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Everything posted by maritalbliss86

  1. We had a psycho cat once... it was really sad, actually, because she was so mean, she was never happy. She would come up and just bite me on the foot, very randomly and for no reason. I've never had another cat behave that way. Once I got pregnant with our oldest, my husband and I didn't feel safe with the thought of her being around a baby or little kid, so my parents helped us find her a farm to live at where she gets to catch mice for her keep. My mom thinks she saw her (they go there for feed or used to at least when they still had animals that needed that) and said she looked very happy and proud of herself, like she owned the farm LOL.
  2. Does your husband know which cat bit him? Might consider getting the bully cat to another home... I don't like bully cats. Well, I mean for our younger kids, they're actually dangerous since they're so unpredictable.
  3. OK I just edited it again to add the Honey!!!! You almost can't drink this drink without a sweetener, it's very sour (but so good for you!). We've been constantly exposed this entire time, with multiple coworkers of my husband's getting the virus and some ending up in the hospital for over a month! I've been making this (and adding Vit D to my husband's stuff) from the get-go and so far we've been lucky. There's something about this drink that combines the Vit C with the Vit D (plus maybe the ginger and honey on their own as well) that seems to make it extra helpful for boosting immunity in general. I think of it as an Asian, "white tea."
  4. Ugh!!! So awful to be going back into a relapse. Do you have access to Vit D at all? A very good, "tea," to make is a grapefruit, lemon, ginger tea (hot) and then add a few drops of a high quality Vit D liquid vitamin. My recipe for it is: 1/4 of a grapefruit 2 lemons squeezed for their juice 2 teaspoons ginger 1 cup ice 2 cups water ***Honey to sweeten (about a whole Tablespoon) Edited to add this because it's almost undrinkable without a sweetener!!! **Put it all into a blender to get it nice and frothy... THEN pour enough into a mug and heat in the microwave for 1 minute (I know it sounds counterintuitive to heat something you just put ice into, but it's frothier and nicer to drink this way in my opinion). There's something about heating it that helps activate the ginger and other ingredients also. Edited to add: It should last for 2 mugs at least (I keep it in the fridge inside the blender container for easy access). Makes your grapefruits last longer, too, when you're just using 1/4 at a time.
  5. Wow all of that is so interesting!!! Wow, Seraphim, thanks for rambling ❤️ I loved it! I think math gets easier as you practice it, and that makes sense it was hard for you moving that often to really master those skills 😞 For me... I was pretty bad at math until college where for some reason (probably all the constant practice in the courses I took) it really started to, "click." It was probably like a sink or swim scenario with tons and tons of practice until it finally made sense.
  6. Put on Star Wars this morning after reading you and your family were watching it awhile ago. All of us a big-time Star Wars nerds, and it's helping with the sleep deprivation as the kids are really into it LOL Thanks, Seraphim!!!
  7. Yes... I want to see how it all plays out 10, 15, or 20 years from now. Very interested in a way, but then distracted with life enough that I forget about them and the drama or what the media has really said.
  8. It seemed like so many people hated her before that though. I get it that people would be upset they didn't uphold their duties or wanted to change/challenge protocol so much. I don't know that much about it, but when it was really bad (after I guess they'd announced they weren't going to be royals anymore) I did feel sorry for them. Also... I did notice she had only her mom at the wedding, and her poor mom just looked so alone and out of place. Made me also feel sorry for her/them in that way. It didn't seem like she had a great support system or upbringing.
  9. This is one place I think is ok for newly divorced men to go and get some support. There are others if you search around online. Also there are male-oriented books on realigning your life to the new reality. Very helpful! But here's a good start I think https://www.artofmanliness.com/
  10. Don't feel alone, it hurts my brain, too, somehow. Very unpleasant feeling looking and trying to type. Maybe it's the brightness? I'm SO happy for you with your husband being back. I'm sure there's an adjustment period where you all have to figure out how to live life again together, but I'm so glad you're happy and that he's home!
  11. This makes so much sense with things our son has troubles with... like unzipping a jacket. Something that I don't think a neurotypical child would have so much anxiety and stress over, he does, and then even when I help him to figure it out, it's still something he can't let go of easily and he teeters on the edge of a meltdown, even though he was able to get it off and do the task.... It's like his brain gets overwhelmed by things (the executive function process) and then can't even understand himself why it's bothering him because it lasts long after the event. Thanks for posting this, she explains things very well.
  12. LOL I was kind of worried... the way he had contacted you before did sound creepy. And that's fascinating about your friend that's not really a good friend, and sad . It's good you don't let her bother you, like the duck-bill analogy, she can't really do anything so her actions just kind of look petty or ridiculous.
  13. On a more serious note... if you plan to stay with S, he can have his mom placed somewhere. It doesn't sound like it's physically healthy to be around her, even for him! He shouldn't be the caregiver, in other words. He can do right by her (have her taken care of), and still have her live somewhere else when that time comes. My husband's parents are abusive to each other, too, and it's REALLY awkward being around that.
  14. Oh my God that sounds so awful! I laughed several times reading this because it just paints such a crazy picture... but I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. Why are family members sometimes so nutty?!?! I don't get it. Like... it doesn't' have to be that way. You can just be nice. Or simple polite and civil. Why on earth are people crazy?! It only makes life harder than it needs to be in my opinion....
  15. I read through all of this the other night and ugly-cried. Ugh Seraphim.... Hugs...
  16. WOW That is a brilliant quote, LH. How interesting... I've never seen anxiety this way, but perhaps it's a warning sign something isn't right?
  17. Wow Batya that is tragic. I'm so sorry.
  18. I'm so sorry Sherry. It makes me anxious, too, if I read too much about the numbers increasing (I knew it probably would anyway in the Fall... viruses are easily to catch in this season). Something that helps me is to just accept there's probably going to be a second lock down in most places (isn't Europe already experiencing that in some areas?). I try to just accept this could happen, and then let it go and just live life as I would normally.
  19. That is SO romantic! What is your secret to keeping the romance alive while he's gone? I've always wondered how that works out long-term. Is it the whole, "absence makes love grow fonder," thing?
  20. Oh wow Seraphim, I just now saw this. I'm so so sorry, this puts your other thread into even more perspective of how hard things are without medicine etc.! I do think though... just watching how my parents have to deal with my brother when he goes into scary episodes... I think you have to have tough love and really lay it down for them that you will not tolerate something inappropriate. It is inappropriate to threaten to kill yourself. He could be picked up by the police and put in a psyche hold for three days (that's what happens to my brother if he tries that sh*t on my parents). It's ok if he needs help, but to threaten it and make you crazy yourself, it's not appropriate and tell him you WILL take him SERIOUSLY and call the police and have him picked up. BUT ... maybe you don't feel safe with the police ? They should be trained to deal with autistics, but there have been several horrible accidents where they end up shooting them. So I totally get it if you feel like this isn't an option.
  21. Wow that is a lot of stress though! I would definitely have my anxiety kicking in and making life harder. Can they let you get updated software programs to make things faster, since they seem to expect you to deal with the changes and still hit original deadlines? If it were me, I'd probably ask for the updated programs I'd need, or at least suggest it as a possibility in the future.
  22. Seriously though, you may be happier without them! Personally I love not having to see everyone else's opinions of politics and conspiracy theories anymore It's so freeing!
  23. Wow, it all sounds very complicated and yes, very stressful and anxiety producing when you know you still have that far to go. But you sound like you communicated perfectly. And on your old boss thank goodness you're not there anymore! Yes, I agree, this boss sounds nice and easy to communicate with. Good luck!
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