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Come along for Losts online dating adventure!

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12 hours ago, lostandhurt said:

You would think since I am retired I would have all kinds of time on my hands but I seem to be more busy than when I was working 40 hours a week.  I often joke that if there was 3 of me I would still be busy.

But does any of those activities includes women? In a way that you can meet single women there? 

I am asking because being busy and being in a proximity of dating prospect are two different things. You mentioned "boat shows" which is a good opportunity to meet some nice Lady, some of them like those. But some of activities you do maybe are not putting you out there if you are going to meet somebody. So maybe rethink some or even join some new one. I read somewhere a while ago that dating is like a second job now. So yes, you would at least need to be on the right places to meet somebody. Do you like dancing or cooking? Both of those activities can maybe get you in the proximity of somebody nice. 

Anyway, good luck. Sorry that this online dating adventure didnt turned out better. 

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If you're willing to learn to dance, look into any venues that might offer group lessons. In my area, they offer salsa, tango, west coast swing, east coast swing, ballroom. I used to take tango and we had to switch partners about every five minutes. Same with east coast swing, which was followed by a dance with a live band.

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5 minutes ago, Andrina said:

If you're willing to learn to dance, look into any venues that might offer group lessons. In my area, they offer salsa, tango, west coast swing, east coast swing, ballroom. I used to take tango and we had to switch partners about every five minutes. Same with east coast swing, which was followed by a dance with a live band.

My friend did this and married her salsa dancing instructor about 15 years ago when she was in her late 30s and he in his late 20s!

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19 hours ago, lostandhurt said:

I do agree I need to get busy outside my normal orbit.  

Some groups and clubs may be free such as Meetup.  Classes and lessons may cost something but at least you're having fun and meeting new interesting people, whose faces aren't stuck in their phones. 

It's not like the waste of money Match turned out to be.  At least you'll get something out of it besides gimmicks and frustration.

Another benefit is if you do ever venture into online dating again having "improving my golf stroke" or "learning salsa" on your profile is a huge plus. 

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9 hours ago, Kwothe28 said:

But does any of those activities includes women? In a way that you can meet single women there? 

Yes but they are usually to young for me.  I do go to a lot of car shows which do not attract a lot of women. 

 I really don't do social media but I am sure it is the best place to find upcoming events that would attract a diverse crowd. Spring is almost here and my area does a lot of outdoor concerts, vineyards that have live music that one of my buddies band plays at.  He has asked me to help out with equipment in the past so I am going to let him know to send me the bands schedule so I can hit as many events as possible and help the band out a little too.


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3 hours ago, Andrina said:

If you're willing to learn to dance, look into any venues that might offer group lessons.

I had 2 friends go this route and they did it to meet women.  I don't recall either of them meeting anyone.  I will hit them up and ask how it was.

  Not looking to do something as a ruse to meet women though, now if it is something fun I would enjoy sure.  I am pretty sure dance lessons is lower on my list though.


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3 hours ago, lostandhurt said:

Yes but they are usually to young for me.

Agreed, this is one of the big obstacles that I’m also facing every time I go out to an event. Thankfully, the event I went to last Friday evening was a mixed bag.  From what I recall, there were people there from the 20s through 50s. My experience this time was so much better than past ones. I talked to about six different women this time. Didn’t meet anyone for a future date though. One that I was attracted to didn’t reciprocate my connection request on Meetup. However, I made a new female friend who is also into video games. She lives too far away though, and doesn’t want children.

Hopefully I’ll be able to find something to go to this week and get some more experience and exposure. Have to keep the momentum going.  

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8 hours ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

Hopefully I’ll be able to find something to go to this week and get some more experience and exposure. Have to keep the momentum going.  

That is awesome!  Glad you had as a better experience.  Where do you discover these events?


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10 hours ago, BeaTlesFan77 said:

Agreed, this is one of the big obstacles that I’m also facing every time I go out to an event. Thankfully, the event I went to last Friday evening was a mixed bag.  From what I recall, there were people there from the 20s through 50s. My experience this time was so much better than past ones. I talked to about six different women this time. Didn’t meet anyone for a future date though. One that I was attracted to didn’t reciprocate my connection request on Meetup. However, I made a new female friend who is also into video games. She lives too far away though, and doesn’t want children.

