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Everything posted by greendots

  1. Guys, so much food for thought! I did not know that the Pope was on social media. 😆 Nice! Whoever is managing his account most likely liked that bikini model shot. mylolita, please keep sharing your thoughts with us no matter how long or short they are. 🙃 So true! Cherylyn, it totally is! Algorithms are there to ensure you spend as much time as possible on those apps. Not sure if y'all watched "The Social Dilemma". Quite eye-opening to be honest. Apologies for no longer personally thanking everyone, who already commented before, for their contribution which is greatly appreciated. I hope you're having a fantastic day! 😁
  2. Do your best and do not fantasize about him. Or perhaps limit how much you're allowed to. From experience, when we fantasize about someone–it's a dangerous ideal we've created in our heads about that person. You're not going crazy. You're just really desiring intimacy in all its facets, so you're creating this story about him being the one that will give you that which you're desperately seeking.
  3. I hear you too. Imagine how Saoirse Ronan must feel whenever she does an interview.
  4. Isn't this website so addictive! 😅 I love it here. Yeah, I actually get you. I noticed how easily it is to be doom-scrolling as they call it... in the meantime you could've read an entire chapter, lol. So, for example, I only use it when needed. Certainly. social media has its benefits. It's great to keep in touch with those across the pond. It's also a useful tool to build a strong rapport with your followers, should your business depend on it. But why are some people so determined on curating a fabulous online presence, when life actually happens off-line. Your brand is only as strong as your real life interactions. A rubbish customer service for example immediately tarnishes whatever online presence you created. Plus, in a time where "living in the now" is touted continuously. Why are we then living more online and not in the present savoring the little/big things in life? Love hearing your thoughts as usual. ☺️
  5. Your ex is currently is going through a lot right now and therefore is seeking comfort. The harsh reality is that this doesn't mean that he really wants to get back together with you or that whatever caused you both to split up has been fixed. Something to think about.
  6. Interesting! I hadn't heard about this before. Thinking of Mike Tyson being a Heavyweight Champion at the age of 20. No social media back then, just his reputation. Still thinking about the saying Kwothe wrote about earlier. ("If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?") Why do you need to make it official on social media that you and your friend went to this incredible restaurant the other day–unless you're promoting it or some such, of course. Why do you need to officially show others through social media how awesome your life is or how fabulous you look? Quoting boltnrun: What does what you share on social media and how often you share it say about you? I'm certainly not dismissing social media as a whole. It is a mega dollar industry. Please keep your insights coming. Greatly appreciated! Have a great day!! 😄
  7. It's so great to hear your responses! 😁 I'm soaking it all in. How do you feel about the following, which I read somewhere: And what do you think about the saying Kwothe wrote about in relation to social media?
  8. Why do people feel the need to share posts or stories about their daily life on social media? What is the psychology behind it? What does it say about that person? What's your take on this? Hope you're having an awesome day! 😄
  9. Since you already spent two dates together, I'd deliver her the flowers and some soup as boltnrun's suggested. It's a nice gesture which shows that you're interested in her. You can personally deliver the items or have a service do it for you. All the best! 🙂
  10. In addition to what others have suggested: If you're seriously interested in languages, I'd look into becoming a translator. You can check out CAT tools such as Trados or Smartcat. You create a profile and see available job postings. Companies are looking to hire translators with the language skills you offer. The beauty is that as a translator you can work remotely and you can earn in foreign currency as well. Plus, you have an advantage as not many people in the world are able to translate from English to Romanian or vice versa. Also, look into audiovisual translation, like subtitling and dubbing. It's an emerging industry. You just need to figure out what the official requirements are so you can work as a translator, as it varies from country to country. But having obtained a master's degree in English is certainly valuable. Alternatively, you can always teach English or Romanian online. There are plenty of legit companies looking to hire a tutor. It's a matter of doing some proper research, finding out about hourly rates, whether they're a good company to work for and so on. ETA: Just wanted to add, Batya recommended a book some time ago called "What Color Is Your Parachute". I've started reading it and doing the exercises. Highly recommend it, even if you don't live in the US.
  11. My guess is that for some people admitting to have made a mistake is equated to being incompetent. Being wrong, especially in a professional setting, can be scary. Then, there are the folks who fully know they treated someone wrongly, but find facing them simply humiliating. Ergo, why these types of people run the other way, ghost – pretend that nothing happened.
