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My anxiety is up again today. The patients I care for are on ventilators long term. There is talk about the possible redeployment of ventilators in my area in an emergency. You get my drift - I feel f_ing sick about it.


It's going to be terrible in the US because people are myopic and selfish. People just can't stop going to social gatherings or touching their damn faces and here we are.


My dad is in healthcare, retired, and may get redeployed. I am scared! I was told that they will try to use him in non covid situations to free up younger people to go work with covid but who the hell knows.


Anxiety is really up today.

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Sorry about that stress, Sherry.


I've never liked FB much, partly for those reasons, though for what it's worth, like Batya, I've seen plenty of kindness in my feed. A chef friend, who I'm sure will be broke after this, is offering free recipes to anyone who messages her with whatever they grabbed from the grocery store. Just an example. I've kind of trained my mind to give weight to those, and discard the noise.


Personally, I am very concerned about the economics of all this. That's not to downplay the immediate health concerns—not at all—but just to say that I am worried. In general. And for myself. I read an article about how different countries deal with lost wages—how a waiter in the Netherlands, for instance, is ensured that the govt will supply 90 percent of lost wages. Not the case in the US, of course, and I can't help but think that lack of security is behind some of the selfish and myopic responses to this, per Fudgie's post.


Deep breaths, everyone.

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My anxiety is up again today. The patients I care for are on ventilators long term. There is talk about the possible redeployment of ventilators in my area in an emergency. You get my drift - I feel f_ing sick about it.


It's going to be terrible in the US because people are myopic and selfish. People just can't stop going to social gatherings or touching their damn faces and here we are.


My dad is in healthcare, retired, and may get redeployed. I am scared! I was told that they will try to use him in non covid situations to free up younger people to go work with covid but who the hell knows.


Anxiety is really up today.


I am sorry. :(

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I agree - in the US, we have very few security nets. I am still really frustrated though because in my state/area, there is a LOT of emergency help. For example, my state put a moratorium on evictions and the like. If you can't pay your rent, you can't be evicted now. There is free cable internet for all of those who can't afford to get it at this time, to help them keep in contact. Also, ALL utilities stay on - heat, electric, water, everything - the state made it so in this time, you can't have it shut off if you can't pay. Don't forget the loads of food banks and most of the schools here are giving away a couple hot meals every single day to kids/families.


I sympathize with people who are hurting financially right now but at the same time, in my area, you can get by with the basics and not lose your shelter/food/utilities and you don't have to pay a DIME. You won't lose ANYTHING. You don't even have to dig into your savings. Hell, use your savings to get a monthly streaming service so you can sit at home.


I'm so upset and frustrated today. Some horrible things are going to happen and in short order. Trust me, there is going to be a massive surge of sick people and they won't be able to get the care they need and the bodies are going to pile up, just like in Italy. I have a grave feeling that in my position, I'm going to see some really horrible things and I am not sure if I can handle it mentally. I've seen terrible things in healthcare but not in this scale, people dying in droves.

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I need no judgment support. My sons summer camp is doing daily online activities via zoom. I am so grateful. We logged on today. Today was a science activity. But they wanted me to give him vinegar and soap. And cups and pennies. Fine for the cups and pennies but he knows we’re trying to conserve cleaning supplies because of shortages and wanting to limit shopping. No one is delivering those items right now.


So we told the teacher and she said fine just observe. But I’ve been saying no to lots of things of course because of the virus and our stay at home order. Duh. Of course he can just observe and I totally understood why he felt left out and less motivated just to watch while apparently other kids had the supplies to participate.


I emailed them and they sort of get it and sort of don’t. These are free activities (except we’ve already paid up quite a bit of camp tuition for the summer ). I didn’t need this added stress today. Had I known in advance we’d need my cleaning supplies I wouldn’t have done it or at least asked him if he just wanted to watch.


I had him listen again to the 4 minute audio for kids prepared by our public radio station to help kids understand coronavirus and lessen worries. Thanks for listening. And of course first world issues. Been a really really hard day having him at home.

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The reality is, the burden of the coronavirus is on healthcare workers. The rest of us isolate at home which is just uncomfortable but not dangerous. Healthcare staff are on the front lines, risking their lives even if they are young. It seems the virus doesn't discriminate that much as it was believed at first, there are many healthy young people who got infected and died/almost died.


Fudgie, we thank you for doing your work. You could quit but you didn't. Hopefully things won't get as serious as in Italy and Spain because there it is way out of hand. I was reading about the Spanish flu (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_flu), it seems we are going down this path.

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Batya - I'm with you. I think the idea of asking you to use/provide vinegar and soap for an online project is just crap. It's tone-deaf. With what is going on, I think it's utterly inappropriate to ask people to use up supplies like that for entertainment purposes.


dias - to be honest, everyday I want to quit. I don't because...well, I can't. This is my livelihood. I positioned myself well for further schooling. I can't walk away now because it will have consequences on the rest of my life/career. I'll be honest, if I were married with a husband who made good money and I could stay home, I would have left and stayed home with everyone else. And, I don't know, maybe I'd feel bad, it's hard to say. I'm definitely no hero here. I am reluctantly going to work.



This is absolutely the Spanish Flu all over again. And so many people don't care/take it seriously.

I am not taking care of COVID patients (yet?? Oh god) but my patient load/acuity has gone up with this crisis and my patients are very vulnerable. We are doing all we can to make sure we don't bring the virus instead of the facility. I wear a mask everyday for 12+ hrs. I also have some homemade PPE.

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Batya - I'm with you. I think the idea of asking you to use/provide vinegar and soap for an online project is just crap. It's tone-deaf. With what is going on, I think it's utterly inappropriate to ask people to use up supplies like that for entertainment purposes.


dias - to be honest, everyday I want to quit. I don't because...well, I can't. This is my livelihood. I positioned myself well for further schooling. I can't walk away now because it will have consequences on the rest of my life/career. I'll be honest, if I were married with a husband who made good money and I could stay home, I would have left and stayed home with everyone else. And, I don't know, maybe I'd feel bad, it's hard to say. I'm definitely no hero here. I am reluctantly going to work.



This is absolutely the Spanish Flu all over again. And so many people don't care/take it seriously.

I am not taking care of COVID patients (yet?? Oh god) but my patient load/acuity has gone up with this crisis and my patients are very vulnerable. We are doing all we can to make sure we don't bring the virus instead of the facility. I wear a mask everyday for 12+ hrs. I also have some homemade PPE.


From the bottom of our collective hearts we thank you for all. I am so sorry this is happening to you.


My husband also used the exact phrase "tone deaf"!



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Hi guys, thought this might be of interest 😎. Also, my son is just about fully recovered and I only have seven days of incubation period/quarantine remaining. Feeling like the chances of me and my daughter being symptomatic go way down every day now! Peace out, Girlscouts ✌🏻




Fantastic news -so glad to hear about your son

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