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Winter Hey! You never call you never write (scold scold!) j/k


Yeah.. sorry about that. I find I keep testing myself... how long can I go for without help? How long can I stay away from friends for? Just to see if I'm getting any better with all of this. I'm still not sure if I am, but one thing IS for sure, and that is that I need to relax and just let time flow by. Can't believe it hasn't even really been two months yet. Argh.

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Icarus27, welcome.


Good to see you Camber, I'm sorry your having it rough. You make a good

point, I have to fight myself sometimes, my mind will wonder to the things

that make me miss her...I have to force myself to think of things that didn't work in our realtionship and the negative aspects of being together and in that relationship. I have to think about how easily she hurt me. It's so hard to let go, but the complete healing starts when you do, take my word.

It is hard, yes. It is one of the hardest thing you will ever do, maybe so.

Can you get through it and will you be strong, better, more whole when you

are finished? Most likely yes, if you take this time to learn about yourself and to reinvent yourself. It is a time of pain and growth~and we go through both.


Winter and John, I understand wanting to test your strenth and the time will come for that, just don't push yourself too soon. You are grieving. You heart is injured. You wouldn't play baseball with a broken arm before you had let it have the proper time to heal would you?

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I am OK. Im glad that your feeling great now. Im looking fwd to feeling like that. Im tired of feeling so down all the time. I know it will pass. Time it seems can be both your best friend and worst enemy.


Keep on truckin' - You guy are good. Dam good.



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Winter and John, I understand wanting to test your strenth and the time will come for that, just don't push yourself too soon. You are grieving. You heart is injured. You wouldn't play baseball with a broken arm before you had let it have the proper time to heal would you?




Good point. I guess from time to time I get the urge to jump out of the nest and see if I can fly.. My wings were not ready this time around...


So for now Ill stay in the nest - where its safe.


Winter, its so very interesting how similar our situations are. icarus27 also has a similar story - wow.



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Thanks Camber,


This see-saw we are on together works. I think thats what makes this site so powerful, as when people are "up" the are inspiring and full of support and willing to not only take their time to read our stories, but post useful advice as well!


Those same poeple also go "down" and then someone else steps to the plate for them, returning the favor.


I plan to be here (this site) for a long time, learning, listening and eventually supporting the best I know how.


I sure would like to meet the person who made this site, and shake his/her hand, maybe even treat them to dinner.. Not to mention all of you as well!



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Woah. Lone, I wish I had read that analogy before I went to look at my ex's blog for the first time in a month (I guess that's sort of breaking NC, isn't it? D'oh!). Of course, her post and only post since she dumped me is her declaring to the world how happy she is - and that was just two days ago. Figures.


I felt really, really hurt. She hasn't even been concerned about me at all through all of this. But now that I think about it, she's just so terribly immature. She isn't facing reality.. and eventually she will realize that and fall of her high horse and know the mistake she made.


Ah well. Shouldn't have read it anyways. That was stupid.

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Maybe not the best decision, but not stupid Winter, were human!

My ex is the same way, very immatature, she won't live in reality, it

takes too much work. Hang in there, and stay off that site. I know it hurts

but so much of what we preceive of their reality at this point is just that, a perception, nothing more. Who cares what shes saying on a blog, is it really how she feels, maybe...but right it's about you, and healing. You deserve to be happy.

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I would agree that reading that blog, or whatever it is wasnt the best thing, but like I have told someone else, it might have been nessesary for you.


Regardless, we are here for you. For now, I would stay away from that my friend. I KNOW if I do it, well, it wont be good put it that way. Live your life. Dont worry about hers right now.


As for her being immature, well that might be true but I know for a FACT tthat "evenually she will realize that and fall off her high horse and know the mistake she made"...


Hang in buddy



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Morning everyone,


Hope all is well with you all.


I'm having a bit of a crappy day today. Can I just say to everyone to NEVER get involved with a work colleague but if you do and it starts getting serious... find another job as soon as possible as if/ when it ends, it's horrific!


I'm not going to be able to completely move on from this until I find another job which isn't easy this time of year - I've seriously considered just quitting but that would be dumb without another job to go to.


I saw the ex on my way out of the building last night, dressed up for her department's Christmas party... Wow, she looked absolutely stunning and it ripped me up inside more than it usually does when I see her at work.


Meh, I'll be fine, just a little setback.

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Good Morning Zomb,


Sorry about your crappy day, you can be assured that the postings on this thread will increase due to the upcoming holiday as our emotions go into overdrive.


Ill be honest, I cant imagine working with my ex like you do, and I give you credit for getting though it so far.. it really shows that you have some inner strenth going for you.


I cant tell you if quiting your job is a good option, I think that if you made it this far, it might be worth it to keep going. Of coarse Im not in your shoes.


Anyway, I have a feeling we will all be getting some set-backs in the coming weeks... However, we have the support we need here to ride out the storm. Hope you have a better day my friend. Ill be thinking of you.



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Morning everybody.


The holiday hasn't hit me yet. I'm wondering how hard it will. Most Christmas's

in the last 7 years have been not so great anyway. We were always running around tring to spend way to much money. And then on Christmas we always ended up doing whatever her family was doing. It pretty much sucked actaully. The best Christmas I had was the one year I spent it with my family, and she wasn't there. I'm not going to be with my family this year

either either, but I have great friends and I will be with them.



I saw something on the news today, a few of the area churches are doing something called "room at the inn" from now until March.

The are opening their doors to shelter the homeless for the winter. I got the number off the tv today, I think I'm going to call them and see what I can do to help. I need to do something, I don't know why, I just feel like it will help.

I will buy a few gifts for family and friends, but since I'm not really in the spirit, I'm not doing a tree.

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Hey John/Zomb/Lone:


I feel for ya Zomb, I see my ex most weekends lately, because we hang out at the same place, and theres really nowhere else to go where I live thats within walking distance. Its making getting over things way more difficult...especially when he's giving me the eye......


But on that note, what about that new girl, maybe she will make you more immune to your ex?





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Lone: I can't believe my Christmas plans.... they seem pretty desparate really.


I have an ex I actually dumped 8 years ago, his family is in California, so he's alone, we have agreed to having dinner at my place.... I must be nutz...... but whatever gets me through this Xmas stuff I guess...


Bah humbug

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lol...I don't know Sandy, I could have Christmas with a few of my exes and it might be okay, some of them were very sweet people, we just weren't

right together. Keep a postive outlook...it might be better than you think.

You may not want to hit the lucky L's too hard though...lol, who knows what might happen then! (sorry couldn't resist, I owed you for the pants comment the other day anyway!)

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Thanks John/ Sandy,


John, I read your message at just the right time this afternoon, and it really picked me up.


Can't wait for the weekend to get away from this place. I'm sick of seeing her all the time despite avoiding places she's likely to be, sick of the way she stares at me when we're near each other in the office, sick of her acting like SHE'S the hurt one, sick of people bringing her up in conversations at work, sick of her friends prying into my life...


Got a busy, fun weekend planned though so I'll be fine as soon as the clock strokes 6.

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Z~I worked with my ex the first time we broke up. (She eventually was laid off, and went back to school) It sucked so bad. I could not get away from her,and I was walking on egg shells every minute of the day. For me it was very hard to even concentrate on my job. I have no good advice either.

It's just a tough place to be, try to stay away from her as much as you can

until you find something else, or she does.

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