Hopefully I’ll be able to find something to go to this week and get some more experience and exposure. Have to keep the momentum going.  

Wow! 6 is a lot! Very impressive.

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3 hours ago, lostandhurt said:

That is awesome!  Glad you had as a better experience.  Where do you discover these events?


Early in the week, I always make it a point to go through different calendars to look for social events. Eventbrite, Facebook events, local city guides, and Meetup. The one from last Friday was a new Meetup group. 

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11 hours ago, boltnrun said:

Don't get a dog if you don't really want one, however. Not thinking through how much of a commitment a pet is, is a big cause of why the shelters are full to overflowing. 

I sadly had to put my beloved dog down at the start of this month.  He was only 8 years old.  Not ready to even think about looking for my next best friend.

  I will tell you this.  My dogs have always been my best wing men ever!  They were like magnets to women.


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27 minutes ago, lostandhurt said:

I sadly had to put my beloved dog down at the start of this month.  He was only 8 years old.  Not ready to even think about looking for my next best friend.

  I will tell you this.  My dogs have always been my best wing men ever!  They were like magnets to women.


I’m so sorry to hear about your dog Lost and know this is a difficult time right now. 😢

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46 minutes ago, lostandhurt said:

I used to get emails from Eventbrite but not lately.  I will definitely make a list to check frequently.

Thanks for the tip


Hopefully that helps. The way things are looking right now, I don’t think there are going to be any events to attend this week.  There was supposed to be one that was going to start up again tomorrow the 29th. However, they haven’t scheduled anything for my city.  Then the group from last Friday hasn’t announced anything for this week. Have to keep practicing, and getting experience. Don’t want to lose momentum. Might be time to look up one of those dance classes that’s been mentioned.  🤔

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21 hours ago, LootieTootie said:

I'm so sorry about your dog, Lost. 

You are so right about dogs. Especially if you get a puppy, they are chick magnets everywhere you go with the dog.

 I took my dog with me to meet some buddies at a brewery to have a few beers at the end of the summer and one of them asked me "why did you bring Jake with you?"  I just replied "you will see" 

After about 8 women came up to me and Jake in less than 20 minutes my buddy just smiled and said "I get it now"  Jake was a natural and somehow knew what was going on.  Once at an open air concert at a winery I had him off leash and Jake got up and walked past several women I wasn't interested in all by himself but  then stopped by two I thought were cute, put his nose between the two women sitting on a blanket and said hi.  They may have been very attractive on the outside but they were not dog lovers so they didn't pass that test.  

 Watched "A Dogs Purpose" the other night.  Made my allergies act up 😢


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20 hours ago, lostandhurt said:

 Watched "A Dogs Purpose" the other night.  Made my allergies act up 😢


Same. I watched it's sequel recently and my allergies wasn't flaring as much but still good. Love Dennis Quaid.

Marley and Me, Togo - both movies had me crying nonstop. When my husband and I were watching Togo, must have cried so hard and scared my older dog that he put his paw on my arm. That really opened the flood gates!


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On 3/3/2024 at 11:44 AM, LootieTootie said:

my older dog that he put his paw on my arm

I have had several dogs in my life and each one amazes me how intuitive they are with their families.  I just wish they could match our lifespan...


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So the adventure continues on POF.

 I sent a message out on Valentines evening to a 49 year old woman. That was 20 days ago and she just responded with an apology for not getting back to me as she isn't on the site that often.  The thing is she checked out my profile a couple days after I sent the message. In fact I am pretty sure she has checked my profile a few times since I sent the message.  I guess she ran out of better options 😁

  It actually doesn't surprise or bother me as I totally get it.  I will act as if she responded right away and we shall see how it goes.  I responded a moment a go and will keep an eye out for a response.

Match keeps sending me "Matches" and I can go and view profiles even though my subscription ran out.  I guess they are trying to draw me back in.  The thing is they keep sending the same ole same ole...


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