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No outside visitors here either. It's just too risky. Many couples who don't live together are just acting like it's a temporary long distance situation for now. There are other ways to connect what would S say to that idea? Would he balk?


Yes; my brother hasn’t seen his two kids who live their mom in a month or his girlfriend in a month.

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I really dont know what to expect now. I'm assuming he thought the compromise would be to spend the day with his son while we are apart.

So I wrestle with the expectation for today. I do need to go into the office, alone today. The drive back I typically go to his home.

Trying to imagine the conversation when he asks what time to expect me "so, did you and your son practice social distancing when he spent the day with you? Or do you think family members are immune to this?" (I won't say that exactly. It sounds snarky)

Recalling his sons story of a meatloaf he made for his girlfriend, his roommate and his roommates friend on Sunday. These young people all coming and going who knows where.

I don't like being in this situation

I do know as much as it breaks my heart I wouldnt hang out with my own son for the day. How do I justify this?

Saying 'see you in a month' isn't easy words to form.

And I dont think he sees it coming at all.

Not sure what hill I want to die on here.

I'll know by the end of the day. .

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I really dont know what to expect now. I'm assuming he thought the compromise would be to spend the day with his son while we are apart.

So I wrestle with the expectation for today. I do need to go into the office, alone today. The drive back I typically go to his home.

Trying to imagine the conversation when he asks what time to expect me "so, did you and your son practice social distancing when he spent the day with you? Or do you think family members are immune to this?" (I won't say that exactly. It sounds snarky)

Recalling his sons story of a meatloaf he made for his girlfriend, his roommate and his roommates friend on Sunday. These young people all coming and going who knows where.

I don't like being in this situation

I do know as much as it breaks my heart I wouldnt hang out with my own son for the day. How do I justify this?

Saying 'see you in a month' isn't easy words to form.

And I dont think he sees it coming at all.

Not sure what hill I want to die on here.

I'll know by the end of the day. .


I wouldn't interact with anyone who hadn't practiced social distancing. I had to have maintenance people in my house a few times. I know them. One at a time, they wear masks and gloves and foot coverings and stay far from me so I'm not as concerned about their outside lives (although I'm confident from what our building management tells us that they are being safe). By contrast I cancelled my cleaning people as of March 13 which is when the schools closed and our offices closed. Again that's me but I don't think S is on the same page as you and his son is certainly not practicing safe distancing and then is with S. Again just my humble opinion -I defer to you!

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So I went to training overnight last night. Social distancing is preached but not practiced or enforced (I do not count shouting "Six feet apart!" and then just walking on to be enforcement). I was supplied with masks and I wore gloves and took my lunch and breaks in a separate room from everyone else. But despite many people who work for the company complaining on social media about how the workers are not being protected, I saw a shocking number of gloveless, mask-less people not practicing social distancing. Protocols are set into place but half the people are not following them. And I bet those people will the first to try to sue if they become sick.


Good news is I was able to practice my own social distancing and didn't join in on the blatant disregard taking place. I just wish management was more insistent on the employees following it.


Snny, best wishes for a quick and full recovery for your family members.

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So I told him how I felt and he said he understood. Adding that he wished I had an iphone then we could face time. That's it.

I sat silently, starting to cry. I told him I'd call him back later.


It's such a mixed bag of emotions. I would never dream of expecting someone to make a choice where their child is concerned. But I'd be lying if I didn't admit I felt he made a choice and it wasn't me. The more rational part of me knows he didn't see it that way. But i am not feeling very rational today.


So from here on we both sit home alone. His son will visit but his girlfriend and work will be his priority. I don't want him to feel guilty but there's that part of me that sees this as - I can go a few weeks without seeing my kids. But to make a choice that would alienate my partner, my number one support system right now doesn't seem right. But that's how I see it. I get just because it's how I see it, doesn't make it right.


I don't think he really thought I would take this stand. it certainly doesn't feel good.


This is hard enough as it is. The isolation now just makes it almost unbearable.

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We're now being advised to keep cats in, as the virus can be carried on fur.. one cat will be hanging from the window whining and attacking other, and one cat will be scratching at the back door whining. Only worried about the one who will hang from window as he's taken to curling up on the neighbor's bed 🤣

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How is everyone doing today? With us everything is on the bus off the bus. They tell hubby to come into work he gets there and they send him home.


Thank you for asking! Sorry about all the back and forth -frustrating! Doing ok -we had an almost comical mess up of a zoom/PS4 meeting between my son and one of my best friend's sons in another time zone - they were both really patient about it and at least chatted some -and I chatted with my friend who I first met in the winter of 1981!

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Thank you for asking! Sorry about all the back and forth -frustrating! Doing ok -we had an almost comical mess up of a zoom/PS4 meeting between my son and one of my best friend's sons in another time zone - they were both really patient about it and at least chatted some -and I chatted with my friend who I first met in the winter of 1981!

That is good !! We are supposed to have our crochet meetings via Zoom.

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update: After a pretty much silent night, I called him this morning. We spoke for about an hour. It just got more complicated.


S's son is in his 30's. He's a nice young man, a little edgy, alcohol is serious issue for him. His mother ended up being a drug addict when he was little and left. S raised his son alone and mom popped in and out of the boys life and basically messed with his head and stole from him. He hasn't had a relationship with her for 12 years.


The scars are hugely apparent. He can't keep a relationship, he can be very volatile, drinks heavily and is depressive. He just lost his maternal grandfather last week, which opened the door for brief communication with his mom. Now the flood gates are open. In turn he got in a huge fight with his girlfriend Sunday and she broke up with him.


I've seen him this state before, after his last break up over a year ago. It's concerning, to say the least. His father is justifiably concerned for him. So there isn't anyway S will distance him from his son at this time. I get it.


one day at time right now.

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Yes. S has to prioritize his son -I can see that -so maybe -I am trying not to "interfere" it's time for him, for now to prioritize his family and tell him you two will reconnect in person when this covid chaos passes? sorry about this situation.

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What I'm finding challenging is the new role of doing so much more of the behind the scenes work (which I did also when I was home full time for 7 years) - I think I have it better than many women (mostly women) in this role but I hate the wanting to announce "what I do is work too!!" It's fair -I work part time -husband is so busy at work and is helping a lot with the child - online learning stuff, new sleeping issues (covid and allergy related!) but for example - now I'm in charge of a lot more meal prep/cooking. So husband sends an email about a work schedule change which affects when/how I serve lunch today. He doesn't bother to actually tell me this morning at any time and of course like many parents I didn't have time to check email last night because of cleaning up, etc. To him it's no big deal. Because he doesn't get how we schedule when we're going to clean, when we're going to cook, do laundry -and even a 45 minute change in a mealtime can throw that off. Just like with "work work". I'm not mad at him -not even "very" frustrated -just giving an example. I do tell him and he tries to listen but I don't think he really gets why it's a "deal" at all. In other household situations he is somewhat better.

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