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I understand.


I think I have become so paranoid I don’t know how life will be normal for me until there is a vaccine. The covidiots should be forced to have it as well as herd immunity only really works when at least 92% of a population is immune .


I understand. I actually don't feel "paranoid" but I know I'm stressed more easily (as I see our cleaning supplies getting below a comfortable level) and I'm not out enough to see if everyone is complying but the places I go they mostly seem to be (store once or twice a week at most which I walk to, sunrise workout in the jogging oval in the park down the street).

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I understand. I actually don't feel "paranoid" but I know I'm stressed more easily (as I see our cleaning supplies getting below a comfortable level) and I'm not out enough to see if everyone is complying but the places I go they mostly seem to be (store once or twice a week at most which I walk to, sunrise workout in the jogging oval in the park down the street).

For me it’s come down to almost anybody could be a potential source of contagion. I might see them that way until there is a vaccine. For instance when I reopen my daycare is the slightest little sniffle from a kid going to be COVID-19 that doesn’t kill them but will kill me? Both my worker and I are in a very high-risk category.

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For me it’s come down to almost anybody could be a potential source of contagion. I might see them that way until there is a vaccine. For instance when I reopen my daycare is the slightest little sniffle from a kid going to be COVID-19 that doesn’t kill them but will kill me? Both my worker and I are in a very high-risk category.


Yes. If I were in your line of work I would feel exactly the same.

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How are you? In general I'm finding it challenging to balance what I need against my family's needs -basic stuff! -when our routines, our lifestyle is so drastically different. I'm not good at asking for what I need but now there's this other layer of figuring out what I do need in this kind of survival mode -survival mode some of the time. Anyone else feeling this way? I don't think the answer is martyrdom for anyone.


I have some versions of these feelings, as does my girlfriend. Reminds me of a New Yorker cartoon from around two weeks ago where the husband is standing outside an open closet, were you can see his wife's feet poking out from behind the hanging clothes. Caption is something like: "Dinner is ready if you're done with your you-time." That cracked us up.


Is your husband aware of these thoughts and feelings? I ask because, in our home, it's stuff we talk about—stuff she expresses—and that gives me some information. Small example of how that information gets computed? Two nights ago, after the kiddo was put to bed, I could kind of sense that girlfriend could use a few hours where the house was just hers—hours that, in this new paradigm, have kind of become "our time." I ducked off to another room, she had four hours to herself, come morning it was clear everyone was a bit calmer than they were the previous evening.

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Hi everyone.


I'm doing ok. Today, I'm off of work and there's not a lot to do.


I decided to surrendered to it....I feel like until there is wide scale testing available, nothing to be done. I must go with the flow...


Easier said than done... Mediation helps.... focusing on the breath, stopping the chatter in my head.


I shopped on line and sent wine to a couple of my girlfriends and a coffee cake to my parents. Give them a little surprise in the coming days.


I have some old bread to go feed the birds. Then I'll make some lunch. I have a phone date with my crush.


Hope everyone has some laughs today, maybe gets some fresh air and some exercise. Don't forget to breath, this too shall pass.



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Have to go back to work tonight...in a building with about 100 other people...worrying over small things like, I have to wear reading glasses but I can't wear them while walking around. And for obvious reasons I can't go get bifocals. So, do I remove my gloves to put them on when I need to read something on my laptop, then put my gloves back on, then when I don't need to read anymore I remove my gloves to put them back away? Stupid things I never worried about before that are taking over my life.


I have looked on the CDC and WHO websites to see if there are any actual documented cases of people getting infected from a soup can or a carton of milk or a laptop. So far all I can find is info saying the virus LIVES for a certain amount of time on surfaces but no actual info about a person getting it from a surface. They just advise to be careful.


It's so confusing and I don't know what I should be concerned about and what I shouldn't.


I'm sure a lot of people are feeling the way I am. I lean toward depression normally anyway which is why I chose to transfer back to my home state to be close to my family. But I haven't been able to move yet because I have to stay here for work training. So I am completely alone with my cat. I feel myself getting into that depressed state. I know it's not just me and I remind myself of that. That it's a LOT of people who feel the way I do, or worse.


