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Everything posted by Optimistic37

  1. It seems to me that the only reason she 'disappeared' is because of her health problems. She obviously has a lot on her mind and she needs someone like you to help her. She must be in great pain when you say to her that you cant go to her place because of the distance. You are basically turning her down. If this girl means everything to you, distance shouldnt mean anything. Remember that she travelled to see you, even at New Years. I advise you that the next chance you get you get her number (mobile and home) and address and you and visit her. That one visit will mean the world to her and you.
  2. oooo that sounds nice. Im gonna have to try that someday, if I ever get lucky
  3. That would be a perfect start The key, in my opinion, is to not try and be her boyfriend or get her to fancy you. Just try and make friends with her, which can then develop.
  4. aghhh I really want to tell her how much she makes me feel. At times I feel like she is all over me and I believe that we could easily go out with each other. However, when we went shopping yesterday she mentioned her bf quite abit. We were in a shop and I saw a cool shirt so I said "this is a wicked shirt" and she just said "yeh, it is. I might get this for Alex (her bf)". She even mentioned that she needed to get him a present. As Im not very good at analysing this I have to ways of taking this: 1) She has feelings for me and is scared to go about them so she uses her bf to remind herself of what she already has. 2) She is not interested (in THAT way) in me and might be picking up signals (or not) from me and is just normally thinking about her bf. The more I think about our situation the more Im starting to believe that maybe she sees me and a great friend whom she can rely on. I feel the same about her so I'm very scared about telling her how I really feel.
  5. i think hugging is a very intimate action so I tend not to hug every person I meet. I have been thinking about this topic and I think that it's best to not show a lot of physical contact. thereforeeee, when u do show it to someone it really does mean something and the person will know that as well. A mate of mine always puts his arms around girls and hugs and now the girls tend to just hug him back with no real feeling or affection. It seems as is if it's just the thing he does. When I hug a girl (which is rare) I seem to get a lot of feeling back off them, they tend to hug me back with arms rapped hard around me and their head cusioned in me and eyes closed. I have only really noticed in this, this week.
  6. to be honest it sounds as if she's screwing you around. She's getting you around her little finger and manipulation you. Dont let ppl mess about with your emtions like that so tell her off and dont see her again. Go out and find someone else and be happy with them.
  7. Im still young and I agree with what you are saying in the sense that the woman in the movie never comes true. No woman is perfect, just like you. Just go out and find friends and the friends may turn out to be ur life long love. I'm one of those guys who everyone finds funny, the joker, the person everyone can hang out with and enjoy being with. This is great but I feel soo empty inside. There is a girl im madly in love with yet she doesnt see my 'romantic' side underneath my joker costume. It is a real struggle for me to find any sign of love but as long as a keep ppl laughing, I soon forget about how I am feeling
  8. as Lottie said, always show great interest and maintain full on eye contact As for a place to go: a theme park is by far the best place to go to for a group. You can show off how the rides don't scare you or even be a little bit scared so you can get some affection from the girl The theme park can last all day and you can really enjoy yourself!
  9. Im not sure what I would be able to say but I think u need to constently tell her how much u love her. You need to make it very personal. It's easier for her to say she doesnt care about others to you, than it is to say she doesnt care about you. How about have a weekened trip with her. Just u 2, someone really nice and away from what ever is troubling her. Show her a good time and make her forget about her problems. Hope I helped, if not, hope everything gets better
  10. i meant that she carried on talking and shopping like it never happened. Was kinda weird and made me never do it again. So my tip to girls: if a boy puts his arm/s around u, put urs around him too. It really does hurt. However, I only recommended to do this DEFENATELY if the boy doesnt do it all the time or u give off the message that ur easy. Im one of the boys who doesnt do it all the time and it hurts if a girl (whom uve had to pluck up courage to put ur arms around - friend or more) doesnt react back.
  11. hi, could u guys help me out with my problem here: link removed I know I shouldnt post it here but Im not getting any replies and I really need some help soon
  12. yeh, i tend to act abit weird if a girl touches me. I guess I'm just that kinda person who is only close to those I really like. I know many ppl who have loads of friends who they hang out with, but I would say that they would do anything for them. However, I only have a few friends whom I am extremely close with. I would do anything for them and I have. One of these friends is a girl called Daisy who I'm falling in love with. I really want to hug her all the time and keep her close but I'm too worried she will push me away. Read more about this here please: link removed
  13. I find physical contact very hard, even with friends. I never hug my friends (but have now started to) and I dont know why. When I am in a group with ppl I tend to hug eveyone greeting and saying goodbye, but on a one 2 one I tend to just wave and part (applies mainly to girls). I find it very annoyign that I cant just hug girls or put my arms around them (just as a friend). I think I've got to a stage that ppl dont expect me to hug them or show physical contact so it would be weird if I did. I have been reading a little bit into this and everywhere I have read has said that girls tend to prefer men to not show alot of physical contact. They prefer to just link arms for a while and a hug for goodbye. The main reason I replied to this thread is because of this girl i REALLY fancy (but she has a bf - see the thread I made in Friends). Today we went shopping together. After about 2 hours we left a shop and I put my arm around her and my hand on her side. She did nothing and I felt really uncomfortable, she just kept doing what she was doing. I waited for about 4 secs then I droped my arm and we carried on as usual. I dont know how to take this
  14. This girl (D) joined my school at beginning of this year and I never really had any feelings for her at the start. However, I am now madly fancing her. Sometimes I get such a great pain in my 'heart' when I get home and I think about her. For the last 2 weeks we have been getting ready for a school play at my school and after school me and D have been shopping together and hanging out in general. It has been great and I have never had so much fun with a girl before. The way that she always asks me to come with her is great. When we go shopping I cant stop smiling and never can she, this makes me feel like she fancies me but at the same time there is the feeling that she doesnt. She is very kind to everyone and she has that nature that is hard to predict. There are other boys at school who always put their arms around her etc to be kind (or more) and Im never one of them, yet when walking in groups she always walks with me and talks to me. It feels great that I dont have to show her so much physical attention to get her to like me (it seems as a friend) and this makes me soo happy. Even when shopping with her, I never put my arm around her and only really touch her to drag her away from shops or general friendly touching and a BIG hug when saying goodbye. This all makes me feel great but I remember that she never puts her arms around me, however, today (we went shopping for 5 hours together and had the best time at Oxford Street!!) she put her arm through mine alot like a chain. I took this as her being like a friend, and no more. I know I have been rambling on, but I want u to understand my situation. The main problem about this is; she has a boyfriend whom she has been goin out with for AAAAAgggeees. I find it strange that she goes out with him since he is very shy and she spends more time with me then with him. I feel that she would be better off with me than with him. She laughs so much with me and shows great interest with everything I do. I never have to show off to her or chase her around as I now know that she will always come to me for anything. However, she's only coming to me as a friend. I want to ask her out as more than a friend, but I dont want to wreck this amazing friendship. Ever night I dream of her and I cant stop thinking about how I would love to be able to go out with her and kiss her. To hold her and be able to tell her how much she means to me would be perfect. I've become abit of a softy now when it comes to music and the slightest sad song even makes a tear come to my eye. I'm getting annoyed at myself and it hurts me. When with friends she always points out to them funny things I do and anything I say that she finds interesting. She even says this to her boyfriends which is abit uncomfortable. I appretiate this attention but I feel that she is only doin this as I am a new character to her. She has told me many times that she has never met anyone like me. Please help me out guys! Im very confused and Im wondering if it is wise to tell her best friend (who is very trustworthy and sweet) the way I feel about D.
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