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Everything posted by xcountryprincess

  1. To be honest i think a lot of girls don't ask guys out because they dont want to seem desperate. It's kinda thought of as "If you cant get him to ask you he doesnt like you that much." Girls can be really cruel to eachoner when i comes to dating, and it almost looks as if ur desperate if you ask out a guy. Its really terrible i know, and i apologize to all the guys out there, but you have to realize its not all about you,lol. Girls dont want to be labeled as desperate or seen to be able to attract a guy. Also, it seems like (well at least with me) once a guy knows you like him he runs a mile. It's like once the chase is over the guy is no longer interested!
  2. I've read quite a few posts with guys saying they rather have and "average" girl then a super model skinny one. My question is, what exactly do you consider average? Does average include a little extra stomach, or slightly "thicker" legs with amazing abs? I've also realized that a lot of guys are now into the big butt thing (eg, beyonce, jlo, christina millian). Althogh they have arguably large rears the rest of their body is incredibly fit. Do you know how difficult it is to have a big butt and flat abs?! LOL In general big butt means a little extra everywhere else. Is this still considered attractive???? Thanx for any replies in advance
  3. I was just wondering at what age guys start to want a "serious" relationship. I meen most (not all) high school guys are all about looks and "trophy" girlfriends and arent really into deeper relationships. I hear that college is a lot about partying and stuff like that and dont get me wrong im looking forward to it ( 2 years left ), but im interested to know by college are guys more interested in deep relationships? thanx
  4. So i was talking to one of my guys friends and he wanted to know how to hook up with a friend of mine. I told him he should just be himself the usual stuff u know.. So then he asked me "well what is it that gets you attracted to a guy innitally", and i realsied, he doesnt have to be 6'3 with caramel skin and an amazing body thats just part of what i think is the dream guy. To be honest, i talked to some of my girl friends and we all came to the conclusion that what attracted us was confidence. in any form, whenther punk, skater or "ghetto". The hot thing is masculinity and confidence. So guys, whatever you have, just flaunt it, walk down the street and let us see you talking to people as if you think ur the best thing in the world. Dont get me wrong ITS NOT CO*KYNESS WE LIKE its confidence..the feeling that "damn he knows he can do anything" you just exude it and its hot. So girls if you agree or have somthing it add, add it but this is just my input to the age old question. Now for girls i'm pretty sure its the same thing, but i wouldnt know, so is that it... in GENERAL is that what makes a girl attractive...confidence? I know one guy cant speak for what all guys like but just in GENERAL. PEace P.S i hope i helped some guys out there figure out the "complex" mind of a female.
  5. Well after tonight i decided that i'm going to start approaching guys. I used to have the menality that if a guy liked me he'll approach me. However I'm not getting any results so i'm going to go after what i want. (i hope i'll have the guts to at least) Guys simply stare at me or make eye contact they don't approach me, so i want to know whats a good way to break the ice? Also once we get to talking, what do we talk about. I meen i know the obvious, "So... what you doing here? whats your name? what grade you in? what you in to?" but i meen thats like what 3 mins of convosation? Also, i want to make sure that i don't come off aggressive or desperate, will approaching a guy make me seem this way? Thanx for any help in advance
  6. Ok, so I'm a sophmore in high school and to be honest (although i know not EVERY one is) it seems like all everyone is dating...everyone. As i've said before i go to an all girls so so i really don't interact that much with the opposite sex. It really annoys be because although i know I'm not that unattractive it seems like guys dont look my way and i honestly dont know why. I'm told i'm pretty by friends (girls) and through the help of many peoples advice im beginning to see myself as attractive. (thatnx enotalone members) I think i'm a really genuinly nice or at least decent person and i just dont get why the girls that are dating a lot at my school are honestly the cruel ones. I guess i just dont really understand, guys' mentality and i want to know what im doing wrong.... Hope you can help
  7. I don't know about other people but generally I feel that the people that i am attracted to are way more attractive than i am. Thats why i generally don't approach guys. but i meen most people i know date people of the same "attractiveness level". However i think a lot of the time people are also attracted to those who are hotter than themselves, like i do,lol.
