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  1. Man, how can you say nobody cares? If ppl didn't care boutchu, do u think there'd be 7 pages of ppl telling you they DO care. Get professional help cuz there is a difference between crying out for help (which is not a bad thing) and actually taking the cowards way out. Do what's right man! You gotta know we're here for ya.
  2. You need to accept your man's child or else let him find someone who will accept him and his baggage. You indicated that the weekends were for the two of you? that just sounds so selfish. This little boy was around before you came into the picture so you should give him a chance. If you try separate the father from his son that will just make your man resent you for it. You sound very needy, what guy wants a needy woman? Or vice versa?
  3. I don't know where you got your info but guys are sooo not straight forward with their feelings. To get a guy to talk about the way he's feeling, you'd have better luck asking him to tie his own nuts in a knot. i just wanted to clarify that.
  4. I'm sorry but I just find it funny how all you guys are sitting here somewhat choked about how your ex has moved on and stuff, have any of you guys initiated contact? I know you guys have this major ego/pride thing in the way but what is really more important, your pride or your girls? I am a girl who would strongly consider taking back her man if he'd only call so we can compromise the situation that brought us to that place to begin with.
  5. Does it bother you that your man dumped you for an indian girl or does it bother you that you got dumped in general? You seem to emphasize throughout your post that she is indian. As a fellow uni student, and Aboriginal woman I would think that you would have the intelligence to know that the politically correct term is Aboriginal. Unless in fact she from the MIddle East and then yes she would be an East Indian. Obviously you are scalded by the fact that you got dumped and have resorted to racial slander. That is pretty low.
  6. Okay first things first. You sound like you aren't sure who you want to be with. Secondly, you bought your parents house which you shared a lot of good times with your ex. You need to be true to your heart and decide who you REALLY want to be with. If you want to be with your ex, which it sounds like there is a small possibility, you need to break it off with the current girl. If you want to be with the current girl, be strong and give your ex the straight goods. I'm telling you, she'll respect you for it more if you give it to her straight. Don't be all wishy washy about it. If you truly want to move on with the girl you're with now, you owe it to everyone involved to get everyone on the same page. Believe me, you aren't doing any favours to anyone including yourself by kitty footin around.
  7. My man and I were together for 4.5 years. I have 5 children and 2 of them are his. I broke it off with him 3 months ago today. I can honestly say I am a lot happier with my children. My children are way happier too because they are no longer hearing the constant arguing and fighting. At the beginning I thought I would do whatever i needed to get him back but after n/c for the duration of this break up has made me stronger. This time has made me see what was lacking in our relationship and where we went wrong. I can honestly say through experience that if two people want something bad enough, they both need to work at it together. Relationships take a lot of dedication and partnership.
  8. How would you all feel if the mother of your 2 children called the cops to have you removed from your home you all shared together. The relationship was getting boring and the girl felt like she needed her space but he refused to leave willingly. It's been 3 months.
  9. Well it's been exactly 3 months since I spoke to my ex of 4.5 years. Other than seeing him once at the mall where we merely stared at each other while passing by. We have 2 children together and we're both 30. What's the deal with the no contact rule? I am getting scared he's moved on.
  10. It will be 3 months of NO contact whatsoever,in 9 days. We parted on bad terms when I had to have the cops remove him. We have 2 shorties and have been on and off for the better of 4.5 years. I know I messed up by calling the po poes but I was totally fed up with his silent treatment giving ways. Just because we BOTH agreed to quit smoking chronic and when I stuck to my guns and refused to score any, he started sulking for like 3 days straight. I don't know what to do. I still love him and want to work things out but I know he's probably afraid if he does try contacting me I'll call the cops. Advice anyone? Is there any hope for this lost soul?
  11. You are an insecure, selfish,conniving, pathetic,walking hormone. It seems like you always have a girl waiting in the wings for you. Unfortunately, you use this as a scapegoat to avoid getting serious.
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