Argh...just rambling. But not happy at all about having to work at the building for the next few weeks.

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Have to go back to work tonight...in a building with about 100 other people...worrying over small things like, I have to wear reading glasses but I can't wear them while walking around. And for obvious reasons I can't go get bifocals. So, do I remove my gloves to put them on when I need to read something on my laptop, then put my gloves back on, then when I don't need to read anymore I remove my gloves to put them back away? Stupid things I never worried about before that are taking over my life.


I have looked on the CDC and WHO websites to see if there are any actual documented cases of people getting infected from a soup can or a carton of milk or a laptop. So far all I can find is info saying the virus LIVES for a certain amount of time on surfaces but no actual info about a person getting it from a surface. They just advise to be careful.


It's so confusing and I don't know what I should be concerned about and what I shouldn't.


I'm sure a lot of people are feeling the way I am. I lean toward depression normally anyway which is why I chose to transfer back to my home state to be close to my family. But I haven't been able to move yet because I have to stay here for work training. So I am completely alone with my cat. I feel myself getting into that depressed state. I know it's not just me and I remind myself of that. That it's a LOT of people who feel the way I do, or worse.


Argh...just rambling. But not happy at all about having to work at the building for the next few weeks.

Hi bolt... sending you a hug. I saw on tv to hold your own hands together or wrap your arms around yourself and close your eyes. imagine being held or hugged...


I know it sounds hokey. I'm alone, too. The lack of human contact and lonliness are real struggles... i tried it... it helped.

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Hi bolt... sending you a hug. I saw on tv to hold your own hands together or wrap your arms around yourself and close your eyes. imagine being held or hugged...


I know it sounds hokey. I'm alone, too. The lack of human contact and lonliness are real struggles... i tried it... it helped.


Thank you Lambert. Virtual hug back at you.


I go between anxious and OK. Sometimes within a few minutes. I talk to my kitty and try to get motivated to spend time in my backyard. My current house has a really nice backyard. It's been super windy off and on so it's not always pleasant out there.


So far everything I have been super anxious about has turned out to not be as bad as I imagined. The tooth extraction wasn't that bad. Going to work a couple of weeks ago wasn't that bad. So I will remind myself of that.


Part of what I'm worried about is, they have assigned me to the overnight shift. I haven't worked overnight in two years. I have to work 7 pm to 6 am. Last time I had to do it I only made it to 3:30 am. Since I'm in training I hope they cut me some slack and let me build up to the full 11 hours.



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Thank you Lambert. Virtual hug back at you.


I go between anxious and OK. Sometimes within a few minutes. I talk to my kitty and try to get motivated to spend time in my backyard. My current house has a really nice backyard. It's been super windy off and on so it's not always pleasant out there.


So far everything I have been super anxious about has turned out to not be as bad as I imagined. The tooth extraction wasn't that bad. Going to work a couple of weeks ago wasn't that bad. So I will remind myself of that.


Part of what I'm worried about is, they have assigned me to the overnight shift. I haven't worked overnight in two years. I have to work 7 pm to 6 am. Last time I had to do it I only made it to 3:30 am. Since I'm in training I hope they cut me some slack and let me build up to the full 11 hours.



I get it. changing hours like that is very hard in happy times.


I talk to plants, tv, myself... I've been practicing my accents... lol. I sing with the radio, I make my own songs up... I'm a real character in this situation. Anything to just stay up and in the moment. i wish i had a cat so bad.


But also I try to let it out when I need to.. cry, sob or scream into pillow, rip up the junk mail before trashing.... reach out to friends- phone more, text less. laugh hard with them!


I'm sure you're gonna do fine. And if you don't, ok. these are tough times. but bad times don't last. we must save ourselves for better days.


I watched a doctor on you tube give cleaning advice and he kept saying, just do your best. And I agree with that. Its something my mom always said on test days.


Somehow, when you are doing the best you can, even if its not that great [emoji5] the universe recognizes the effort and it works out. keep the faith.


You made it through last time. you will this time!

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Only one new case in my entire state overnight.


The person was someone who had been on holiday to Bali in March. Incredibly selfish to go overseas on a holiday knowing the situation. The vast majority of cases here are linked to cruise ships or people returning from overseas. Very little community spread.


