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Everything posted by anotherone

  1. well, I think You can flirt with other guys infront of him or sayt hnigs like guys "'''???". I do not want to teach you what to say..But you know what I mean. However, It depends how he reacts to the situation. He may think that it is ok to see other people while dating you or may confront you for saying or doing stufff like that..I am assuming you are seeing this guy. I usually do not react right away.. I just observe and keep it to myself. It only tells me that this Girls is not into me a 100%... LET ME MOVE ON FIRST.
  2. I hate when people Miss pronounce names. We gave our daughter simple "Eden". Good Luck
  3. I hope and pray for everyone. I made my contribution to the int. relife fund this morning on American RED Cross web site. Togther we can make a diffrence.
  4. Mentor, Thank You. She was suppose to come help me when I moved last month and she did not even call to cancel.
  5. I loved this girl once and I still have feelings for her. After she told me that she is not with me 100% , we went out for a couple of month without discussing anything and booom… She stop coming. Ignored my calls for a week or so and finally she had the guts to tell me she does not want to be in a relationship at this time. I said I love you, but if that is what you want fine. No hard feeling. We kept in touch via phone once or twice a month for the last three month. I do not call her unless she calls. She was also working and going full time in school. I feel like she out there testing the water and assume she can get back to me anytime she want. If she visit me during this holiday season, it is possible it just for having fun. I like her a lot, but I do not want to spend my time in a relationship that does not have a meaning. If I see her, we may get comfortable to each other again and she may disappear when she wants to. I want to give her a chance, but how ?. Any suggestion is appreciated. I wish everyone safe and happy holidays !!!
  6. I am a father of 3 and 1/2 year old. Her mother and I got separated about two year ago. Since my daughter is too young, It will be hard for her to spend 1/2 time with me and 1/2 time with her. She comes to my place two to three times a week.At early age I know I wanted to be a father specially a father of a daughter. The special love Shared between a father and a daughter was something I very much wanted to experience for myself. Your father might be busy, but I can assure you he loves you very much. Please follow Scout's.advice. Call him and talk to him…Do not wait until he calls. I wish my daughter can pick up a phone and call me. I call her everyday even though sometimes she does not want to talk to me because she is too busy playing. Keep posting and let let us know the progress ok.
  7. We had dinner together the other night and I asked her up front about our relationship. She told me she is not ready for committed relationship at this time and she did not want to hold me to wait .The reason I waited a couple of month without bringing our situation to the table was…To give her time to make up her mind. I have to say that I did not see a confidence in her when she said it…I needed a closure and It got it. I told her I respect her decision and we went our separate ways. I am ok ..I am not crushed. I felt even better after clearing my mind. I have not spoke to her since..I do love her a lot, but I decided not to look back. Thank for all people who gave thier time to give/suggest ideas.
  8. About her mother: One of the major factors for my divorce was her Mom's involvement in our life. We lived together for five years without her Mom involvement and we were very close. We always call each other 2 or 3 times a week. We supported each other for everything and life was great. We got divorce after 1 year her Mom moved in with us from overseas to our house. Growing up she was very close to her Mom and her dad always work overseas. He was not available for 4 to 5 month at a time. It is a very sensitive issue and must be dealt carefully if you intend to marry this girl. Her Mom will be in her/your life as long as she is around. About Having sex: As long as you did not force her or get her drunk to have sex with you I think you should not worry about it at all. I hate when people blame drinking for their wrong action. I am not buying your drinking story. If you think you can not control yourself while drinking, you should have stayed away from it. The temptation to go all the way is always their whenever you guys touch each other. How are you communication with her right now? Do you guys talk after what happened?
  9. Let is go .... You should appreciate her honesty. She did not do it while she was with you. You sound like you care about this girl a lot..and that is great. Do not let this bother you anymore. Just enjoy what you have and focus on your future with her...so she does not do it again.
  10. Follow Up. Well, She called me and left me a voice mail after a few days . She said - Hi and call me whenever you can. I called her back after a few hours and her voice mail picked up and I just said Hi...bla bla and call me when you get a chance too. I did not say anything about her not calling like she used to….I acted like everything is fine. I talk to her two or three time today and when she called me this morning she was reading my e-mail that I sent last week (about asking her to tell me about our relationship…to set me free or to work things out with her…). During our phone conversation.. She did not try to answer any of my question. we just talked regular stuff, but nothing about our relationship. I am going to see her soon.. How can I hangout with her while things are bothering me in the back of my mind. She has been indecisive.My question is ……If she does not say anything about our future, Should I try to raise the issue or not say anything about it ? Any advice is appreciated….
  11. well, I believe enjoying life while you can...life is too short not take action and enjoy your each other company. If you feel like calling him…call him. I am sure if he is busy, I will call you whenever he can. When my girl (..?) calls..It always makes me feel good because I know she thinking about me and she is contributing communication to our relationship. Good luck and I hope you grow much much closer
  12. Makeshiftdoll. Thanks so much for your super observation. To be frank she said " nothing is wrong with you, your are great for me, you deserver more, I have my own issue …etc ". I am exactly doing what you just said. I am not initiating any contact. If she call me fine, if not I will just take "as is".. may be were not meant to be together. I am moving to a new apartment. She told me she will come over to help me unpack (that was before I ask her make up your mind…). May be she will ?. I do care about her a lot about this girl. I hope even to marry her someday. I will keep you posted.
  13. Thank you for your advice. I do not think it is fair to leave someone hanging. She has to be with me 100% or I have to move on...I have a great friend that I respect. When I told him about our situation. He told me to take it easy. Do not call her a lot...somtimes cancel an invitation and do something else ..she has to feel that she can not have you whenevr she wants you and she has to know she will be losing a great Guy. I love her so much, I was unable to do any of it. I can not be just her friend. OHH may be after I get over her...Any further advice ?
  14. I have been dating my girl fireind for the last four month that I met through a good friend. One day she told me she is not a 100% with me and she wanted to make it clear. I asked her If she want to end the relationship and she said no... It seems like she wants the break up to come from me based on that or ?...Since she is busy, I do not see her a lot like summer. I wanted a clear cut so either she is with me or not...She used to have a long time boy friend that she broke up through e-mail right after she met me..The guy live far far away...her reasoning was. 1) May be she is not over the other guy yet 2) she swear that she not doing it unconscious to get back with him just in case..(I am not sure to believe her or not about this one). To be frank all I care is what we have for each other.3) she also told me that she does not want to hurt me If I break up with her, I would like to kill every communication I have with for a while until I feel comfortable that I can talk to her without getting hurt. I am going to see her a in a few days… talking to her has risks.. 1)If I ask her up front about our future, she may tell me lets kill it or no 2)Or I can just be patient keep the communication going and see how she feels. Should I bring it up or Just play it by the ear and hope she will make up her mind (I feel like If I keep Asking her I am pushing her away more and more…you see my point?) . Please help
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