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Everything posted by maritalbliss86

  1. Yikes!! Do her parents talk about it at all with you? Are they freaked out? We were totally 100% freaked out with our oldest... but he ended up becoming very sweet and kind and even extra gentle. Back when he was in school his teachers praised him for his character being so kind... so hopefully she changes and it's just some odd baby phase going on. We've known some really mean kids though! Like aggressively mean and unnecessarily cruel! Makes me wonder what they were like as babies... if there was any indication they'd turn out that way?
  2. Ugh that's sad for the other ones!!!! Part of why I'm glad I watch mine myself is because they aren't getting hit/bitten etc. in daycare. I get it that it makes them tougher, but ugh!!!! I want my babies to be cuddled and loved by me at this stage!
  3. Sometimes I just DO NOT UNDERSTAND men LOL 😂🤷‍♀️😂 But I love the entertainment though!!!! 😂❤️
  4. Wow!!!! It constantly amazes me how different children can all be from each other! Our first was fairly violent like that, but he got a million times easier after about age 3. He was HARD though... mostly due to his temper and the fits he'd throw. The middle two just weren't like that. The 2nd was our Viking child and he was super easy going until about age 3 when tantrums or meltdowns finally hit. Now he occasionally has a meltdown that's pretty big, but I can calm him down fairly fast. Our 3rd, our beautiful daughter, was somewhat high maintenance in needs as a baby (fed a ton more and less easy going than our second), but was gentle and sweet and very loving even as a baby. She's only now getting into an attitude phase we're having to correct at age 3 1/2. And then our last, 4th baby... he's high maintenance as far as his needs go, AND he sometimes has a little temper. Not as bad as our oldest had at his age, it's more in a cute way. But WOW can they all be extremely different!
  5. Yes... my mom asked me recently if my old workplace was working on this one so I looked it up, and they are, but they've only been given 200,000. That's nothing compared to their old contracts of 18 million plus. I think their bad ethics finally must have caught up with them. But yes, I also think it will be, "safe enough," especially for people who need to do a risk/benefit analysis.
  6. Yes but being fired is not fun, even when you're right, it still looks awful. It's much harder to get hired again after coming to heads with bosses like this and getting fired. People interviewing you will tend to believe there's truth in your old bosses' complaints (and don't think they won't use things like this email blow up against you I'm sure). It's bad for your long-term game of trying to get experience and a great resume, in my opinion. I've found Lost's way of handling it to be better if you want to keep your job, or keep it longer and look for another one on the sly.
  7. I just don't think ... that when you're working with people like this... that emails like that work. It just makes them angrier. Even though you're right (!!!).... The very fact that you ARE right, just makes them angrier. I'm so sorry Jibralta... be careful though, they really may start to see you as the, "problem," and then figure out how to make your life more miserable (to make you quit) or just fire you.
  8. I'm so sorry, moving is hard! Hopefully they'll be families who can use your childcare around the base... fingers crossed!
  9. Are you excited? I'm sorry your husband is struggling. I'm sure working from home is hard on him!
  10. TL.DR version 1) Your son is smart, even most scientists are agreeing we don't know the long-term effects yet 2) It's still probably very safe for most people 3) There will probably be more than just 2 vaccines. This may be a yearly thing like we see with the flu, and so each year may need a new vaccine corresponding to the new variant strain that mutated from the last one or two (or 3 or 4).
  11. I got all A's in my science and math college courses, minus one (genetics... got a B), but I understand him. We're not anti-vaxxers, but I've seen the evidence of babies being loaded up with too many vaccines all at one time (death the next day) we've known people personally who that has happened to. I also know a woman who was a doctor, her daughter got the Guardicil vaccine and became infertile and had many autoimmune disorders almost immediately afterward. Of course all the doctors denied it could have been that round of shots, but some people just have adverse effects to the different shots, or the carrrier the shot is delivered in (there are different kinds). I used to work in virology research... we developed vaccines. My boss was incredibly unethical. He was under constant threat of losing contracts due to his refusal to QC everything properly and yet the HR department actually told me they couldn't do anything because he literally brought in the most funding due to the high demand of the kind of research we provided for vaccines. Your take away from that should be - there are seriously unethical people out there, in very high, seemingly untouchable places, and they control the kind of vaccine research that also gets out. They manipulate numbers and do all kinds of things that are just insane. I wish it wasn't like this, but I've seen this firsthand. Before working there, I believed in vaccines 100%. After working there, and then also after seeing people we knew personally have their babies or children get adverse affects (causing up to death!) ... obviously that did change me some. We still vaccinate our kids though, but it's on a slower schedule and our doctor approves it. But still... our awesome doctor recently tried to get our new baby to get 11 vaccines last time I went just a week ago... because he was behind due to COVID. Of course I was not going to let them load him up with 11 different vaccines all at once... so instead, I let him get 5. But still, over the course of his childhood, he'll be receiving tons more vaccines than I got and my brother got during our childhood. And it's still insane they actually wanted me to let him get 11 all at once! Can you imagine a baby's body trying to process 11 different kinds of vaccines all at one time? The reason why they want you to bring in your infant when they aren't sick or even suspected to be sick, is to avoid a massive immune response that could cause complications. There is such a thing as, "Bio-Overload," when a person is exposed to too much at one time, and I believe some babies (or people) can get adverse affects if their particular biology is such that they get overloaded and cause a massive immune response that can actually harm them. You can even track the Bio-Overload effects of the virus now, when you see that people who have higher exposure to it (doctors, nurses, etc), end up having much more severe cases due to how much they were literally over-exposed to the virus. Their bodies experienced bio-overload and couldn't deal with the necessary immune response to combat it. Overall, the vaccine is probably safe for most people, but he's right that we don't know the long-term effects yet. In our city, they're even asking for people who have gotten the first vaccine to allow themselves to be tested and monitored for a long time to see what will happen. The people who get it first, they're are guinea pigs to some degree. Our city is upfront that they want to monitor them in order to study the research we'll gain from what happens to them longterm. And I'm sure there's going to be more than just 2 vaccines. I think they're going to roll out (in the future) a 3rd and 4th vaccine, even if it's just to combat the different variants. We're basically going to be facing probably a new strand (or two) each year, like the flu virus, and there will probably be a new required vaccine each year to keep cases down, but that's just me hypothesizing.
