the least.Alot of drama that I'd rather not think about. Now I've got a better grip on things because I have a new job and a great future. My advice to you is to be the bigger better person. Always stand the moral higher ground. Always be professional in your dealings with him, if he tries to bring up personal matters tell him this is not the place to discuss it. If starts doing immature things like spreading rumours or flirting with other women to make you jealous, just ignore it and pretend it doesn't bother you. Cause eventually he won't bother you anymore. You will grow stronger because of this and you will find someone who treats you better. "Whenever one door closes, another one opens"
  18. I just had my first day yesterday and it went really well. Thanks all for the advice.
  19. I second ohso's statement, who is she to expect to have her cake and eat it too?
  20. I would say just go with the flow and enjoy yourself. Don't worry about reaching some goal like getting laid. Just try to relax, enjoy her company, and have fun. If things go well you might get to home plate If they don't atleast you had a great time and made a friend.
  21. Hi I am sorry for all you're going through right now. Writing letters whether you send them out or not are a good way to vent. I'll be sending postive vibes your way.
  22. I was offered a job in my field of study last week and I took it cause I need the experience and the money. ( i am in debt up to my feet). The problem is I am not that experienced with the areas they want me to work with I mean I know some basics so I am not totally clueless. Pluss they hired me without interviewing me which I found odd but kind of cool. (I was hired through a temp agency, It's a temp to hire position). Also the job description itself was very vague. This is my first job right out of school in area I am not very confident in and am scarred I am gonna get the axe for not having enough experience, or not knowing everything. They said their is training, but still I am scared. Will managers get rid of you if you don;t everythinga about your job at first?
  23. why would you take her back after she ditched you like that? She'll probably do the same thing with the waiter. This girl is scum in my book.
  24. If this so then explain why their are people out there perfectly happy being single? Why do you have this consstant need for a relationship? It sounds to me based on your post you want to be in a relationship for wrong reasons, relationships are based sharing, caring, mutual understanding, and love. You say humans "need levels of communication and affection" the fact that you are saying that translates to: "I need a relationship for my own validation"
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