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What is your occupation?

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I'm a student, and if I could stay a student forever, I would. I love it.


I also do some retail work at a non-profit organization, along with research and accounting paperwork. I don't mind that job, but I would like to go beyond that...Ideally I'd be a museum curator or a college professor.

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By education I am an attorney, but I am a real estate broker as it suits my tastes a lot better (and I hated the law).


I really love negotiating... and I really love meeting new people from all over the world and all walks of life. I think it is time for a slight change though. I get bored after I master something...

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Currently a student. I also work part-time as a proctor in terms of college student placement testing.


I'm also pursuing my own venues and passions through journalism and writing. I'm trying to not lock myself into someone else's 'occupation', but rather, finding the courage to live my own dream.

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I'm a frontline emergency ambulance technician.....will qualify as a paramedic in 18 months. Have wanted to do this for years and now I've finally got there it's everything I imagined it to be. I love it.


Always wanted to be a paramedic


Currently student who doesnt have a scooby where to go next. Translation, maybe? Maybe.

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I am curious to know what jobs people on ENA have.


I am a Ph.D. student and do consulting work for engineering companies. I have no plans to graduate in the next 5 years or otherwise face reality...


Also are you happy with the job you are in? Why?


I'm very happy with my position right now. I sleep until noon, see my bosses once a month, get to think and overanalyze stuff, and don't have many worries really. Plus I work from home, make my own hours, and most likely spend too much time with other facets of life outside of working. I'm just waiting for the bottom to fall out of this...

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Well I am Economist, field: International relations, but I am currently unemployed and frustrated because of that.

Before that I was working for the city I live in as an apprentice.


Sadly I always wanted to study design or history of art or english (design or history of art weren't available in my city and for english I didn't have enough language skills). So I am going to improve my Photoshop skills just for fun.


And I was always curious HellFrost what college education you have??

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I am an undergrad majoring in Mechanical Engineering but I don't really like it...

When I'm done with school I hope to get a job in Human Factors Engineering which is my minor (don't ask why I didn't choose that as my major seeing as I don't like my current major...big mistake and the curriculum doesn't really leave room for changing).

I think I'll really enjoy that and it will be good experience and lots of money. Altho later in life (probably after I raise children) I think I'll want to go into teaching. I really love the idea of teaching math, I just hope I have the balls later to go for it and get my Master's (which is required to teach in MA).

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Economist working for the federal gov't. I enjoy my job because I choose alot of what I want to work on and how I want to do it, and because my workmates are all incredibly kind and fun people. Also they invest in their employees, so I'm always taking classes and going to conferences - meeting people and learning.

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