  12. I think Indea08 is implying an informal, "meeting." Even if it's just in your head, rehashing things, you're having a meeting after the meeting kind of thing (it's abstract thinking). I believe Indea08 is saying that it's not helpful in the longrun to rehash this drama or dwell on it. It is what it is, and it sucks kind of thing. Try to find ways to work around it without, "reliving it," by having a meeting after the meeting.
  13. That's great! Just don't let the physical and mental side of the stressors get to the point where they're affecting your overall health. It takes a toll on the body long-term, literally shortens your telomeres on your strands of DNA, causing premature aging. If it gets to the point where you can't cope with the stress, it's healthier to jump ship again I think. Just my 2 cents though!
  14. I just meant that maybe even if you find a new one (?) they may could help you know what to do about the physical side of this, help you be able to control it more, and the anger side, and get to the point where you have that, "power," that Lost does, that you said you want. [Edited to add - I've personally experienced that kind of thing, where it gives you a totally new perspective and suddenly you feel liberated and don't have those physical side effects anymore, or anger anymore because you have a new perspective on it, at the very least not at all to the degree you're experiencing now.] But I could be wrong... I'm sure you understand yourself far better than I do! 😉
  15. See, I think this is why it'd be good to go to therapy for these feelings. Because they're affecting you physically, emotionally, and psychologically - all interconnected. I know a good therapist would be able to give you that power to disengage and still feel confident. I'm not sure journaling here will have the same effect.
  16. I think a therapist that was really good, that you vented to weekly, could help you with this.
  17. I love your journal! So honest about the trials and tribulations of motherhood! Ok ... so I worked in virology for awhile, studied it a ton while in that environment so I could understand better what was happening in the research etc. Masks suck, they just do. They provide some protection, but you are right that the virus can still go and get through. When I worked with ebola and marburg viruses (very deadly and dangerous!) we wore NASA suits from head to toe! A f*cking mask would never help with those! Everyone who has a brain knows that. Masks are about control. Period. They do help some, but most people would get COVID even with a mask. All virologists who are HONEST know this. Random people walking around, they're in fear and probably haven't studied or worked with viruses so they honest to God believe the mask will protect them. Then there are studies that showed the bacteria in your mask can get into your lungs and cause horrific problems or death that way. The masks, wearing unclean or used ones, it's actually dangerous. We know that scientifically. The population of people wearing them do not know that, or maybe they wonder about it, but hope their mask is still clean enough.
  18. I've personally seen employers get away with a lot, at least in our area. One friend I know was fired because she tried to breast pump during her very short breaks (worked 12 hours as a nurse in a hospital). She never was compensated or won wrongful termination.
  19. I think when people act like that, eventually it catches up with them. Hopefully it does in this case. Hopefully at least one of those employees goes after the company (it'd be easier if they all banded together to do it though). But the company may get away with it, because they're going to come out strong that the employees were irresponsible (even if not true!). People have been fired for much less, and society seems to take the COVID thing very seriously and that encourages harsh punishments for people who even seem to be acting irresponsibly. The company could make the case that if they don't make an example of these people, that more employees will act irresponsibly, affecting their success as a company.
  20. That's good. I hate shopping in the store sometimes. I didn't used to get so much anxiety from it, so I don't even understand it really where it comes from, but I've had that horrible feeling of almost passing out before. Not fun!
  21. Oh wow I'm so sorry that happened to you. Can you get your groceries delivered?
  22. I found the workplace, at least where I was, seriously cut-throat for women! It was ridiculous! There were two older women I found who were kind, and mentored me into some success, but some of the ones around my age, and some of the men, were just horrible to work with. And this was a really professional place. You'd think professional behavior would be the norm and encouraged, but it seems like it's rare to find a workplace where everything goes smoothly and communication is direct and easy. I haven't had much time exploring that, but even just seeing my husband's work, and how he manages different attitudes and craziness, I've come to that conclusion from watching his work environment for over a decade also. I've become friends with a few of the women he loves working with, many of them are awesome and all of ones we're friends with are hard workers (as per what he sees and knows). But one time we had another person over, and they wanted to talk badly about one of the women coworkers... without merit really, they were just offended she had stood up for something (at work and pertaining to work) and been firm about it. If that had been a man, he probably would have been more respected I think, but it earned her a reputation with at least this one person, as being b#tchy, even though we both KNOW she's not like that normally (and he's worked with her a lot). So I can see how the workplace would be hard overtime to not get more resentful toward things like that.
  23. Whoa the format changed on one of your replies!!!!!! Wow!!!! I love the emojis and the reaction options, but I still don't exactly enjoy this format LOL Cute cats!!!!
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