  8. I'm going to be 15 in two months so I guess I'm trying to understand this from a 16-17 year old male perspective, which I find incredibly difficult to do. Anyways, I've realized that at school the girls that do have boyfriends are the really b***hy girls on campus that dress in revealing clothing and to be honest don't have much substance. We are at an all girls' school so I guess that the guys they date they meet at social events or while at the mall or movies or something. What I don't get is why the girls at school, who are honestly quite attractive but don't call attention to themselves by wearing revealing clothing, don't get approached by a lot of guys or date a lot. Personally, I think like most other sophomore girls, I do want a date however, I find it difficult to meet guys or get them to talk to me. I know I probably wouldn't have this problem if I dressed like them but I guess what I'm trying to understand is why is the slu***sh look so attractive to guys. Now I'm not saying that these girls are sl*ts but they do dress in that fashion like them. Do guys not look at how pretty a girls face is or that she generally has a nice figure. Must they be allured with tight shirts in which girls are literally busting out of tops that show your stomach? Is a developed, mature, and intelligent mind not also attractive? I suppose my question is what are guys looking for in a female, because it appears to me that they are looking for girls willing to reveal their bodies, who to be honest aren't incredibly studious or looking toward their future. I hope I'm wrong and I'm sure that of course there are guys who aren't like this but this happening is rather depressing to see and I just don't understand it. So again if I could get this answered form the male perspective at the age of 16 or 17. all ages and thoughts will be greatly appreciated but could you try to remember how you though when you were this age. Thank you Signed, Greatly confused
  9. To be honest i really do want a boyfriend, i meen as a sohpmore it seems like everyone is dating and i just feel kind of left out. Thing is i've come to realize that the people that do have meaningful relationships with guys or are just dating, although maybe not that gorgeous, are really comfortabe with themselves and honestly wouldn't mind being single. So, basically i want to know how i can learn to be happy by myself. I really want that intimacy with a guy ( emotional not physical) but i feel like before i can have that i have to be willing to be by myself and accept/love myself. How do i go about doing this?
  10. Ok, I think I've posted something similar to this before but this time the situation is different i need to understand things from a male perspective. I'm a sophomore in high school so I'm pretty used to the whole dance seen but i have a couple of questions about what guys think of it. My friends and i were talking and we used to see dances as an opportunity to meet guys exchange #'s and hang out some time (we go to an all girls school so its not like we see these guys every day). The thing is, truckloads of guys ask me to dance however few want to strike up a conversation or get our numbers. It seems like all they are interested in is... well simply put... grinding/freaking. I guess that's what young people do at dances and I don't have a problem with dancing that way but I always though that dances were also a way for people to meet others not just grind their pelvises together.
  11. Whenever I get around guys I start freaking out. I go to an all girls' school so I don't really have many guy friends and I don't know how to act around them. For example, tonight I went out with my friends and I actually saw some pretty cute guys looking at me. The thing is if I see them looking or even if I see cute guys walking past i get really giggly and turn away from them and toward my friends. By then they have walked past and I've lost my chance to smile at them or show them in some way I'm interested. How do I get over this, I've missed so many opportunities to meet guys because of this shyness. It really sucks because I've worked really hard to come to the point where I find my self rather good looking but around hot guys I just feel inferior, and that they wont like me, how do I change this? Also, if im going to go and talk to a guy how do i initiate conversation so we arent just standing there, or is awkward?
  12. So, i finally met a guy, i was out shopping today, he asked for my number, i gave it to him, but to be honest i only really want to be friends, at least at first. I'm not really physically attracted to him but he seemed like a pretty nice guy, and i didn't want to tell him he couldn't have my number, so i gave it to him. Thing is as i said i'm not really physically attracted to him and i just want to get to know him as a friend before any romantic thing happens. How do i tell him i just wanna start of as friends, nothing more. Didn't i give him the impression i wanted to date him and all that stuff not just be friends. As i've said previously i go to an all girls school and don't have guy friends. Plus he seemed like a really nice guy, i dont think its fair to blow him off just cos i dont think hes hot, however i dont want him to think im interested in him that way. So what do i do?
  13. I've had posts similar to this however I'm just now realizing this about myself that I definitely have to change. When I'm out with friends I often get guys looking me over however they don't come and talk to me, that's another issue, lol. However when they do talk to me I find it hard to keep the convo going. I'm not really used to being around guys because I go to an all girls school, so talking to guys like flirting and stuff kinda freaks me out which means I run out of things to say. It also seems that often times at a dance or something plenty of guys wanna dance with me but when I try to strike up a convo they aren't really interested and simply give me one word answers if I ask them a question. Also if I see a guy I'm attracted to I get so shy that I often look away, breaking eye contact, how do I stop doing this?!?!?! Its really frustrating because it seems like some kind of natural reflex for me that when I see a hot guy i look away because he's not going to like what he sees in me and will laugh at me for even thinking I have a chance with him by showing interest. I guess I basically want to know how to change these things about my self and why i feel this way around guys.
  14. Thanks for the advice everyone. To be honest i do think you were a little harsh Luciana, just because i don't want to be making out with every other guy, and sleeping around doesn't meen there's something wrong with me. Maybe i'm a little more mature than you where at my age but that doesn't meen you have to put me down and tell me my priorities aren't straight. I'm acutally a straight A student and know exactly where my priorities lie, so the next time you want to judge me in that way think about what your going to say.
  15. Lately i've been thinking a lot about being in a relationship with a guy. I'm gonna be 15 in a few months now, and i know i'm really young but i just want that connection with someone. I guess what i'm trying to say is i basically want to know what it feels like to be in love with someone. I imagine it to one of the most wonderful feelings in the world. Most people my age just want a quick fling, make out session or simply sex and so i feel sort of weird because i want so much more that that. I just wanted to know, though it may not be common, are my feelings still normal. I meen i know there isnt much chance of me having a relationship like that at my age because a lot ( not all ) guys around my age are pretty immature, and i dont just wanna date an older guy, b/c they may think they can take advantage of me. i guess what im trying to ask is, is this feeling normal and if it is is there much chance i'll find a guy around my age who wants this kind of relationship.
