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  1. I know, she really had me fooled though, I would never in a million years have thought she was that type
  2. Thats pretty much my plan, I'll be ok in a day or two, its just these next couple of days, and the fact I have to see her when she starts work in 3 hours
  3. Yeah, theres that, but this was the first girlfriend I've had in a while, because I do have trouble trusting women after several bad experiences, and this really really really hasnt helped at all.
  4. I know and in a way I am, but its small comfort
  5. Well we work at the same place, I do nights and she does early mornings. She'd complain to me if I didnt giver her a kiss goodbye when I left in the morning, and shed usualy text me when she was finishing to come and meet her in town for a coffee or whatever, and we usualy went out together once or twice a week. She's never said I was smothering her, and she loved anything I did that was romantic, but I didnt overdo it. Then she went on holiday and told me everyday she was there that she missed me, then when she got back she semed distant when I met her the next day, and I couldnt say or do anything right with her, but I out it down to jet-lag. And thats the last time I saw her outside work and had a conversation with her. It was just so sudden.
  6. We were fine, I called her in the evening usualy after she asked me too, but not always, saw her most days, but always when we both wanted too. Before she went on holiday she told me that she could see herself being happy with me 'For a very long time.' And wanted us to plan a holiday together when she got back. Now she's brushed me off for a Turkish waiter, you can see just why I am confused, its not like she wasnt bothered to begin with
  7. Thankyou, its just nice to know someone is listening.
  8. I know thats what girls usualy mean, but I didnt think she was like that. And I kept denying it to myself. I'm pretty sure I didnt smother her. Man do I feel depressed
  9. My girlfriend, after keeping me hanging for a week, told me that she wanted to be with someone else, a waiter she met on holiday But I cant stop thinking about her, its really doing my head in, I think about her being with this guy and it just makes me feel physicaly sick. Just knowing that I'll probaby never speak to her again is hard, I was really happy with her, and she seemed to be too, till she went on holiday. It wouldnt be so bad, but I see her every morning at work.
  10. Just found out she's left me for a Turkish waiter she met on holiday in Turkey. So now I feel just soooooooooooo good about myself
  11. Thanks Tyler, I think I'll just give her some time and go with the flow. I'm in no particular hurry. Love the name by the way, "I am Jacks cold sweat"
  12. Well I've been messed around by girls in the past, and by now this kind of thing usualy makes me think 'Ah well forget it.' But everything was going so well with her, and it was so sudden, so I am willing to wait, even if it does make me a bit of a sap.
  13. Wow, that guy sounds a little insecure And if your 16 you wont die alone, trust me on that
  14. The only problem is getting her to talk to me. She doesnt seem mad or to hate me, just miserable more than anything else, but its hard to get her to talk.
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