I feel incredibly lucky to be living where I live. Looks like we are managing this successfully.

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Someone who works for my company (different location in a different state from me) died of Coronavirus recently. However, that person made the decision to travel out of the country from March 7th to March 27th. The person did not report back to work after returning from their trip. Of course the news spread like crazy and people were screaming that the company is killing people! Um, no, the person decided to travel when it has been advised not to. The company did not make them sick.


Of course there are many cases in the company I work for, but that has nothing to do with the company IMO. People are getting exposed and then coming to work, most likely not even knowing they are infected. The company can't stop people from doing that when they don't even know.


And you can shut down and sterilize all you want, but what happens when you reopen a few days later and another person who is unknowingly infected comes in to work? It's just something we are all having to deal with.


I'm doing everything I can to protect myself. It's really all I can do. I got my masks, I got my gloves, I practice social distancing and I move away from anyone who tries to approach me. I believe if I do that I am minimizing my chances of being infected and it's the best I can do.


I still believe most transmissions are person to person. So, I avoid people the best I can!


Stay safe out there, everyone!

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Only one new case in my entire state overnight.


The person was someone who had been on holiday to Bali in March. Incredibly selfish to go overseas on a holiday knowing the situation. The vast majority of cases here are linked to cruise ships or people returning from overseas. Very little community spread.


I feel incredibly lucky to be living where I live. Looks like we are managing this successfully.

You guys are doing great!!

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Although I'm terrified with just the thought of it, how does anyone find the courage to go grocery shopping? Simply thinking about it makes me shaky and causing feelings of doom.


PMS-ing doesn't help the matter either.


Be well and be safe, everyone.


Mostly my husband does it but this time I did it because He just can’t seem to grasp the concept of a big shop I tried a scar four times around my face and ran around that store at record speed. Just piled things into my cart. Spent about $479. Came home and cried.

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I developed a routine. It's complicated and tedious. It involves a mask, two pair of gloves, hand sanitizer and a spray bottle of alcohol, a tray in the garage, handi wipes and Clorox bathroom spray cleaner, stripping down in the laundry room and vigorous hand washing. Also lots of wiping down. It's so exhausting! I only go once a week to get one week of food.


I live alone so it's all me. But I have been able to do it.


I wonder how we'll all be once things go back to regular routines. Will we be fearful forever? Or can we adapt and just go forward?

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Although I'm terrified with just the thought of it, how does anyone find the courage to go grocery shopping? Simply thinking about it makes me shaky and causing feelings of doom.


PMS-ing doesn't help the matter either.


Be well and be safe, everyone.

I have a few grocery stores nearby to choose from so this might not be helpful for everyone, but I judge by the parking lot and pick the least crowded store.


When I've gone into the store, I've experienced super clean stores. I can smell and see its pretty clean. The employees don't want it in their workspace... So its not like a big cesspool of sick and disease. It's actually quite pleasant, not a lot of shoppers. Everyone is staying away from each other. (my experience)


I wear my mask and gloves, take a list, keep away from the other shoppers, dont touch anything I'm not going to buy and when I get home I wipe things off with a paper towel soaked in lysol. Wash my hands etc


I did learn the CDC said its not necessary to wipe groceries off. We must wear masks while out in public and the stores are limiting the numbet of shoppers allowed in at a time.


If you go out once a week to get food, you don't use public transportation or get too close to anyone, that is infected, which, if it seems like everyone around you is following the guidelines, you're probably going to be fine.


The virus doesn't seem to be like a pollen where it's created outside and you have to combat it.

You do have germs in your home... micro organisms that live there, if the people that live there are not leaving and no new people are coming in, the massive disinfective cleaning isn't needed more than usual.


You have to come in close contact with someone that has it. Are the gloves and masks guarentees? No. And I know that is a concern but people are also living in households with a sick person, shut off in a separate room and it doesn't spread through the family.


I don't get too worried about it. When I am out, it seems everyone in my area is being cautious. I'm cautious. I do think if you're in a high risk group you should stay out of the stores. You cant be too cautious with your health, but you can follow the guidelines and do what you're comfortable with.


Just my two cents....

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