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Are Asians just unattactive to Caucasians?


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I was born in Australia, but because I am Asian, I feel that caucasian women don't me a second glance, nor would consider dating me. I mean... how many interracial couples do you see where the guy is asian, and the girl is white.


PS - I've seen that humorous video 'Yellow Fever' already!

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They better start liking them. Considering the gender imbalance in China, with 30-50 million available Chinese men (and growing)...somethings gonna happen. China's population is scary...w/ 50 million lonely, frustrated and horny men - they could easily overrun Australia, or it's more distant neighbor America for that matter.

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I think a major factor affecting how you feel has to do with your level of self-esteem. People in general are attracted to others who are confident but more importantly knows how to make a woman feel. There are a couple different levels of attraction - one of them physical, the other emotional. They don't necessarily go hand in hand either. Have you ever heard the term, "he/she grew on me?" This often occurs when there isn't initially a high degree of physical attraction but repeated exposure to the person and how they make each other feel is what causes this. So, the two connect on an emotional level. Show me one woman who doesn't want a man to understand her and her views on life.


Side note: I'm Asian and have only had Caucasian women for girlfriends. Why? Because that's what I like. Maybe it's more common in California but knowing how to make women feel a connection can be applied universally.

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Yep, I've noticed that too, I'm white and my asian guy friends seem to get little attention from ladies. So are you just here to complain about it, or are you going to try to do something about it. Complaining will get you no where fast, go start getting some booty and stop feeling sorry for yourself


Seriously, most asian guys that I've seen are overly shy around women and seem to get down on themselves. Start making an effort every time you go out to strike up a conversation with at least 3 women you're attracted to. I guarantee that with in a few weeks you'll have at least one or two dates and from there it's all on you.

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Where in Aus are you from? If you're from Sydney it shouldn't be a problem for you. I think the key in Australia to dating caucasian women is that you need to act white. I know that sounds very racist and judegemental but it's just something I noticed growing up there. If you are in the with white crowd and do all the stuff they do, then caucasians will notice you. If you are the type that is very quite (except when speaking a native language) and you have a distinctively asian dress sense, caucasian girls probably won't give you a second glance.


If you're not from Sydney, or possibly Melbourne, then I don't know what to say. Other places are less multicultural and less tolerant from my experience.

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It's very common to see Asian women dating white guys, though I don't think that's quite what you mean. You mean Asian men, right?


Two of my vanilla white, natually blonde cousins are married to Asian American guys of Chineese decent who are from Hawaii. Both those guys have charm and self confidence. Think about that.


I also personally know some attractive white women who like Asian guys, one who prefers them. However, in every case, it's the Asian guy who's got some self confidence and charm.


Nobody is attracted to lack of confidence, least of all to a whiner. I'm sorry to be brutally honest, but there it is. It's not about race, it's about your attitude. Same thing applies to guys who whine about being unwanted for any reason. Your attitude is your destiny. Change your attitude and your destiny will follow. There is no preordained destiny, no fate. We make our own destiny. So start by changing your attitude, then your reality will follow. You can do it.


These threads have a lot for you, IMO.


About Asian guys dating.


About whiny guys (of any race) and why women don't like them, and how you can change and improve yourself.

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I don't mean to sound unduly harsh or hard on you in my above post. I'm telling it like it is because I care about you and I believe in your potential. I know you can succeed. If only you knew it and believed it and carried through on that belief with actions, then you would succeed.

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i'm chinese and my last 5 gf's have been white.


I have heard though that things are a bit different in Aussie and they are a little less tolerant of asians in general. BUT that's just hearsay as I've never been.


I don't know about AU, except that I have one close lady friend from there and she's white, very beautiful, and she has a thing for Asian guys.


As far as you being Chineese American (that's what you meant, right?), and dating 5 white girls, cool. I'm betting your attitude makes that possible. Am I right?

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My family is 100% Asian. And I am currently dating the whitest of the white Irish guy.


My cousin's son, who is 18, has only dated white preferably Italian girls. He is very athlectic, charming, and confident of himself.


My brother has dated different girls of different ethnicities.


I don't know about AUS but I agree with previous posters, it's not what you are but who you are. If you carry yourself with confidence and finesse I'm sure women of any ethnicity would be attracted to you.

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I am not attracted to asian girls, but I am in the minority and know that there are PLENTY of guys/girls who love asians! A good friend of mine from my former place of work absolutely LOVED asian girls! He would talk forever about how much he loved 'em. It was really quite annoying after a while. lol

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I don't really have an ethnic preference, just a height one (I prefer the guy to be my height or taller). As I am 5'11", that rules out quite a few Asians. I do think they look attractive though, and I've had a crush on one or two taller ones.


At any rate, people are attracted to what they are attracted to. I think you shouldn't put down your "pull" to being Asian, but to confidence. A confident plump girl will get far more attention than a slim one with little self-esteem!

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I don't really have an ethnic preference, just a height one (I prefer the guy to be my height or taller). As I am 5'11", that rules out quite a few Asians. I do think they look attractive though, and I've had a crush on one or two taller ones.


At any rate, people are attracted to what they are attracted to. I think you shouldn't put down your "pull" to being Asian, but to confidence. A confident plump girl will get far more attention than a slim one with little self-esteem!


Oh darn. You're an inch taller than me.

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