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Everything posted by mo

  1. Yeah, fake people are all round now-a-days, they like you when they need something from you - they'll call you, email you, txt you, laff for nothing and say nice things to you - once you full-fill there needs you don't hear them until they come back with something else! I hate these type of human beings too and without guts, they call themselves friends..
  2. Once again thank you so much - This is wonderful reply, Great. Yes there are many need aid most - Thanks.
  3. Thank you ramsickle1369, I can see that I'm not alone on these friendship situations. We like to do good things to families, friends and colleagues - but today's world most people never appreciate!! God Bless You.
  4. Yes indeed I was more than a friend - she had many problems on her life once she explained to me, since that day - I supported her for many things and I didn't expected anything on return from her side. Anything she wanted if I can afford I'll do for her and I'm sure she took every opportunity to use me and because of her problems I never rejected. However, this is life - the people you love most they tend to ignore.
  5. Thanks Jeff - yeah, the ball is still in her court and she don't want to admit. I'll just hold-on myself and see
  6. Hi all, We were friends for 5 years, I supported her to solve many problems including financial requirements. Recently days she started ignoring me and I told her honestly that kind of behaviour I don't like. She got angry and she said that's it - is over. I said OK but gonna miss you, for 4 months there was no word from her or from me to her either. I said to my heart let it be over I took her burdens on my head - I'm sure I will be fine. Now she started sending me normal emails, funny emails without saying Hi, I've not responded any of her emails. Is it a test and what should I reply to her emails such as: 1. thank you for your email or 2. thanks for remembering me or 3. what? or should I just keep quite and forget? Appreciate your opinion/advise.
  7. Ooh Fairy Queen - you took my words, believe me I just wanted to post a new thread regarding similar situation of your with my friend. We were best best friends for 5 years and I made all my best to help this lady but unfortunately she was ignoring me many times. At last I got tired and told her that "you're ignoring me too much" these honest words made her angry and she said - that's it, is over. My last words I said, I gonna miss you - for 4 months there was no word from her and from me to her either. But since last week she started sending me normal emails, fun emails without saying Hi to me. I have not responded any. My question is what can I do. Reply her emails with - let-us like: - thanks for your email - thanks for remembering me - or not to respond and be quite? Thank.
  8. As I said earlier - Keep cool for time-being..
  9. I suggest give him a space for a while, hopefully he might come back. Do not be too apologic, you have already apologised many times. Keep cool and quite for sometime and see what will happen. God Bless You All.
  10. Draw two circles, outer-circle and inner-circle. outer-circle call a circle of concern > it's a bad circle - it cause worries and anger!! inner-circle call a circle of influance > it's a good circle, hence! move your self into this circle, it and try to forget what happened to you and be calm like nothing happened..
  11. mo


    why don't you find out first? otherwise you'll be crazy man!
  12. Ooh ghosh - exactly like my situation, see my thread/post in "break up" I decided to break-up with this type of friendship after four long years of begging. I'm sure we can not make someone to love you even if you give her/him the whole world - never!! Just lend a gun wind it-up and shoot your foots. I mean me and you..