  16. For about the last two weeks all I've had on my mind is boys. Now i'm normaly pretty boy crazy (going to an all girls school really doesn't help matters) but lately i've just been thinking about relationships and dating boys so much more than usual. I'm not sure if it's because i'm about to start my period or what, but i've been listening to mushy romantic songs and and watching romantic movies all through the holidays. I realize it may be hormones and all that but i honestly thought i got over thoughs high hormonal periods of time because i'm a couple months away from 15 and stopped growing about a year ago. I just find this ridiculous and quite amusing at times and want to get to the bottom of it.
  17. I was watching this movie the other night with friends and this guy was kissing his girlfriends neck while they were making out in the film. We all thought this was very sexy and one of my friends said she was gonna kiss her boyfirend like that they next time the got together. Now i always thought that guys wouldnt like to be kissed on their neck's and it was only females that enjoyed this, am i wrong? Would a guy enjoy this?
  18. My question is, is confidence in females a turn on or attraction. The reason i ask this question is that i went to a formal dance, i went solo however saw alot of girls that arent exactly considered attractive and are slightly overweight with some GORGEOUS guys. Now, although these ladies were not very attractive they are incredibly confident, you can just feel how happy they are with their bodies and apperance when they walk into a room. I have been told i look rather pretty and with the help of all those who replyed to my topics i'm beginning to see myself at pretty when i look in the mirror. The thing is when in outside in public i still cant really make eye contact with guys i think are really gorgeous becuause i think they wouldnt give me the time of day. Also i've been trying desperatly to loose weight though in truth im average ( about 135 at 5'7). basically im lacking in confidence and happyness with my body. Now seeing this extreamly confident ladies with these gorgeous guys makes me think confidence is the key. thought they werent that pretty u could tell they had accepted their bodies and were happy with themselves.
  19. I definitely think guys should wear pink it's a very hot color on guys. However is does depend on the shade i thnk light/baby pink looks best on males especially if they have a darker skin tone or are tanned.
  20. I was just wonering what the general consensus was of the board regarding what the guys found attractive in females. I know every guy is different and there is no single answer but i just wanted to know what the guys here thought. Do males (you) like skinny females or girls with a little meat on them not overweight just not supermodel/rail thin?
  21. To be honest i love them, six packs rule my world, however i think i like them so much because i normaly go for athletic guys and so they are pretty fit. i have the same kinda question for guys do u only like/prefer girls that have flat abs, and small hips and butts?
  22. I was talking with my friends about what we would like a boyfriend of ours to be like and as i was describing mine, my friends said i was way too picky.one of thier main reasons for saying this was that i found alot of the guys people were dating at my school rather unattractive (i go to an all girls school, so this would be guys they were able to find outside of school) as well as because of my description of the "dream guy". Now in brief i said i wanted a boyfriend i found attractive and yet also intelligent and focused on school and his future. i honestly dont think that is too much to ask for seeing as beauty is in the eye of the beholder ( which i have gradualy understood to be true) My friends seem to think that my idea of attractive is "movie star/model" status. This bothers me because i myself am not "model" like and so i dont see how someone i think is gorgeous will be interested in me if this is the case. My question i guess basically is should i lower my standards or what i look for in a guy, or should i uphold them, not settle, and wait for the right guy to come along? If i do need to lower my " standards" how do i go about doing this?
  23. I guess my problem is more emotional and psycological that anything but i really need another persons opinion. When i was younger i was often made fun of and bullied because i was overweight and guys would always say they would never date me because i was ugly. Since then i've lost weight and i guess grown into my looks so to speak. The thing is i still feel like that ugly, overweight person. Friends tell me im attractive but i dont know why im just not able to believe them and see it in myself. To reinforce my insecurity when im out with friends, i often make eye contact wigh guys for a while, however they dont come and talk to me, this just makes me feel even worse. I guess my question is how can i see myself as attractive, and how do i know im not just convinving myself of a lie?
  24. Well this is kind of a continuation of some other posts ive writen but i'm really stumped about this. I've noticed that whenever im at a dance or out with friends the guys who come and talk to me are always the less attractive ones. Now dont get me wrong im flattered by the attention but what i dont understand is why the good looking guys just check me out, they never come and talk to me. Or if they dance with me they dont really wanna hold up a conversation when i try to talk to them, or ask for my number.
  25. Often when i go out with my friends i meet pretty good looking guys. The thing is i think they are interested because we often make eye contact. What i just dont understand is why they dont come and talk to me or get my number. So many guys look but they hardly ever come and talk to me. Could i be unintentionaly intimidating them or sending out the wrong signals.one more question. if it were u and u were looking at a girl why would u approch her and what would stop u from approaching her?
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