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Everything posted by jody

  1. Thunderwulf I sympathize with your pain. Why do nice guys fall for young women that hurt them? It must be universal. I had a friend who married a woman who did similar things. Probably different situation, but the pain is the same. If I could add anything to what has been said, I would suggest (as a woman) to think of the behavior of your wife as a universal experience. You loved and trusted and she used it against you. Whether you did anything wrong is irrelevent here. it is clear that she intentionally has hurt you. As time passes try to keep trusting people. It gets harder and harder as people hurt you. With an exwife like this, you will be tempted to get angry one day, once you move past the horrible sadness. That soft gentle nature of yours will be deeply valued by the right person one day. Protect your heart, look inside yourself, and heal. There is nothing good about that woman for you anymore. The need to keep in touch may rear its head, but resist. Give yourself time, but make new friends with women. And don't romantically date for a while. You will know when you are ready. Trust is what you have lost, not the ability to love. You are an expert at that. Good luck.
  2. When someone says they can't take it anymore, you should be worried. They are ready to get out of the relationship. Luckily, you seem to be wising up now before it is over. I suggest working on yourself. Stopping drinking just because someone is leaving you is not a good enough excuse to quit for long. He must care for you to even talk about it, but the problem is bigger than you and him. What makes someone want to be with someone is honesty and change for the better. I doubt that he thinks you have to be perfect, but there must be a problem or unresolved issue. Commit to the process of quitting. Ask him to be there for you and promist to never stop trying. You will know if you are successful if you stop drinking permanently. If the drinking is in fact the true problem between you, then your relationship with continue. But it is likely you have a process to go through. I hope that you and your husband can work it out together, it is easier when you have a best friend. Good luck.
  3. I am not sure if a 13 year old can be diagnosed with schizophrenia, it is usually first seen around the teenage years however. I encourage you to seek medical evaluation because it is what you need. Whether your family will do this for you is another matter. If you get worse, seek someone who you trust and tell them you must see a doctor. Just remember to look out for yourself. Goodluck.
  4. Yes, I am a RN IF the rash is spotty, red, maybe peeling in spots but doesn't have too. It may be jock itch too. Both itch, both can be treated in a similar way. I suggest, cotton underwear, no tight jeans, and antifungal cream applied according to directions. It should clear up within a week or two. Untreated it may scar your skin. It can also spread down your legs....but don't worry. It is definitely curable. Good luck.
  5. Sex doesn't hurt usually. If you are burning/hurting, perhaps the condom is dry and you need lubrication. You may need additional stimulation from him too. Like oral sex or whatever it is that turns you on sexually. As for the bleeding. Several possibilities, if you usually have regular periods and this is an unusual occurrence. Spotting or a little bleeding occurs sometimes, but a continuing problem, cramping with bleeding or odor indicates a problem. 1 You are pregnant or may be miscarrying. 2. You have fibroids or some sort of gynological problem. 3. You may have an infection. I know it sounds scary. But there is a good chance that you need to see a doctor. It could always be something else. but those are the worst case scenarios and need to be examined. Have you been to a doctor since you started having sex.
  6. I can see your concerns. However, don't worry. Sex is sex. It is those special moments, the intimacy that makes it worth it. You may remember the first time you drove, but I bet it wasn't your favoriite time. Now you look back and remember the view once the difficulty and novelty is over. You are what she wants. Afterall, no one gets married for sex. She wants it to be special for you and she wants to be all yours. Good luck on your marriage!
  7. Well, I can't help but feel the same misery as you. Of course, my situation is different and I would like to tell you why. My husband and I met 4 1/2 years ago. He was sweet and distant and although not very passionate, he did turn me on. We dated two and 1/2 years and decided to get married. Prior to that our sex life was ok, not great but ok. I would be romantic, sexy, do anything to turn him on. I thought that since he had been raised conservatively that his sex drive would get better once we got married. All he said concerning my questions were basically: my sex drive is a little low or we don't see each other enough to really have sex as often as others (we have commuted long distance for the past 3 years). This is another issue, but certainly not related to the sex problem. Ok, so we get married and on our honeymoon night....things change. He absolutely lost interest in me. Nothing...No matter how I tried, he just was never in the mood. Then he started saying the same things your girlfriend says: That all I want is sex, that he feels used, that if I was more sexy actiing or less crabby he would be more sexual. Before long he converted the whole problem to mine. Now this man is not cheating on me. He doesn't feel the urge. If he does it is a wham bam thank you man type of sex. There is no foreplay. He would be happy if I gave him oral sex but he won''t ask. My message: it doesn't get better and it will destroy your relationship eventually. She may have issues. But she is not communicating them. You think that your relatiionship is good. It isn't. You do not have an intimate relationship. That is not good. Get out now. If I had known, I would have never married him. My husband is smart and fulfills many of my needs. but if a crucial need isn't being met, it will eventually dominate your life. You will cheat. I have. You won't care one day. And you will be angry. Worst of all, your self esteem will be affected. I feel ugly now and I am not. If she won't talk about the problem and take steps to fix her problem , your relationship is doomed. I am a mess. Don't do it to yourself. I don't think that this problem is going to go away.
  8. I wouldn't call more than any other time. He has his reasons for not wanting the relationship. He would have said that he needed time if he did. He didn't. He basically wants space and freedom. Not for a relationship as much as time alone. You may feel like you two are close and that he needs you as much as you need him, but maybe it is not the case. Don't be tempted to forget the letter. Men say things once and figure you will remember. Start looking for other interests. Men want what they can't have much more than what they can have easily. I can't say if he really wants to be together, but I would be tempted to say no.
  9. She knows. I woman knows most of the time. Why tell her? I suggest doing things together. Start out with generic things like visiting a flea market or something that you two have in common. If it works well a couple of times. then move to a movie or something similar. If that works, and she is warming up (like making alot of eye contact or touching you inadvertently), then make a more romantic plan. Do not involve alcohol. Don't say anything, really. Women love to talk about their feelings. If she doesn't touch you or say something to the effect that she care alot about you, the feelings aren't there. No need to stick your neck out. Speaking from experience, it will ruin the friendship if you talk early or make wrong move. But maybe it should if you want more and she doesn't. Why put yourself in misery. Just a thought.
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