  13. It’s been about four years since we know each other. She was the first to say I love you, quickly she told me about her previous relationship and trouble she had combined with her life problems. I felt sorry and sad about her problems and said to her “I will be there to support you for everything you need - Indeed I was there for so many simple things to make her happy and push things on better way. Two years passed we were both in love and best friends I have ever had in my life - I thought it will continue for years to come - deeply I was more than a friend and all times call her asking if she needed anything, send her emails to say I care very much, Obviously! made me too "nice guy". For her occasions and her birthdays always remembered in advance and send gifts and cards. Within these two years I noticed things changed towards me, not the same respect and love I had, the daily "I love you" she use to tell me those words disappear from her mouth. When I call her, she will say I’m busy or I will call you later or blah blah, never call – If I’m not heard she never ask me what happen, I expect 50/50 love the way I treat her, should do the same to me – my last birthday she said she forgot, I said never mind, I still care very much about you. Frustrates and angry started to built in my heart and I became jealously too, she manipulating and nagging to much and show me indirect that there are other people around her could provide help to her better than me - I said doesn't matter I will still continue to support her especially when I remember her problems. Later I told her I don't like the way she behave but she was continuing to do the same. Once I disappear for a while after a fight, quickly she came back and said to me I can not live without you – I found she was using me - when she wanted something and without hesitation as usually I was there. Unfortunately, these recent two years, things went deterorating more and more. Recently, I read somewhere about dating - the website says: If you want to win her - you should show that you have other friends" this will make her jealous and starting to follow you again - I did and things went worse, since that day she never talk to me again, I apologies, sent her emails and cards like crazy, she kept quite not responding just like nothing happened. Today I decided to send her an email and I said is better to break-up after such long time of my love and caring to her. All those days she was refusing to meet me even when I invite her for something. Do you think? she will come back? Do I need just forget her and proceed with my new life?
  14. Try to be a little away for sometime and see how he will react. Please read "shortly20 topic on "It works!!" follow that step but not too often.
  15. Thanks OceanEyes. Yes, just to make him/her jealous. Let me explan little bit: Friend of mine asked me about this fake email which he sent to his g/l, but I had no answer, they have been in unstable relationship - he does a lot to her, but she doesn't appreciate/bother much of him and on-top of that she put a lot of test on him. You know, women put a lot of tests in men just sometimes to make them/men crazy, He/I wanted to find out what would be the consequences for the letter he sent and what to reply after getting an answer like this: " why you sent it to me, you just want me to know that you've so many friends, anyway thanks for your lovely later" What to respond?
  16. Hi all, Just a question please: You've a girl/boy/partner who doesn't care much. Make you frustrated all times, but you love her/him a lot etc. So you decided to send her/him a dummy love letter with different name, just to show that you've another lover/friend to make her/him also frustrated, the reality you've none. Is this a good idea or bad? And if she/him got annoyed what to do/to say/apology. Appreciate your advise.
  17. Thanks again - believe me I wrote that to ease my sleeve/heart - I'm in deep heartbreak at the moment. Let me tell you: I have been with this woman and felt in love for years now, since then nothing has been proper, I gain nothing from her, just words before "I love you or I miss you" but never been together and refuses to be out for any type of my invitation. I take care very much of her, especially once she explained me her problems with her family, so I wanted to be close to and to give her my shoulders and make her feel that there is someone take care of her - but seems she is not appreciating, I even buying things/gifts for her occasions, if I don't see her for a while, I call, txt, mail her asking what's up or if she is ill, send her get-well cards. But, I feel bad – surprisingly! if one day I don't call/txt/email her, she will very rare asking for me, every time I want to be away from her she comes back and I accept, just because her situation mentioned above. Last 3weekends I was sick with fever and she know that I was sick, but she didn't even ask "how are you now" this made me very angry - to see a person I care/love most don't bother anything. Now it has been 3weeks since our last talk, I decided to stop to talk/email/txt her and she also continue to keep quite without asking for me. This attitude she has been repeating inspite of my warnings, but still doing the same thing. I'm asking myself and anyone of you to tell me what type of friendship/love is this? Does she is not attracted/interested to me anymore? May be I have to give-up isn't? Please advice.