  12. So, maybe it's not so much about literally having a child together. Maybe asking him if he wants to have a child with you someday is an indirect way to ascertain that he is in this relationship for the long haul, that he sees a long-term future with you. You're already envisioning the possibility of marriage. What do you think?
  13. This. Children are usually a non-negotiable, unless someone in the relationship doesn't care about either possibility. Sure, people sometimes change their mind. But they also don't.
  14. Hi roseRo, I'm sorry to hear that you're going through very difficult times. Care to share what's going on in your life? We're great listeners. Also, please find a helpline in your country of residence here: https://findahelpline.com/ I hope you stay in touch xx
  15. I'm really sorry you're hurt and going through all this. Please heed the advice of others. From what you've told us, her heart belongs to another man. Look, she may honestly like you, consider you a great catch, desire a life of marriage. But if her heart isn't into it, doesn't matter how much she convinces you or herself that she's fully into you – it won't work. Not sure if you watch Gilmore Girls, but there was a scene pertinent to what you're going through. Lorelai (mother) was at the time married to Christopher, her child's dad. Turns out the marriage didn't work out. Because no matter how amazing Christopher was, he wasn't the guy Lorelai was in love with. She really wanted Christopher to be that guy. He just wasn't.
  16. I'm no expert at all, but have found that men like to be surrounded by positive, upbeat and fun company. Yes, there is a time for seriousness. But, all in all, men want to feel good and have fun (and no, not referring to anything sexual here) with the woman they're with. And obviously, being respected and appreciated by the woman they're dating is critical. So, how do you make men feel when you're with them? Do you show genuine interest in them, what they do and who they are?
  17. In my experience, "see where things go" is a nice way to tell you that they aren't after anything serious unless they are really blow away by you. Having said that, when you've never ever met that person before I'd just go with the flow and actually "see where things go".
  18. Agree with this 100%. In the olden days it was common for parents to give a spanking or two when kids were rowdy because that's how many of our parents had been educated by theirs. What you went through is abuse. Unacceptable.
  19. Find legit legal advice. Seek a competent lawyer and find out if there's a way that she could stay in Canada or the US legally. Maybe she has some skills that either of those nations desperately need. I don't wish it upon anyone to live in a country torn by war. You cannot force love.
  20. This. You have feelings for her. Tell her and ask her out on a proper date. Take it from there. Her response will tell you if it's good news or not. Is it worth risking a friendship? For a quick roll in the hay, certainly not. But if your feelings are very strong (Ross and Rachel type of strong), then why not find out. Right now you're in a limbo. Besides, if she doesn't accept the date, well, surely the friendship will be awkward for a while and you'll need to take some time off from the friendship to heal. However, you get to move on emotionally. But what if she accepts the date? 🙂
  21. As others have suggested, her being overweight right now is not the issue. The problem is that her lifestyle and yours don't seem compatible. You want to be with someone who values eating healthy and being in good shape. Sometimes a medical issue can cause weight gain, and unless you are being treated for that eating healthy doesn't have much of an impact on weight loss. Just throwing it out there.
  22. Since we're talking about NYE plans, overall had a nice time. But, there's always a but, lol. There was this fellow who proceeded to talk about how he scored with a chick in the bathroom of a watering hole and how he was trying to score with some other ladies some other time. Like WTH? Aren't there more engaging things to talk about? Yeah, was an "I'm internally rolling my eyes moment", hehe. Happy New Years everyone!! ❣️
  23. All of those sentences jumped at me immediately. What type of church does he go to? Generally those who attend mass or a church service celebrate Christmas; including the Eastern Orthodox Church—albeit at a later date. From skimming your other threads, you've been together 5 years. So, have you ever been to his church? Just wondering. Plus, all this spending money to hang out with his mates... meanwhile you are about to have a baby. It's his baby as well. Is he helping out, cooperating, getting involved somehow? Also, is there a legal reason you are putting up with him for so long? If there is, I'd talk to a lawyer and see what options you have. For your and your family's sake. Honestly, you deserve to be with a man who respects you.
  24. I love the idea of positive change. But let's face it, does declaring that it's a NY's resolution actually work? I joke, for example, how I'll eat healthier 'tomorrow' fully knowing that this is balderdash. If I wanted to eat better, I'd start now and be consistent about it. Hehehe. That's a good one, Coily! 🤣
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