  18. Yap!! You're absolutely right. Heartbreak is something difficult to cope with. Thanks.
  19. Since we're in Love Forum - let me share with you this one,, hope you'll like it.. Handling Love If you find yourself in love with someone who does not love you, be gentle with yourself. There is nothing wrong with you. Love just didn't choose to rest in the other person's heart. If you find someone else in love with you and you don't love her/him, feel honored that love came and called at your door, but gently refuse the gift you cannot return. Do not take advantage, do not cause pain. How you deal with love is how you deal with you, and all our hearts feel the same pains and joys, even if our lives and ways are different. If you fall in love with another, and she falls in love with you, and then love chooses to leave, do not try to reclaim it or to assess blame, Let it go. There is a reason and there is a meaning. You will know in time. Remember that you don't choose love. Love chooses you. All you can really do is accept it for all its mystery when it comes into your life. Feel the way it fills you to overflowing, then reach out and give it away. Give it back to the person who brought it alive in you. Give it to others who deem it poor in spirit. Give it to the world around you in anyway you can. This is where many lovers go wrong. Having been so long without love, they understand love only as a need. They see their hearts as empty places that will be filled by love, and they begin to look at love as something that flows to them rather than from them. The first blush of new love is filled to overflowing, but as their love cools, they revert to seeing their love as need. They cease to be someone who generates love and instead become someone who seeks love. They forget that the secret of love is that it is a gift, and that it can be made to grow only by giving it away. Remember this, and keep it to your heart. Love has its own time, its own seasons, and its own reason for coming and going. You cannot bribe it or coerce it, or reason it into saying. You can only embrace it when it arrives and give it away when it comes to you. But if it chooses to leave from your heart or from the heart of your lover, there is nothing you can do and there is nothing you should do.Love always has been and always will be a mystery. Be glad that it came to live for a moment in your life. Don't deny love just only you don't want to be hurt... IF YOU KEEP YOUR HEART OPEN, IT WILL COME AGAIN.
  20. I'm not sure, but I think you act bit wussy - gals don't like this type of a "nice guy" they need challange spice up with some funny otherwise she'll turn you into "just a friend or brother" that's it. It happened to me, I thought if I'll be generous buy things and call her hundred times a day she will love me, but I was wrong. Instead I was turned back after spending money buying things for her, you got me? I don't say all gals, some of them are "nice gals too" they love to be treated nice, but as I said, other (most) don't like this way. Anyway good luck.
  21. Thanks to "justsweetgirl & passions1" I think those two are best advise, I could take. I think she just want to be a normal friend, but what to tell if she come back? Thanks a lot, Momo.
  22. Hi (What to do with this lady – please help) I think most ladies don't like "nice guys" what-so-ever their bad situation are. Let me share my story I will try to make it short. Four years ago, I met this attracted beautiful married woman joined us in our daily transport to work, few months after, don't know for what reason this lady show interested/attracted to me, to say the truth I'm not handsome, fair colour and little fat, I was very nervous, quite man compare to other guys who make jokes/funny and all ladies scrolling down for laugh. One day she called me and asking for my mobile # and email, I said to her that's great my pleasure to talk to you (with nervous of course). We went on for one long year throwing emails/texts to each other, some love stories and doing some funny things to her - she laugh. Later we became from strangers to friends and felt in love. Twice she bought me gifts and asked me to pickup from her office – she found that I'm so nervous even told me once in our small chats. However, later she explained me all troubles with her mat at home her problems – I started to feel very sorry for her for that bad situation she have with her husband, so I wanted to be very close to her and try my best to help – I put all may efforts to be with her even helping hand on financial troubles and thanks me for that, on her birthdays bought her gifts & cards. I love this lady and care so much especially because of her problems. Unfortunately, we have not been together for anything – she never accept my invitation or to-go out with me, she always refuses – and put some excuses just to make me angry, she put some test on me and even makes me jealous – put me onto a lot of frustration and she know that I love her so much. Recently I found she changed a lot not like before, she uses to take permission when she goes out now no more. I mean, much good behaviour she had towards me are now no more. I got the ways of challenging her, once I decided to stop asking her anything like I use to do, keep quite and she too kept quite saying nothing, after two weeks she came back and asking for me. I said OK I will keep in touch again, but for the third time now she repeat and repeat. I always look for her, call her, text her, but if I'm not there she never ask or call. Now I took a decision to STOP contact her again - now all most three weeks – She too not say Hi to me. WHAT TO DO - PLEASE HELP. Just to forget her?? Or there is any advise you'll like to give please. I'm crazy..
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